Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 364 Fat Sheep

January 7, 546, three o'clock in the morning.

Spirit World Princess Town, Apartment Area.

Carlin and Miss One-Ear had just had a heated and in-depth exchange.

Elena lazily put on her pants, looked at Karin who was lying on the bed and asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"You make me so sad. Can't I just come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Miss One-Ear sneered and said, "You just told me yesterday that you would focus on your alchemy workshop for a period of time in the future, but now that you have less than twenty hours, you have taken the initiative to come to me. "

Carlin had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender.

"Well, I do have something to do with you, but it's just a good thing."

"Oh, I don't believe it. Tell me, what is it?"

Karin shook his head and said slowly: "I have discovered a group of fat sheep a long time ago, but I didn't have time to pay attention to them, so I left them to you."

After hearing this, Miss One-Ear said with a smile: "Who do you think I am, who can't help but grab good things when I see them? Besides, it must be very troublesome for fat sheep that you don't even pay attention to." "

"Oh, I really don't have time to pay attention to it this time," Karin sighed, "Have you heard of the Nord Brotherhood?"

"Of course I've heard of it. A group of wild extraordinary beings formed a mutual aid organization. I don't know what kind of bad luck they had. They were able to make friends with an alchemist master, allowing them to seize this opportunity to develop and grow rapidly. Now it is spread throughout Princess Town. They all have a small reputation."

"Well, that master alchemist is me."

Miss One Ear was stunned for a moment, and her face immediately became suspicious again.

"Do you want to take action against them? I advise you not to do this. It will easily lead to a bad reputation."

Karin sneered: "Does the Shadow Brigade still have a good reputation? Besides, the Nord Brotherhood is organized by the lurking Clear Space Cult."

"That's it." Elena suddenly realized.

She didn't doubt whether Carlin's information was accurate, and just asked: "What about you, why don't you do it yourself?"

"I still have to build an alchemy workshop, so I don't have time to pay attention to them. I believe these fat sheep must be very rich. I only need 50% of the spoils. Please help me exchange them for the things on the list."

After speaking, Karin handed her a list.

After Miss One-Ear took it and looked at it for a few times, her face suddenly became confused again. On the list were spiritual gold coins, spiritual food, rare metals, energy stones, and equipment that could shield pollution and move freely in the black earth.

Everything else was fine. Elena only thought that Karin was hoarding a lot of supplies to prepare for seclusion, but the extraordinary equipment to shield against pollution left her confused.

"What do you want these for?"

Karin said casually: "I have something to do and I have to enter an unknown area in the spiritual world."

After hearing this, Elena nodded and stopped asking further questions. Instead, she said: "I will tell Prince Philip about this and work with him to capture the group of Clear Space Cultists. I will notify you when I succeed."

Carlin had no objection to this and directly agreed. He didn't have to worry about how Elena persuaded Prince Philip to cooperate. He could just wait to collect the money.

After saying goodbye casually, Elena's figure disappeared into the banyan tree space.

In the virtual Kingdom of God, the construction of the alchemy workshop is in full swing.

Karin thought for a moment and realized that the [Holy Spirit] could not enter for the time being, so he directly chose to enter the [Witch King] to research the poison to treat vitiligo first.

Although it is speculated that several important figures who have not joined the new home camp on the 1st of the Ice Car calendar have a cure for white skin disease, this can be regarded as an insurance.

The scene in front of him changed. Karin came to the White Tower Academy dormitory with a space backpack on his back.

As soon as he landed, he released his entire family.

Soon all the deputy puppets and marionettes poured out of the dormitory building like a tide and rushed towards the center of the college.

Along the way, all the faceless apprentices and faceless swordsmen were crushed without any power to fight back. In the end, even Raymond did not escape the fate of being killed instantly.

Jerry was overwhelming, and Raymond, who was only a trainee for the time being, was crushed into a puddle of flesh.

After casually disposing of Raymond's body, Carlin took the marionette and deputy puppets back to the Virtual Kingdom of God.

All the puppets continued to be assigned by him to build the alchemy workshop, and he began to research spiritual poisons for white skin tumors, with marionettes serving as his assistants to assist him.

The poison must increase its destructive power against white tumors while reducing its lethality to the patient.

This is not a difficult problem for Carlin. He has already had a clear idea before, but the time between illness and death of vitiligo is too short, and he does not have time to study it slowly.

Now that he has left the [Holy Spirit], he has enough time to study.

Just when Carlin was obsessed with alchemy in [Witch King] and couldn't extricate himself, Elena went directly to Prince Philip.

"Your Highness, I have received reliable information that there is a group of Clearance cultists lurking within the Nord Brotherhood."

Prince Philip was startled by Miss One-Ear's words.

"you sure?"

"I'm very sure that it was Carlin who told me. He couldn't have lied to me."

Prince Philip gave up his doubts when he heard that it was Carlin's information, and his eyes immediately lit up.

Some of the Clear Space cultists around Ninth Prince Seremilin were controlled and imprisoned.

Although he has stepped up the interrogation, these guys are not generally tough-mouthed. No matter what method they use, they remain silent. If they had not sealed the other party's spirituality, they might have committed suicide long ago.

They have always known very little about the Clear Space Cultists, and this is an excellent opportunity to get a lot of information.

Moreover, Philip still has the last glimmer of hope for the ninth prince Serimilin, hoping to find a way to restore him to normal.

If we could figure out some details of the Awakening Ceremony of the Jingkong Cultists, it would be of great help in saving Serimilin.

After seeing Philip's expression, Elena struck while the iron was hot and said: "Your Highness, I hope that the Rangers will also join in this operation, and the spoils will be divided 50-50."

After hearing this, Philip readily agreed: "Yes, but everyone in the Jingkong Empire is a group of lunatics who are not afraid of death. Their actions must be secretive and they must not alert others."

Soon, the two of them discussed a plan of action.

They will not immediately arrest the Jingkong cultists. Although they have absolute strength, they might just commit suicide in order not to be captured.

Two hours later, a dozen spies disguised as wild supernatural beings came to the Nord Brotherhood's residence and asked to join.

The whole process was smooth sailing, and the Nord Brotherhood accepted these new members directly.

Now there are wild extraordinary beings asking to join every day, and they don't feel anything wrong.

Prince Philip and Elena decided to let these spies lurk among them to slowly collect intelligence, and then launch a thunderous strike when everything was ready.

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