Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 374 Similar

Amiya was stunned when she heard the word 'faceless man', which reminded her of the faceless apprentices and faceless swordsmen in White Tower Academy.

The Faceless Man is a dependent of the breeder. Not only is the meat delicious, but most of the organs in the body are usable resources. The best thing is that the corpse is very convenient to dispose of and there is almost no pollution. It can be regarded as a very cost-effective evil.

Many supernatural beings are keen to go to the spirit world to hunt the faceless men.

However, if the strength is insufficient, the relationship between the prey and the hunter will be reversed in an instant.

The faceless man here can bring about the end of Winter Home, which means that he is definitely not of the level of the faceless swordsman.

Looking at the incoherent woman, Amiya dialed the [spiritual thread] wrapped around her soul and slowly comforted her, and the panic in the woman's heart was gradually calmed down.

The condition of the woman who survived the disaster looked very bad. Not only were her clothes torn, but there were also hideous wounds on her exposed skin.

Thanks to the icy environment of minus ten degrees Celsius, the wound stopped bleeding quickly, but the pollution spirit lingering around the wound made the surrounding area turn black and purple.

Amiya asked quickly: "Tell me, what happened in Winter House?"

"It's a cultist. Those nobles are crazy. We kindly took them in. These bastards dared to collude with the cultists in order to seize power. Most of the population of Winter House has been transformed into faceless men!"

The woman's lips trembled, her eyes gradually turned white, and she was about to die.

Amiya soon realized that the person in charge of the Winter House was not the Wellington noble. She quickly continued to ask: "What about the current situation? How many survivors are there?"

"I don't know. Everything happened so suddenly. The leader only had time to deploy a defensive barrier to protect the energy tower. I don't know how many are left alive."

At this point, the woman suddenly coughed violently, vomiting a large amount of black blood in her mouth, and her arms hung down weakly.

Looking at the lifeless woman, Amiya shook her head and prepared to move on, but at this moment, the woman's body suddenly became deformed.

The wound healed quickly, the skin became transparent, the bright red muscles were completely exposed, the palms turned into sharp claws, and the facial features began to disappear one by one, until only a mouth filled with tiny fangs remained.

After this new professional-level Faceless Man came to life again, he lay on the ground on all fours like a beast, and his mouth kept moving, as if he was chewing something.

After sensing Amiya's presence, it quickly rushed to the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the faceless man did not attack Amiya, but pressed his face against her body to sense something.

Amiya stood quietly watching its movements.

The Faceless Man sniffed for a long time like a dog, and finally emitted a wave of mental fluctuations containing doubts, as if he was very strange about Amiya's existence.


The Faceless Man let out a scream, ignored Amiya and ran towards the Winter Home, disappearing after a while.

Amiya looked at the faceless man who did not attack her and felt thoughtful for a while.

‘Are you treating me as the same person? ’

When Karin was in contact with the level, he integrated "Dance of the Hunt", a secret biography from the Faceless Swordsman.

When the [Resurrection] ceremony in Wayne City was launched, he could move freely in the blood mist without any danger by relying on this secret message.

But now that Amiya saw the Faceless Man ignoring her, her first reaction was to guess the reason for the "Dance of the Hunt".

Shaking her head to put away the distracting thoughts in her heart, Amiya continued to move towards the Winter Home, and she entered the Winter Home in less than five minutes.

After entering, the place was in a mess, with collapsed houses everywhere, and beasts with faceless men lying on the ground gnawing at the spiritual food and extraordinary materials scattered on the ground.

When she, a stranger, entered the city, the other faceless men just looked at her in confusion and ignored her.

Amiya is also observing these faceless men who are different from the faceless swordsmen.

Compared to the Faceless Swordsman who still retains some human habits, the professional-level Faceless Swordsman is a complete beast, and there is an extra mouth on his smooth face.

And Amiya also sensed more than twenty tutor-level faceless men. Not only were their limbs stronger than professional-level faceless men, but they also had a pair of big black eyes.

While observing, Amiya was also quickly approaching the energy tower, and as the distance became closer and closer, the number of faceless men she saw gradually became sparse.

She finally stopped when she came to the edge of a blue ice barrier.

Except for a dozen faceless men who were completely frozen into ice sculptures in the ice barrier, there were no faceless men nearby. Obviously the ice barrier was not a Xibei product.

With the energy tower as the center, the surrounding area is a safe area of ​​300 meters. Enemies will be frozen into ice blocks after entering.

Amiya looked inside the barrier and saw figures looking at her in confusion, as if they didn't understand why the Faceless Men didn't attack the girl.

"I'm a human, can you let me in?"

The crisp sound instantly caused an explosion in the barrier. Amiya saw a group of people arguing fiercely about whether she should be allowed in, but after arguing for a long time, there was still no result.

Shaking her head, Amiya turned around and left, returning to the area where the Faceless Men were densely packed.

She understood very well the concerns of the survivors of Winter House, which were that she was a powerful evil being disguised as a human being.

Amia turned to counting the number of faceless men in Winter House.

According to rough statistics, the number exceeds 5,000. Except for more than 20 tutor levels, the others are all professional levels.

After measuring the strength gap between herself and the Faceless Man, Amiya felt that in this situation it would be better to summon the legendary powerhouse.

In the virtual kingdom of God, a stream of light flew out from the bronze door and instantly integrated into Amiya's body.

The next moment, Amiya transformed into the image of the evil spirit Raymond. Gray fog began to fill the wind and snow, and the terrifying aura oppressed all the evil creatures and supernatural beings in the Winter House.

But she didn't know that her sudden transformation would frighten the survivors in the ice barrier.

In the control center on the top of the energy tower, a young man stood barefoot in the center of the control circle.

The young man's face was delicate and soft, but a ferocious green tattoo on the left side of his face ruined this beauty.

His hands and feet looked as slender as a girl's, while his skin color was unusually pale.

At this time, the brows that were bunched up due to his depression added a lot to the young man's appearance, highlighting a sickly melancholy like Sister Lin.

After seeing Amiya transform into the evil spirit Raymond on the screen, the boy sighed in despair: "Legendary evil spirit, Winter Home is completely finished!"

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