Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 388 Life Money

After seeing his father finally becoming serious, little Jisori shouted excitedly: "Yes! It's that mirror! Maybe Master Yolin can repair that mirror!"

Jissen's expression changed and he scolded sternly: "I've told you so many times, why are you still so naive!

Although Master Yuolin is very easy-going, can you guarantee that he will not be tempted after seeing it? "

Little Jissen immediately shrugged and accepted the punishment obediently.

Thorne, who had returned to the cabin, suddenly smiled. The whole ship was not big, and the cabin was only twenty or thirty meters away from the restaurant.

The conversation between father and son could not hide his powerful perception at all.

However, after Jissen revealed a powerful extraordinary item in his possession, Karin did not harbor any evil intentions.

It's just a mirror that seems to have been handed down from the Second Era. It may be very powerful, but for him it's just the icing on the cake.

If it were something that could make him instantly become a god, he would grab it immediately without saying a word.

This episode did not disturb Thorne's daily life on the Blue Bird.

Since then, little Gissen has been actively asking Thorne for alchemy knowledge every day. Apart from occasionally going out of the cabin to get some fresh air, his life has been quite fulfilling.

In the virtual Kingdom of God, the first phase of the alchemy workshop was finally completed. The brand-new extraordinary machines in the three workshops were a pleasure to Kalin's eyes.

But this is just the beginning. After the first phase of the prototype of the alchemy workshop is completed, he can already start producing steam cores in small batches at this stage.

In addition, he can also start mass production of various infantry weapons of the Skryre clan such as dimensional crushers, dimensional lift guns, poisonous wind mortars, and rat lings.

After completing the first phase, Carlin started the second phase of the project non-stop. In this phase, not only will the alchemy workshop be expanded, but the bloodline laboratory will also officially start construction.

Carlin had saved enough resources for the construction of these two places on the Princess Carmen, but the construction period may be a bit long. It will take about a year and a half to reach the level in [Holy Spirit].

But he was not in a hurry, he had plenty of time anyway.

In this way, Thorne, who only wanted to show off to others as Master Yulin, was completely free and just spent his days leisurely on the Blue Bird.

The Blue Bird's plan is to reach the Emerald Island in ten days, passing by two smaller islands for a short stop to ship goods.

I will also tell Thorne some experiences about the Broken Sea with Yoshimori and Xiaojisori.

Overall, there is no lack of soil for pirates to survive here, but the Broken Sea still has a relatively orderly environment.

Surrounding various fixed islands, more than a thousand fixed islands are divided into three major categories, Pirate Port, Free Port and Order Port.

The Pirate Port only accepts pirates, while the Free Port accepts both meat and vegetables. Anyone who does not commit any crime on the territory will be accepted.

The Port of Order is a large trading port that is strictly prohibited from accepting all types of wanted criminals and pirates.

Within the radiation range of the first two, pirates generally do not commit crimes, because these two types of islands are where they sell their stolen goods.

The Port of Order is the coveted target of all pirates.

Emerald Island is a free port located in an area just adjacent to the White Snake Sea.

Basically, pirates who travel between the White Snake Sea and the Broken Sea will stop here, either to rest and replenish supplies or to sell stolen goods.

Thorne spent the first and second days leisurely like this.

On the morning of the third day, when he came to the deck to get some air, he saw the outline of an island in the distance.

‘There are no fixed islands near this area on the map, so is this an island? ’

Out of curiosity, Thorne put on his goggles, and soon the coast of this island was clearly displayed before his eyes.

The interior of the island looks like a jungle with dense vegetation, while the seawater on the coast is constantly hitting the white sandy beach.

The branches of the coconut trees are swaying in the sea breeze, and there are big crabs under the trees with their big pincers waiting for the coconuts to fall.

At first glance, this is an ordinary island. Anyway, Thorne can't tell the difference between the island and the fixed island for the time being.

As Thorne's perspective moved, a stranded sailboat wreckage on the beach and a dozen ragged transcendents came into his sight.

This group of extraordinary people also saw the Blue Bird, waving their hands wildly and shouting, because they were too far away and Thorne couldn't hear what they were shouting.

Suddenly one of the extraordinary men took out a revolver and fired a shot into the sky.

call out--

A signal bomb suddenly exploded in the air.

The sailors on the observation deck also saw this scene and shouted loudly.

"Captain, someone is trapped on that debris island. Do we need to rescue him?"

This is not because he has good intentions, this is the established rule of the Broken Sea.

If a ship is found passing by after being stranded on a desert island, the ship owner usually has to pay a sum of money to buy his life.

If you want to board the boat, you can, but you have to pay.

As for the price, which is a bit expensive, ten spiritual gold coins per person, but this is the market price recognized by the entire Broken Sea. Compared with this amount of money, it is already a huge profit for me to survive.

This is also because pirates often disguise themselves as castaways for fishing. When the ship approaches, a bunch of pirates hiding in the dark will suddenly come out. This is how many kind-hearted ship owners lose their lives.

As time goes by, fewer and fewer people are willing to rescue the victims, so the rule of paying money for life has come into being, and everyone agrees with this rule.

After all, in the Broken Sea, who can guarantee that they will never survive on an island for the rest of their lives?

Gissen, who happened to be on the deck, quickly picked up the telescope and looked at it. After looking at it for a while, he put down the telescope.

There was a moment of hesitation on his face. If he was saved, he would receive more than a hundred spiritual gold coins.

The current market price in the Broken Sea is three hundred gold pounds per spiritual gold coin, which is more than five thousand gold pounds!

The estimated profit from his purchase of this trip was only fifty thousand gold pounds, which was now one-tenth of that from this trip.

But what if pirates are fishing?

In the end, he couldn't resist the temptation of huge benefits and came to Thorne with an expression on his face that he was hesitant to speak.

He wanted to rely on Thorne, but he was afraid that the other party would feel that he was taking advantage of him.

After seeing him, Thorne understood what the other party meant, and immediately felt that this guy knew how to be a good person. He knew to ask himself first, and he would not embarrass Gissen.

"Don't worry, with me here, it will be easy to deal with ordinary pirate groups."

After Thorne's assurance, Jissen also showed a hint of joy on his face.

"Thank you, Master Yulin. We will split the life money half and half."

Then he shouted directly to the helmsman: "Turn! To the shore!"

After the Bluebird gradually approached the island, more than a dozen of the victims finally cried with joy.

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