Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 395 Wade Klinsmann

Chapter 395 Wade Klinsmann

"Who sent you?"

"My lord, it's the captain of the city gate team, Geese! Yes, it was all forced by that bastard, and he also provided the barrier, so we have to do the same!"

The gang leader looked arrogant just now, but now his expression was pale. After realizing that he might have provoked a terrifying existence, his heart felt cold.

No matter what Carlin asked, he said it like he was pouring beans.

"That guy Guise relies on his cousin to work in the lord's mansion. He usually does this kind of murder of outsiders. We..."

However, before he could finish his words, the spiritual plants planted by Carlin suddenly grew wildly again.

Puff puff--

Waves of blood mist rose up, absorbing the sinful blood. Flowers bloomed and the mirror barrier shattered.

Only the boy who had stolen the miko's wallet was left, looking in horror as his companions' flesh and blood were drained away and turned into nourishment for the flowers.

Karin walked up to him and said, "Bring me a message to Giss and say that I will go find him."

After saying that, he ignored the boy's expression and left the alley with the miko.

Karin and the witch walked out of the alley like nothing happened.

After booking a room at the hotel they had just chosen, the two of them continued walking around the streets as if they were really traveling here.

In the alley, the spiritually condensed plants gradually dissipated, leaving only scattered and mottled blood on the ground.

The young man who finally got out of trouble didn't want to stay here any longer. He rolled out of the alley and ran towards the city gate.

Soon, Geese in the city gate tower received the news, and his expression changed drastically in an instant. Although he was not a good guy, he was not stupid.

Although the level of the Mirror Return Barrier he handed over to those gangsters was very low, it could not be broken by ordinary professional levels in a short time.

But from the young man's mouth, he learned that the man named Yuolin had broken the Mirror Return Barrier in an instant, and he knew very well what this meant.

No matter who Yolin is, he is not someone he can afford to offend.

Thinking of this, he quickly said to the soldiers around him: "When the guard comes later, he will tell me that I am going to find my brother!"

"But, Captain"

"But damn, it's okay at this time!"

Giss cursed and left the tower, and arrived in front of the lord's mansion on the top of the mountain as quickly as possible.

ten minutes later.


After hearing what happened, a burly middle-aged man raised his hand and slapped him to the ground, causing several of his teeth to fall out.

"Asshole, you know how to cause trouble all day long!

How many times have I told you that it’s best not to do this kind of thing, but now it’s okay, you’ve finally offended someone you can’t afford to offend! "

Gis didn't care about anything else. He rolled around in embarrassment and hugged his cousin's thigh. He cried heartbreakingly: "Brother Remit, you have to save me! That guy must be the one who makes people talk." Prepare to take revenge on me!"

Remit kicked Guis away. Most of the anger in his heart was vented by the slap, and then he started to ask about Carlin's identity. "who's that person?"

Giss immediately got up from the ground with a grunt, and his expression was filled with joy. Since the other party asked, he showed that he was willing to help him this time.

"I don't know who they are. I only know that the woman is Lolita and the man is Yolin."

Remit's eyes narrowed when he heard the name Yolin, and he gathered an image and asked, "Does he look like this?"

"Yes, yes, that's him!"

Jisun was stunned for a moment, and then asked doubtfully: "Brother, do you know him?"

After hearing the other party's confirmation, Remit resisted the urge to beat him up and tried to keep his tone calm.

"This matter is a bit tricky. I will report to the young master first. You stay here and wait for my news!"

Jisi felt a chill in his heart.

"You will stay here with me during this period. Remember, no matter what happens, you must not leave the Lord's Mansion!"

Remit just gave him instructions and left the room.

After seeing his cousin leave, Geese was distraught for a while. This time he made people and even his cousin feel very troublesome, so he could only temporarily stay in the lord's mansion to avoid the limelight.

Half an hour later, just when Keith was filled with regret, Remit returned with a calm expression.

Gis asked eagerly: "Cousin, how are you? What did the young master say?"

"The young master said he can help you solve it, but he needs some compensation."


Jis took a breath and was extremely shocked: 'Who is that Yolin? Even the young master said he wanted to make compensation? ’

He was shocked and relieved in his heart, but he didn't notice that Remit looked at him like he was looking at a dead person.

Six hours later, the sky gradually darkened.

The two Carlins were dining in a high-end restaurant.

While enjoying the meal, I began to mutter in my heart: "According to the script, you should come to me soon."

His script is very simple and crude, relying on Geese to let the lord's palace know that the alchemist Yolin has come to the Emerald Island.

A wild alchemist master, I believe that Dodo Rosa will not let him go, and will take him under his command, whether soft or hard.

By then, Carlin would have sneaked into the lord's mansion, allowing him to further gather information.

On the 21st of next month, Dodo Rosa will replace Henry and be promoted to Demigod. The loyal Sass will definitely come to stop him when he learns the news.

The Princess Carmen will also take advantage of this great opportunity to unplug Sars, the nail entrenched in the White Snake Sea.

If everything goes well, Sass falls and Dodorosa is promoted to demigod, then it will be very easy to clean up the White Snake Sea and open up a golden route.

The whole thing didn't seem complicated, and Karin didn't think much about it at first.

But since he learned that Henry had been successfully resurrected and returned, he knew that things had become complicated.

Now Princess Carmen, Dodo Rosa, and Sass are standing on the stage, while Henry, the White Snake Pirate King, is still hiding under the stage. It is not impossible that there are others secretly involved.

What Carlin lacks now is information. The situation is so confusing that he doesn't even have a clue.

And Karin didn't want to waste the opportunity to summon the gods.

He could still decide which was more important, a cup of youthful water or an opportunity to summon the gods.

After all, summoning the gods is only his last resort. Unless he has to, he will not waste his only free summoning opportunity on this operation, even if he cannot obtain the fountain of youth.

As for gathering information, it is of course more convenient to enter the interior of the Emerald Isle Lord.

While Karin was thinking, a group of people happened to enter the restaurant. Upon seeing the guests who were dining, they immediately left their half-eaten dinner and stood up to leave.

Unknowingly, there were fewer and fewer guests, and Karin also showed a puzzled expression at the right time, stood up, and made a gesture to leave.

At this moment, a handsome young man with slightly curly hair, a tall figure, and a straight blue uniform came across from Karin and looked straight at Karin.

"Master Yolin, I have long admired your name. I am Wade Klinsmann, the pirate colonel of the Emerald Isle. Please don't mind interrupting me."

Among all the pirates, only the demi-temple can call himself the Pirate King, and the legendary strongman can only call himself a general and dare not go beyond that.

As for pirates below the level of legend, no one dares to call himself a general. At most, they can only give themselves the title of colonel.

Wade, who was sitting opposite Carlin, was like this. Even though he was Dodo Rosa's son, he didn't dare to go beyond the unspoken rules agreed upon by the pirates.

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