Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 398 Watering

Wade's eyes brightened even more after hearing this. What limited the Emerald Island's military power was the production of B-class steam cores. There were only three of them a year, which was only enough to manufacture three steam battleships.

Dodorosa actually has the ability to rub the B-level steam core by hand, but he, a legendary strongman, cannot rub the steam core all day long.

Master Yuolin can build a B-level steam core in forty days purely by hand. With the help of the alchemy workshop, the production speed will be even higher.

Emerald Island's warship production capacity is spiraling upwards.

Even though Emerald Island’s current military strength is sufficient and it doesn’t need so many battleships, it can still take out food!

The arms business is about huge profits, especially since gold-eating beasts like warships can be sold in bulk, and the profits are hard for ordinary people to imagine.

There are many people in the Broken Sea who want warships, so they don't have to worry about sales at all.

But immediately, he forced himself to calm down, suppressed his excitement and asked Carlin: "Is the second thing about the master related to the B-class steam core?"

Karin nodded, rubbed his hands and said expectantly.

"Since I have decided to join Guidao, I can't hide it. You also understand the profits of the B-level steam core. Isn't that right?"

He didn't say anything after that, but Wade understood immediately.

"Master Yuolin, I can promise you that you can get 20% of the profit from each B-level steam core in the future!"

Karin also nodded with satisfaction. Twenty percent seemed like a small amount, but it was not.

The raw materials, alchemy workshop, and shipping channels are all taken care of by the Emerald Island. There is no need for Karin to worry about it, he only needs to roll up his sleeves and get started.

After the two agreed on the matter of the steam core and talked for more than ten minutes, Karin left the lord's mansion under the guidance of an affairs officer and headed all the way to a manor on the island.

Wade stood in front of the window and watched Carlin leaving the manor, unable to suppress the smile on his face.

Through Kalin's second request, he also confirmed that the other party really planned to settle on the Emerald Island, otherwise he would not have exposed his ability to quickly make B-level steam cores.

If Carlin had refused his solicitation before, he might have been able to get together and leave easily.

But now even if Carlin wants to leave, Wade will not let him go.

On the other side, Karin was also led to the manor assigned to him by an experienced clerk.

Although the manor has not had an owner for a long time, it has been well maintained. There is a butler and more than a hundred servants taking care of it.

Carlin quickly adapted to his new identity. Accompanied by the butler and steward, he walked around his manor. Soon everyone in the manor knew that there was a new owner here.

Three hours passed quickly.

"Master Yolin, I'm going to take my leave now. Lord Wade has given instructions. If necessary, you can send someone to me at any time."

In a spacious study room.

Carlin, who had already seen off the affairs officer, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was just past eleven in the morning.

At this time, the butler beside him said: "Sir, do you need to prepare lunch?"

Carlin thought for a while and then said: "You don't have to worry about diet. I have already made detailed plans for the third growth."

After hearing this, the housekeeper felt a sense of clarity. He knew that the other party had prepared a large amount of high-quality spiritual food, and he did not need to worry about his daily diet.

However, the housekeeper thought for a while and said: "Sir, in addition to food, there is also water of life refined from healthy water, which is also very helpful for the third development."

Karin's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Where is it? Get it to me quickly!"

Soon, an exquisite kettle was delivered to Karin.

The butler on the side explained to him: "There are still three liters in the warehouse, which Mr. Wade sent here before. In addition, you have a quota of two hundred milliliters every day. If there are no other instructions, I will leave first." .”

Karin waved his hand: "Go down."

The butler respectfully stepped away, leaving Karin alone.

Karin shook the kettle in his hand. There were about two hundred milliliters of healthy water, and the inside was filled with a surging life force.

He checked his third development progress again.

I saw that the spiritual veins extending from the power seed in the body had gradually begun to spread out of the heart, and it was only a little more than one-tenth complete.

After thinking about it, Karin took a cup, poured himself about 30 ml and drank it.

Immediately, a cool breath entered the body along with the water of life, and Karin felt uncomfortable everywhere in his body.

The seed of power seemed to have received some kind of nourishment, and the spiritual veins quickly spread outward, but it stopped in less than a second, and the growth was minimal.

After feeling it for a while, Carlin calculated the effect of the water of life.

It is better than the high-quality spiritual food he eats every day. He must drink the water of life every day to have obvious effects. It can probably shorten his growth cycle by a quarter.

Shaking his head, Carlin couldn't really stay on the Emerald Island for a few years. He just hoped that he could get satisfactory results this time.

But soon he seemed to have thought of something, patted his head, and immediately teleported the kettle to the virtual kingdom of God.

A minute later, the kettle appeared in the hands of the banyan tree.

He came to the golden spring of divine power and placed a dead tree species on the ground.

This tree species was a trophy that Karin obtained from the laboratory of the legendary trapper when he was still in the Steam City. Only a slight trace of life could be felt from the inside.

Carlin felt that this was not a mortal thing. He had tried it many times, but the tree species never responded. After being promoted to a professional level, he even took the initiative to input his divine power into the tree species, but there was still no response.

After feeling the surging vitality in the kettle, Carlin wanted to give the water of life a try.

A sip from the Fountain of Youth can rejuvenate you, and although the Water of Life is much, much worse, it is a by-product of the power of the Fountain of Youth and is also tainted with a trace of the characteristics of the Fountain of Youth.

Maybe dead tree species can be revived?

As soon as he thought of it, the banyan tree opened the lid of the pot, poured a few drops of water of life on the tree seeds, and stared at the tree seeds closely without blinking.

The next moment, the banyan tree's eyes widened. He saw the water of life dripping on the surface of the tree and being quickly absorbed, emitting a faint mental fluctuation.

"Finally a reaction!"

The banyan tree regained its energy and continued to water it.

The tree species hungrily absorbs drop after drop of water of life, just like a dry sponge.

The gradually shriveled tree species gradually began to regain their plumpness, which greatly cheered up the banyan tree.

But soon, the remaining 170 ml of water of life was exhausted, and the tree species returned to a half-dead state.

Carlin in the manor quickly went to the warehouse in person and took out three liters of inventory from the warehouse.

These were originally Wade's personal gifts to him, but now Carlin used them all to water them.

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