Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 403 Loma Town

After approaching the island, Carlin saw that a simple pier had been built on the beach.

There are no natural berths here and ships cannot dock, so the people of Emerald Island spent more than half a month laying two rows of long embankments fixed with wooden piles.

The board-paved causeway extended tens of meters from the beach to form several artificial berths, which could probably accommodate three cargo ships. At this time, an anchored steam freighter was docked in the berth.

There are many coconut trees scattered randomly on the beach, and there is a dense jungle behind it.

At this time, a clearing has been cleared outside the coconut trees and jungle, and a new simple camp has been built.

The sailors in the camp were carrying heavy wooden boxes full of harvests to the freighter despite the violent storm.

After a signal exchange with the watchtower on the shore, the Flame successfully docked at the dock.

Soldiers and sailors on the ship also disembarked to help load boxes of goods onto the freighter.

Carlin and his escort went directly to the camp on the edge of the jungle.

After another exchange with the camp manager, Karin learned that the ruins were located deep in the island.

After taking their supplies with them, a group of eleven people plunged into the jungle.

The jungle is full of complex and tangled vines, spiky weeds, and all kinds of dangerous poisonous insects and beasts.

But as latecomers, Carlin and the others don't have to worry about this.

The first group of people had cut through the jungle and cleared a wide dirt road leading directly to the excavation site. Special dispersing potions were also sprinkled along the way, emitting a smell that would prevent poisonous insects and beasts from approaching.

Carlin and the others moved along the good road they had opened, and saw an indigenous tribe's camp along the way.

There was no one there, with low thatched houses, stone statues of unknown meaning, and bonfires that had long been extinguished. Carlin could tell that this was a voodoo dwarf tribe camp.

There are still some traces of the battle left in the camp. It is obvious that the indigenous tribe living on the island has been wiped out and plundered by the Emerald Island exploration team.

Karin and the others did not stop and walked through the dimly lit jungle.

Ten minutes later, after walking out of the jungle, Carrington felt that his vision suddenly became clearer.

The heavy rain in the sky has stopped, and the light of day pierced the gloomy dark clouds, illuminating a stretch of building complex clearly.

This looks like the ruins of a small town with thousands of people. Although it is overgrown with weeds, it is very well preserved, with almost no buildings damaged.

The Emerald Island exploration team can move in directly after clearing away the weeds, saving even the effort of setting up a camp.

I saw a large amount of gold, silver, pearls and gems piled up in a square. The exploration team members packed them into wooden boxes and transported them to the dock for shipment.

At this time, a group of people from the town walked straight towards Carlin and his group. The leader, a man in white short-sleeves, began to shout enthusiastically from a distance.

"Master Yolin, you are finally here."

Carlin and his team also followed the trend, and the two teams gathered together in just one sentence.

The man in white has an ordinary appearance. His exposed skin exudes a wheat-colored healthy luster. He has a deep spiritual aura. He is a mentor-level legendary seed.

He is Malik, the security captain of Emerald Island. After discovering the ruins of this town a week ago, Wade sent a team to come here to take charge of the situation to prevent some powerful dirty things from suddenly appearing in the ruins.

It is worth noting that the surface of the white short-sleeved shirt he is wearing is very smooth, and the sunlight shines on it, reflecting bursts of shimmer.

Obviously a characteristic piece of equipment of the Mirror Shadow School, this short-sleeve piece can reflect enemy attacks.

Malik asked enthusiastically: "Master, would you like to take a rest first or..."

"No, take me directly to Master Yala. I can complete the task early and return to the Emerald Island as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll take you there right now."

Kalin was led by Malik into the town, and he was also introducing the ruins along the way.

“The name of this town is Loma Town, which is an enclave of Black King City in the inland area of ​​the New World.

After all the residents in the territory of Black King City died mysteriously overnight, the suppression object lost its control, allowing the immobilized land to loosen and start moving again, turning into islands of debris drifting in the Broken Sea. "

Like the land in the spiritual world, the land in the New World is also moving all the time. Although the speed is much slower, it is still not suitable for large-scale population settlement and can only be used as a resource production site.

However, it is not that there is no naturally fixed land in the New World, but the amount is very rare.

In addition to these naturally fixed lands, there are also lands suppressed by powerful supernatural objects.

These suppressive objects, like the obelisks in Spirit World Princess Town, can stabilize the land in a state of flow and form a fixed living area.

Black King City is to settle on hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land along the coast and take root in the development of the New World.

In addition, there are other extraordinary organizations in a similar situation, such as the Feast Order whose headquarters is in the New World, and the most mysterious Plague Clan of the Skaven.

The foundations of these forces are all in the New Continent, and many forces in the Old Continent and the Endless Sea have also fixed some small lands as strongholds.

After the Black King City Incident, no one was left to maintain the suppression, and as it is now, the territory was broken into a large number of crumb islands floating out of the sea.

However, the ruins of Loma Town where Carlin is located are not part of the Black King City itself.

The Black King City itself had already drifted to the Broken Sea in the middle of the Fifth Era, and was completely plundered by countless locust-like explorers.

This town is located inland. It was not until the past few hundred years that it peeled off from the New World and entered the Broken Sea. By coincidence, it was not discovered by other forces.

In this way, it drifted for more than 100,000 kilometers, passing through the territorial waters of multiple forces, before it was picked up by the Emerald Island far away from the coastline.

"Loma Town has not encountered any battle. Everyone seemed to die in an instant, leaving only a pile of mummies. However, all mummies in the town have been cremated to prevent distortion.

I haven’t found anything dirty so far.”

The deaths of people in the town happened in an instant without any fighting process, so many things in the town were well preserved.

In addition to those things that were wiped out by the passage of time, a large number of spiritual gold coins, ores, and precious metals were still intact. The exploration team even obtained five mentor-level cursed objects.

The Emerald Island exploration team has gained a lot in the past half month of excavating the ruins.

It was strange that no evil thing was found, but Malik and the others were not surprised.

It is common for evil objects to appear in such ancient ruins, but this phenomenon occurs in all Black King City ruins.

It was as if the spirituality and soul of all the deceased were harvested by some existence in an instant, leaving only an empty shell of mummy, without any soil for the birth of evil things.

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