Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 410 Harvest

"I see, this is a conspiracy."

Yes, this is Dodorosa's conspiracy. After issuing an ultimatum to the Pirate King's City, he confidently announced that he would be promoted to demigod.

The pirate generals who were named were forced to take the initiative and take action before he could become a demigod.

Not coming?

Wait until I succeed in being promoted to Demigod and come to your door in person!

Carlin was also laughing and crying in his heart, and the pirate generals were also helpless. They were just sitting at home and coming from the sky.

At this time, Carlin's expression became even more confused. Although he knew in his heart that there was Henry, a hunter hiding in the dark, he couldn't show it on the surface. He had to express some of his confusion appropriately.

After this incident, Wade completely trusted him. If it weren't for Carlin, the Emerald Island would have lost an alchemist master and a legendary seed.

Now even this top-secret matter has been proactively informed to Karin.

But Karin was still very confused.

This time they were attacked by General Storm, and it was obvious that a traitor had told the other party the coordinates of Crushing Island.

The coordinates of the ruined island are kept strictly confidential. Even Carlin didn't know the specific location when he set out. The battleship "Flame" sent him to the island.

He was just a newcomer who had just joined. Even if he saved Yara and Malik, he might have deliberately deceived Wade's trust.

If such a thing was revealed, Carlin would at least be suspected, if not the most suspect.

But now, looking at Wade, not only did he not have any suspicion at all, but he also took the initiative to tell him some top-secret information, unless...

‘Wade has identified who the traitor is! ’

Kalin put this idea in his mind and asked another question: "But if the general doesn't become a demigod, what can he do to deter the pirate king's city?"

His question was immediately bloody. Even if Dodorosa's plan succeeded this time, if the Emerald Island did not have demigods as a deterrent, the Pirate King's City would not give up.

If Dodorosa had been staying in the Broken Sea, it would be fine. The powerful demigods in the Pirate King's City would not easily enter the Broken Sea, otherwise it would trigger the demigods of the New World to take action.

This is a tacit understanding between the two parties, and no one will break it easily.

But Dodorosa will definitely move his base back to the White Snake Sea in the future. If he is just a pirate general and two legendary warships are in charge, then he will face a massive attack on the pirate king's city.

Only if there is a strong demigod on one's side can the opponent's demigods not dare to act rashly.

Wade smiled and did not explain, but said: "You will know when the time comes."

After hearing this, Carlin didn't ask any more questions. It was just that Henry would show up. Even if Henry had not recovered to a demigod, the other pirate kings would not dare to act rashly.

It is only a matter of time before Henry regains his strength. If his foundation is really destroyed, the threat of a demigod enemy with no power to worry about will skyrocket. Bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes.

At this time, Carlin turned to ask another question: "The general wants to design and kill those pirate generals. Is there any other purpose?"

Wade nodded and took out a map and spread it out. In addition to the White Snake Sea, the map also marked two sea areas adjacent to the White Snake Sea.

To the north is the Sea of ​​Mist and to the south is the Sea of ​​Desolation, which are considered unknown waters in the eyes of all the countries in the Old World.

Wade pointed to the two sea areas and said: "The territory of those pirate generals is actually the strategic buffer area designated by General Dodo Rosa.

We will state that we have no ambitions for these two buffer areas, so as to dispel the hostility of most pirates. "

Carlin suddenly realized that these two buffer zones directly separated the White Snake Sea from the territory of other big pirates.

Even if the Pirate King City calls on everyone to attack the Emerald Island, only a few members will respond.

No one would take the initiative to fight another pirate general when they are full.

After Wade explained the arrangement of Dodo Rosa to Carlin, he put away the map and said with a smile: "Thanks to Yolin this time, I am the one who made the decision. You will get 30% of the harvest from the ruins this time, except for those left by the legendary strongman." of!"

Carlin was about to refuse, but Malik on the side took the initiative and said: "Yolin, you deserve this. Without you, we will not be able to come back alive. This is a heavy blow to the Emerald Island!"

After hearing this, Carlin accepted it directly and generously and made a request: "Thank you very much, Colonel. Can you exchange all of them for me into spiritual gold coins, including the cursed object that I deserve?"

Wade was stunned for a moment, then immediately said: "Yolin, do you really don't want the cursed object? The cursed object I am going to give you this time is a good thing that you can't even buy?"

Malik also advised: "Yes, it is better to bring a cursed object to defend yourself. It can save lives at critical moments!"

Karin shook his head and rejected their kindness with a smile: "Thank you. I am very safe in the Emerald Island and will not encounter battles. The cursed object seems a bit redundant to me. It is better to give it to them who need it more." People."

Seeing Carlin insisting, Wade did not persuade him.

"In this case, I will exchange it for spiritual gold coins and deliver them to your manor tomorrow at most."

Then Wade gave a few more instructions, mainly asking them to be more cautious and carefully identify the traitors on the island.

"No matter what, you should be careful at ordinary times and pay attention to your words to avoid leaking too much information.

Okay, you two have been tossing around on the island for so long and have been chased again. Now go down and rest. "

The two of them immediately said goodbye to Wade and left the Lord's Mansion.

On the way back, Kalin asked Malik curiously: "Do you have any doubts about the traitors?"

Malik thought for a moment, frowned and said, "If I have doubts, the first thing I think of is Master Phil!"

Carlin was stunned for a moment, then lowered his voice and said, "Although I have heard about the conflict between Master Phil and the Colonel, how could Master Phil do such a thing? The general is his biological father!"

Malik said dumbfounded: "I didn't say it was Master Phil, but his confidants."

"Many of Master Phil's retainers are recruited from wild supernatural beings. It's hard to guarantee that there won't be secret agents planted by other pirate generals."

Malik didn't say much next, and Kalin stopped asking questions. It was best not to talk about this kind of thing in private.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. By the way, who is the commander of the Silver Frost Fleet? I will have to thank him properly when he comes back."

"You mean that guy Jacques?

Haha, when he comes back, he will definitely ask you for a drink. He is an alcoholic! "

Soon Carlin took the initiative to change the topic, and the two of them walked and chatted all the way down the mountain, and unknowingly arrived at the door of Carlin's manor.

After saying goodbye to Mark, Carlin came to his study and started meditating again today.

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