Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 412 New Family Oath

Facing Carlin's question, Carlin said nothing, but let his spiritual energy gather on his fingertips and transform into a piece of grass.

Dodo Rosa and Wade carefully felt Xiaocao's spirituality, and their eyes immediately became shocked and incredulous.

After the two looked at each other, Dodo Rosa said solemnly: "I didn't expect that those two adults actually have descendants in the world.

Your ancestors and mine once stood side by side in the Second Era to overcome difficulties, and thus concluded a sacred oath. As descendants of the Mirror Shadow School, we still remember it today. "

This time, Carlin was in trouble again.

He deliberately showed Winnie's secret information and directly made Dodo Rosa recognize him as the descendant of Winnie and Milton, but he was a little confused about the next oath.

It has been more than 20,000 years since the ice steam calendar. For such a long time, Carlin thought that Dodo Rosa would only recite some incense and love, but he did not expect that he would solemnly tell him what vows he still remembered.

He had absolutely no idea what kind of oaths the new family members had made. It probably happened after they had gone through the ice and steam calendar. Anyway, he had never experienced this at all in the [Holy Spirit].

However, although he did not understand the relationship between them, Carlin also felt that the attitudes of Dodo Rosa and Wade towards him had changed. They no longer regarded him as a subordinate, but as an equal ally.

This is a good sign.

Kalin looked at Dodo Rosa and said shamelessly: "General, I don't dare to forget the oath between my ancestors. After learning about the Emerald Island, I came over as soon as possible to see if there was any place where I could Help you.”

Dodorosa nodded: "Thank you for your thoughtfulness, but we have made full preparations this time, and you do not need to take action yourself."

Although Dodorosa said it very tactfully, Karin could still tell that the other party did not take his own strength to heart.

But this is normal. After all, he is just a professional-level legendary seed. If he wants to get involved in the battle between legendary powerhouses, he is completely overestimating his capabilities.

Karin smiled at this and did not explain anything. He just said, "That's good. If you need help, just ask. I can persuade a legendary powerhouse to help you."

Dodo Rosa was surprised for a while, but she still said gratefully: "Thank you very much. We will not be polite if necessary. Thank you for saving Malik and Yara this time. This is a little bit of my heart."

After speaking, a small porcelain bottle suddenly appeared in his hand and was thrown towards Karin.

"Please don't refuse. This is a fountain of youth. It can shorten the progress of your third growth by about half."

Karin took the porcelain bottle and put it away solemnly: "Thank you."

Ten minutes later, Carlin left the hall.

After the door of the hall was closed again, Wade looked at Dodo Rosa and asked doubtfully: "Is he really a descendant of those two adults?"

Dodorosa smiled: "He has practiced Master Winnie's secret transmission, and he also knows some things about the ancestors. This alone is enough."

Wade nodded, and then asked: "Why let him stay on the Emerald Island? For safety's sake, Yolin should be allowed to leave immediately. After all, we are not completely sure of victory this time."

Dodorosa's eyes penetrated the palace door, looked at Karin who was leaving the Lord's Mansion, and said meaningfully: "I don't know, we really need his help this time to succeed."

When he had close contact with Karin just now, he felt a fatal threat from him.

If he had tried to harm Karin just now, he would definitely be the one who died in the end.

Dodorosa didn't feel strange about this. Since he was the descendant of those two people, it was normal to have some life-saving trump cards.

On the way back to his manor, Carlin also decided to help Dodo Rosa and Henry.

I respect others as much as they respect me. Not to mention the origin of the new family, Duoduo Rosa was so generous and directly gave him a copy of the fountain of youth, so I can be stingy.

After returning to the manor, he contacted Angela again, and soon the two met again in the banyan tree space.

"I decided to help the Emerald Isle this time."

Angela was surprised: "You are a guy who has always been unwilling to do anything early, so why did you decide on the team so quickly this time?"

Karin smiled and condensed a small porcelain bottle in his hand.

"Who told Dodo Rosa to be so generous? He directly gave me a copy of the fountain of youth."

Angela looked at the small porcelain bottle in Carlin's hand, feeling very confused.

"Henry, has he changed his gender? He actually asked Dodo Rosa to give you a share of the Fountain of Youth. You know, he was so tight in the past that it would be extremely difficult for others to get a share."

Karin did not answer her question directly, but just said: "Just think of it as my luck, but apart from the fact that Dodo Rosa is very generous, the real reason that made me decide to help him is that I don't like those pirates."

"What information did you find out again?" Angela asked immediately.

After Karin organized his words, he slowly said: "How much do you know about the history of the Second Era?"

Angela didn’t know why the other party asked this, but she still answered truthfully: “Not much, the Second Era is too long ago, and historical records are very sparse.

I only know that there was a great disaster in the Second Age, and less than 100,000 people in the entire world survived the disaster. "

Speaking of this, Angela realized something and looked at Carlin with inquiring eyes: "As far as I know, the school of the White Snake Pirates can also be traced back to the Second Era. Is there any connection between them?"

Carlin smiled and said: "The connection is great, I won't scare you if I tell you, Henry and Dodo Rosa's ancestors were followers of the Witch King.

More than a thousand people, led by the Witch King, united together to survive and successfully survived the apocalyptic disaster. "

As he spoke, a look of nostalgia appeared on his face.

Although the [Holy Spirit] is just an illusion, it is difficult for him to regard the faces in his new home as virtual characters.

In the ice and steam calendar, all people in the new family, regardless of class, strength or wealth, unite and struggle together for survival.

This was the most fulfilling time that Carlin had ever lived in this world.

Angela on the side was shocked by Karin's words.

"Witch King?!"

After checking out the polluted lakes in the Virtual Kingdom of God, Carlin became cautious in his words.

"I'm only at the professional level now, so I can't say too much about these things. I can only tell you that the forty-eight days before the birth of the Day and Evening Bell are called the ice and steam calendar.

Henry and Dodo Rosa's dozen or so ancestors all lived in a settlement called New Home.

More than a thousand residents of humans, vampires, ice ghosts, and Skaven united to survive the cold doomsday, and then concluded a sacred covenant. "

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