Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 414 Strategic Agreement

Karin did not relax and continued to ask: "Is there anything I can do for you, sir?"

Kasha shook his head: "I told you not to be so reserved. I just wanted to see you. Now I have the answer I wanted."

After saying that, he left, leaving Karin confused.

'what's the situation? ’

Kasha's behavior was very strange, as if he really just came to see him up close.

Karin couldn't help but murmur in her mind: "Is she aware of my identity?"

Just when Carlin was confused, Wade came to Carlin alone and asked curiously: "Do you know Master Kasha?"

Karin shook his head: "Today is the first time we meet. How could I possibly know a strong person like her who has been famous for a long time?"

Kasha is a powerful person who has been famous since the fifth era. It is said that she has reached the peak of legend and is not far away from being a demigod.

The Fifth Era is different from other eras. In the middle period, there was a war that affected a wide area.

The origins of the war are taboo information, and only some contradictory historical information has been handed down. The Black King City tragedy occurred during this period.

During this era, the level of steam technology in the Old World and the New World also declined significantly due to unknown reasons.

It was as if the world had suddenly regressed from the age of steam to the age of medieval lords.

It is impossible to trace what exactly happened. Perhaps only God knows some of the inside story of that year.

However, through archeology in all extraordinary organizations, steam technology has gradually developed again.

It was not until the Fifth Era entered its later stages more than two thousand years later that the industrial revolution was born again in the mortal world.

The Amazons, who had been living in seclusion in Eskali, also decided to take the initiative in this era to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other extraordinary organizations.

The first thing they did when they were born was to launch a large-scale route to the New World.

The Eskali Islands are located in the area between the New World and the Old World. At that time, it was still an unknown sea.

To the north is the Desolate Sea where pirates roam, and further north is the White Snake Sea.

The situation in the Eskali Islands at that time was equivalent to pirates from all directions.

So a large number of Amazon female warriors gathered together and began to frantically destroy the pirates and seize the sea map.

Forcibly, large tracts of unknown sea areas were transformed into a golden route, and the sea area where the Eskali Islands are located was also renamed the Golden Sea.

During the entire process, more than forty pirate generals and one pirate king were killed, and the Amazons were known to the world for the first time.

Kasha also became famous in this battle. She once faced the siege of three pirate generals alone and won, and even killed one of them.

When in contact with such a strong person, Karin said it was impossible not to feel frightened.

Now that Wade asked about this, Carlin asked him directly: "Is the Amazon Kingdom your ally?"

After hearing what Carlin said, Wade immediately denied it: "No, we didn't know about Princess Anna's visit to the island before. They didn't notify us in advance."

"Then what are they doing here?"

Kalin frowned. As far as he knew, there was a sea of ​​desolation between the White Snake Pirates and the Amazon Kingdom in the Fifth Era. The two sides did not have much interaction, and he was very confused about the purpose of the other party's visit.

Wade did not hide it from him and told Carlin some of the things they talked about after they met during the day.

"The Amazon Kingdom wants to reach a strategic agreement with us to fight against the pirates of the Desolate Sea."

Karin suddenly understood after hearing this.

Judging from the map, above the Desolation Sea is the White Snake Sea and below is the Golden Sea, directly sandwiched between the two sides.

Although the Amazon Kingdom controls a golden route, its own powerful fleet maintains the order of this route.

But even if their navy is powerful, there is no guarantee that the ships passing by will not be robbed by pirates.

After all, the sea area that needs to be guarded is too big, and those pirates are as slippery as loaches.

After killing batch after batch, there are still a large number of pirates from neighboring waters who are constantly trying to take advantage of every opportunity to rob merchant ships traveling on the golden route.

The Amazon Kingdom can only reduce the harm of pirates to a low level. On average, two out of ten ships will encounter pirates.

The 70% probability of not encountering pirates is actually very good. At least everyone can sail along the safe route provided by the Amazon Kingdom without worrying about the threats of sea monsters and natural disasters.

And now the Amazon Kingdom has sent Anna to visit Dodo Rosa on her own initiative, just to have one more teammate to share the pressure on this side of the Desolate Sea.

Speaking of this, Wade also said with emotion: "We actually have a similar plan, but we didn't expect that the Amazon Kingdom would take the initiative to find us first."

"But no matter what, Princess Anna also has the legendary powerhouse Kasha in her team, and they are full of sincerity."

"And the general doesn't sense any malice in them. They may really be here to help us."

Karin nodded. Dodorosa was also on the path of the Holy Spirit and wanted to hide his malice in front of him, unless there was still a demigod in Princess Anna's team.

He asked curiously: "But the strength gap between you two is a bit huge. Do they believe you so much?"

Wade smiled and said: "Actually, the general and I were relieved after the Amazon Kingdom offered to cooperate. Don't forget the blind prophets and their gods - the Eye of True Seeing."

Carlin understood immediately.

"The blind prophets of the Amazon Kingdom must have divined something to make such a decision!"

The Eye of True Sight is a blood-sourced god who is famous for prophecy and divination. The profession of Blind Prophet puts its main focus on the field of divination.

After much deliberation, Karin came up with the only possibility. After all, there is no love without reason in the world. If they hadn't divined something, how could they have found the Emerald Island at this time?

This is also a happy thing for Wade and Dodo Rosa, now that Princess Anna has taken the initiative to come to the door and offer cooperation.

That means that the results of the Amazons' divination are favorable to them.

"But it's too early to be happy. Princess Anna has also told us that the prerequisite for cooperation is that we can really level the White Snake Sea and establish a country. We can't let our guard down now."

Although he said that, Wade couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

But no matter what, when the war is approaching, it is a good thing that such a strong support suddenly comes.

After chatting for a few more words, Wade also left the corner and walked through the small circles in the banquet hall again, chatting familiarly with other guests.

The dinner was going on in this warm atmosphere, and Carlin still stayed in an inconspicuous corner like a little transparent.

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