Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 436 The ruins of the Plain of Desire are revealed

The bartender understood immediately and poured a beer for Carlin. Then he picked up the order and began to look at it carefully.

But after just a few glances, his brows wrinkled: "This batch of goods seems to be the goods of the Gray Spider Pirate Group?"

He did not hide his voice, and everyone in the bar who heard his words fell silent.

The pirates who were planning to sit closer to Kalintau immediately dispersed, as if they didn't want to get involved with him and were afraid of being implicated.

Karin ignored the reactions of others and just said with a normal expression: "Yes, what's the problem?"

Just when the bartender was about to say something, a gloomy voice suddenly came into his ears.

"This friend is very unfamiliar. Where did you hang out in the sea before?"

Kalin turned around and saw a table of pirates in the distance looking at him with cold eyes. Sitting at the head was a thin-cheeked man with a very unkind expression.

When he took the initiative to speak, Karin turned his head away after taking one look, not wanting to pay attention to him at all.

He directly asked the bartender: "Can this business be done?"

The bartender shook his head: "Guest, it's not that I don't want to do your business. We are just middlemen responsible for contacting sellers and providing trading venues. But it is estimated that no one in Luyin City would dare to accept your goods."

Carlin frowned, and he turned to look at the tall and thin man again, only to see a table of pirates on the other side looking at him with sneers.

The tall and thin man smiled coldly: "You robbed our goods and still want to take action, you really don't know the heights of the world!"

Karin shook his head speechlessly, still ignoring the tall and thin man. Instead, he placed a spiritual gold coin on the bar and pushed it in front of the bartender and asked.

"If I want to kill people in the city but don't want to be punished by General Luin, what should I do?"

The bar suddenly became quiet, and everyone looked at Carlin with wide eyes. His words were too fierce, and he did not take the Gray Spider Pirates and his group into consideration at all.

The bartender was also surprised by Carlin and began to look at Carlin again.

But from Carlin's face, he only saw calmness, as if the Gray Spider Pirates were nothing in the eyes of the other party.

The person in front of him didn't look like a professional pirate, but rather gave him the feeling of a pirate general.

The bartender was suddenly startled, and quickly shook his head to dispel these random thoughts in his mind. After calming down, he said to Carlin: "In principle, no fighting is allowed in the city, but every year, many corpses are found in some remote and uninhabited corners. .”

His tone also subconsciously became more respectful.

Carlin immediately understood what the other party meant. Fighting was not allowed in Luyin City, but it could be done quietly in some remote places.

As long as there is no big fuss and the identity of the victim is not sensitive, even if the official finds the body afterwards, they will not be too full to investigate.

This is not a community of upper-class gentlemen in the Old World, but a mixed New World. It is normal for people to die.

At this time, the faces of the Gray Spider Pirates had turned dark. Carlin's attitude was too arrogant and he completely regarded them as nothing.

The tall and thin man said with an angry smile: "Boy! You have the guts!"

Feeling the substantial evil spirit on the group of people, Kalin did not look back, but continued to ask the bartender: "After processing this batch of goods, I will set off to the Plain of Desire. I heard that the passages there have been destroyed, you Is there any way?"

After saying that, he took out another spiritual gold coin and pushed it in front of the other party.

The tall and lanky man's face twitched. It was obvious that Carlin's several ignores had pushed his patience to the limit. It was him who was always talking, but Carlin never replied even a single word. At most, he only glanced at him twice. .

Thinking about when he had been despised like this since his debut, Carlin was already a dead person in his heart. Even if he couldn't recover the goods, he would have to capture Carlin alive and torture him to quell the anger.


Resisting the desire to do something in the bar, the tall and lanky man shouted directly to his side, then stood up and walked towards the exit.

Before leaving the bar, he gave Carlin a hard look.

All the pirates were silent during the process. They couldn't afford to offend the Gray Spider Pirates, but Carlin didn't look like he was easy to offend, so he could only act as a transparent person.

It wasn't until the thin man left that the excitement resumed, but it was far less exciting than before.

The bartender looked at the lanky man's leaving figure and shook his head, no longer thinking about it.

Whether it is Carlin or the Gray Spider Pirates, they are all guests to him. As long as the guests are willing to spend money, he will try his best to meet their needs without fear of offending either party.

He didn't care who lived or died in the end, between Carlin and the lanky man. As long as the two sides didn't fight in the bar, it was none of his business.

The bartender glanced at the spiritual gold coin on the bar and immediately pushed it back.

"I'm very sorry, this has been a very difficult matter."

Karin's eyes suddenly lit up. The other party just said it was difficult, not that it was impossible, but because he didn't have enough money.

Then he directly took out a pea-sized Philosopher's Stone and pushed it in front of the opponent, which was about five grams.

"No matter how difficult it is, I will go to the Plain of Desire!"

The bartender was startled by Carlin's aggressive attitude, but he did not reach out to grab the Philosopher's Stone that was readily available in front of him. Instead, he asked: "I wonder if our guest is in a hurry?"

Karin said casually: "Actually, there is no harm in waiting for a year, but I am impatient and want to reach the Plain of Desire as soon as possible."

"That would be easier," the bartender felt relieved immediately, "Guest, you may not have been ashore for a while, and you don't know some things.

In fact, not only the passages in the Plain of Desire were attacked, but similar things happened to hundreds of long-distance passages in the surrounding areas within the past six months. "

Karin quickly asked: "What's going on?"

He keenly felt that something was wrong. If it was just the passage of the Plain of Desire that was attacked, it might just be the revenge of the indigenous tribes in the New World.

The relationship between the New World natives and adventurers can be easily understood by referring to the colonial plunder in his previous life during the Age of Discovery.

But in this world, the natives of the New World also possess extraordinary power. These native tribes are strong and weak.

Countless weak indigenous tribes were robbed, their wealth was plundered, and the surviving population was sold to slave traders.

Of course, those powerful indigenous tribes are not just for free, and will also attack the strongholds of various extraordinary organizations in retaliation.

However, the locations of suppressors in long-distance passages are generally secret and heavily guarded. Even if the natives of the New World want to rush to such a place, they must first know where the suppressors of the passage are.

It is normal for a few passages to be attacked occasionally, but within half a year, hundreds of passages are attacked, and they are all in the area near the Plains of Desire. This kind of thing is very interesting.

The bartender deliberately lowered his voice and said: "You don't know, a big event happened in the Plains of Desire half a year ago. I heard that one day more than half a year ago, the temperature in the Miracle Hills suddenly dropped by three degrees, but it recovered immediately.

Afterwards, the ruins of an ancient city from the Fourth Age appeared there.”

Hearing this, Karin realized something and his pupils shrank suddenly.

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