Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 439 Reward Fund

Carlin immediately understood that Almeda's current situation was very delicate. Originally, she failed to become a god and was about to die, but she was forcibly sealed and her life was suspended by a group of people from Milton.

The [Resuscitation Ritual] is the right thing to solve this kind of problem. It’s a pity that Milton and the others didn’t seem to get the [Resuscitation Ritual] in history. Otherwise, Almeda would have been restored long ago, and how could it have been sealed from the Third Era to the present? Now.

"Understood. I will rush to Miracle Hills to meet you as soon as possible, but I am worried that you will be discovered by others before I see you."

"You don't have to worry about this. My seal was perfectly arranged by the three god kings. Unless I take the initiative to open the seal, those people outside will not be able to find me even if they turn the ruins upside down."

Carlin nodded after hearing this: "In this case, I will feel relieved."

The two of them talked for about five minutes, and then Almelda's mark disappeared.

In the alley, Sun Vine also completed its hunting, and the shadow barrier dissipated in an instant.

Sunvine twisted its body excitedly, exuding waves of satisfied mental fluctuations.

Compared to spiritual food, it prefers fresh flesh and blood of extraordinary creatures.

As for the dozens of pirates from the Gray Spider Pirate Group, only their heads were left scattered on the ground, with expressions of fear still on their faces.

This is why Carlin specifically asked Sunvine to leave the heads. These pirates all had certain bounties on them, and he also had to prove to others that he did it, so he kept the heads.

After Carlin took out a sack and packed more than a dozen heads, the sun vine turned into a bracelet again and wrapped around his wrist.

Carrying a sack of human heads, Karin walked into the pirate tavern leisurely and arrived at the underground bar with ease.

After a few minutes, when he appeared in front of them again, the pirates in the bar looked at him with dumbfounded expressions.

The strong smell of blood diffused outwards from the inside of the sack without concealment. Since it was Carlin who was back, the result was obvious.

But they never expected that Karin would be finished in just a few minutes.

The bartender behind the bar was also shocked. It wasn't until Carlin came to sit down in front of the bar and threw the sack on the table that he came back to his senses.

While he was still immersed in the shock of Carlin's strength, he was once again shocked by the contents of the sack.

"What are you doing?"

"The heads of those guys are all here. It's not convenient for me to go directly to the Bounty Hunter Bar to exchange for the bounty. I have to trouble you about this."

Suddenly, everyone in the tavern looked at Karin strangely.

What do you say about pirates exchanging their heads for bounty?

It's not impossible, but you have to be mentally prepared to be squeezed and suppressed by other pirate groups.

Although pirates on the sea and gangs on land are mostly a group of villains with no bottom line, some unspoken rules still exist.

Everyone hates the act of exchanging the heads of similar people for bounties. If it weren't for Carlin's powerful strength, the pirates in the tavern might have started to curse.

But it will be difficult to continue to hang out in the pirate circle in the future.

But Carlin didn't care about this at all, he was not a real pirate anyway.

If it were not inconvenient, he would go directly to the Bounty Wine Hunter Bar on the ground to redeem it.

Although the Broken Sea and the New World are in disarray, there is no public order at all. In order to combat pirates and gangs, most of the forces have united to set up a "reward fund".

Each family will put a sum of money into the fund every year to maintain the operation of the bounty fund. All bounty hunter bars in the New World and the Broken Sea are the property of the fund.

As long as you kill the characters on the bounty order, you can exchange for the bounty at the bounty hunter bars in all cities.

Carlin could also do this, but if he really did it just now, it would be equivalent to directly telling others that he had killed more than a dozen people in the city. This kind of behavior was completely an open provocation to the rules set by General Luin.

There are some things that everyone knows in their hearts, but as long as they don't say it publicly, they will pretend that they don't know. Of course, Carlin will not insist on hitting the gun.

After a while, until Carlin drank the previous glass of beer, the bartender came back to his senses, looked at him deeply, put away the sack and filled a glass.

"I will deal with it as soon as possible. Guest, do you have any other requests?"

Karin picked up the wine glass and took another sip, then said, "Tell me about the exploration team."

"The process is very simple. You can go directly to the bounty bar to register. After paying the registration fee for the five thousand gold list, you can set off with the large army."

Karin asked suspiciously: "Is it really that simple? Anyone can freely explore the ruins by paying only five thousand gold medals?"

Although there are many dangers in the ruins of Miracle Hills, there are indeed enviable benefits corresponding to them.

There are many adventurers in the New World who want money rather than their lives, or who only care about gains and ignore risks. Most of them are dazzled by the benefits.

But there is a threshold for exploring the ruins, but no matter how low the threshold is, you can freely explore Kalin as long as you pay five thousand gold pounds.

The bartender also shook his head and denied: "Of course not, this is just travel expenses, the five thousand gold list guarantees that we can reach the Plain of Desire safely, and I will not care about you from now on.

I don’t know much about the specific conditions there. I only know that if you want to explore the ruins, you have to pay an entrance fee, and you will even get a commission from the harvest.”

The bartender's knowledge of the ruins was only hearsay, and there was no useful information, but Carlin didn't care. He had to go there anyway, and it would be the same if he went to the local information dealers to inquire after he got there.

At this time, the bartender suddenly said attentively: "Guest, are you still trading the goods in your hand? You just need to wait here. I will help you find a suitable buyer within an hour, with a commission of 20%."

The 20% commission seems high, but what Carlin has in his hands is black goods that have been transferred twice. This kind of commission is already very cheap.

However, he still asked curiously: "Didn't you say that no one in Port Luyin dares to buy the goods of the Gray Spider Pirate Group?"

The reason why the tall and thin man dared to be so arrogant before was because he was sure that no one in the city would dare to accept the goods from the new guy Carlin, because this would severely offend the Gray Spider Pirates.

After all, almost everyone in Port Luyin knew about the loss of a steam freighter, which caused Gray Spider to lose a lot of face.

In order to save face, the Gray Spider Pirates must do something.

In the pirate business, you must make others afraid of you, otherwise you will lose a lot of profits invisibly.

After the transaction of this batch of black goods, Carlin can just slap his butt and leave, but the buyer still has to make a living in the local area. When the time comes, he will be killed by Gray Spider to warn others.

The bartender smiled and said: "Although Gray Spider has a great reputation, it is only limited to the waters around Port Luyin. With the Broken Sea being so big, it will always find a suitable buyer. Do you think this is true?"

Karin also laughed after hearing this. Apparently the bartender didn't take Gray Spider seriously either.

Although he himself is not strong, he is from Port Luyin, and Port Luyin is not something that a Gray Spider pirate group can compare to.

Carlin directly pushed a spiritual gold coin in front of the bartender: "I'll excuse you, and help me get the registration done by the way."


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