Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 446 Gold-Eating Crocodile

Carlin started shopping after entering the city.

The wasteland camp is almost entirely filled with adventurers, and there are no unnecessary buildings at all.

Various shops and taverns are full of people, and there are even businessmen starting a business in skins, flesh and slaves.

When adventurers are tired, they can find a tavern girl to relax. Before setting off, they can also find a slave merchant to buy a few slaves to use as cannon fodder for the mines.

But what about the price? Even though it starts at ten times the price, business is still booming.

Adventurers who can enter the ruins and come out alive usually get satisfactory results. They have money in their pockets and are in urgent need of venting to relieve their previously tense nerves.

Karin walked and came to a market. This was a place specially set up stalls for adventurers. It was as lively as a vegetable market.

"The newly released evil eye, the eyeball of a professional level evil eye demon."

"Ancient magic scrolls from the Third Age. The quantity is limited. Come and take a look."

"The heart of a mentor-level pure-blood ghoul is of high quality. It is excellent whether it is used for promotion rituals or for making potions."

"The body of the gold-eating crocodile is absolutely high-purity fine gold, and the price is favorable."

When the Carlin family passed by, they just glanced at most of the stalls and skipped them.

Most of the stalls are antiques brought from the ruins.

Even if these items are not cursed items, time is the best examiner. Items that still exist after tens of thousands of years are definitely high-end goods.

However, there were many products that Carlin didn't need for the time being, until he finally stopped when he heard a stall owner selling gold-eating crocodiles.

The vendor at the stall had a blue siren tattooed on his clothes, like some kind of special emblem. Carlin guessed that he was a member of an adventure group.

His stall is filled with all kinds of rusty mining tools, shovels and other mining tools.

Although the appearance is not good-looking, the historical atmosphere accumulated over the years cannot be concealed.

The lack of decay shows that the material is excellent. Karin even saw a cursed mineral pickaxe, and other metal tools can be smelted into high-quality metal ingots even if they are useless.

There is also a golden crocodile claw in a prominent position on the side, which looks like it is made of pure gold.

It is not difficult to tell from the products on the stall that the stall owner must have entered an abandoned mine.

Seeing Karin stop, the stall owner directly picked up the cursed mineral pick and introduced it to him enthusiastically.

"Brother, do you want to buy a mining pick? Regardless of the poor appearance, this is a very practical cursed item. It has a great bonus when striking metal, especially gold, and has few side effects.

Let me tell you, there are metal doors and metal walls everywhere in the ruins. With this mining pick, you can even dig a passage directly when you are trapped in the secret room.

The market price outside is at least 40,000 gold medals, but there are a lot of good things here. I will give you 30,000 gold medals. If you don’t believe it, you can go to the Bounty Tavern for a third-party appraisal. I will pay for the appraisal fee.


The stall owner talked a lot as soon as he opened his mouth, which made Karin wonder if this guy had ever been in sales before.

Kalin looked at the mining pickaxe and felt that the price was indeed not expensive, and the ability was also very good. Although it was not a weapon for combat, it was an excellent mining and hole-drilling tool, and its efficiency was as high as that of a dimensional crusher. Out a lot.

Of course, the premise is that it is true as the other party said.

Thinking of this, he said directly: "I want as many mining tools and gold-eating crocodile corpses as possible, as long as they are metal products that are generally well preserved!"

The stall owner's eyes lit up and the smile on his face became even more enthusiastic.

"Brother, you are so refreshing. I will give you a small change. Three hundred and forty thousand gold medals is enough."

After Calin calculated the exchange rate between spiritual gold coins and gold pounds in his mind, he said directly: "Go to a third party for appraisal first, one thousand spiritual gold coins!"

The stall owner was stunned for a moment, but he immediately responded and agreed without hesitation: "It's a deal, you choose a third party, and I'll pay for the appraisal fee!"

According to the current exchange rate, it is equivalent to another 40,000 gold pounds cheaper, but the stall owner does not mind at all. Compared with gold pounds, spiritual gold coins are the real hard currency.

And third-party appraisal is not troublesome. You can just find a shop opened by a big power in the camp to do the appraisal. The appraisal fee is usually 2%.

After the two reached an agreement, the stall owner immediately closed the stall. Carlin and the stall owner went directly to a store in the city that belonged to the Amazon Kingdom. Carlin still trusted the blind prophet's business ability.

After explaining their purpose to a blind prophet behind the counter, the three blind prophets followed the two to the warehouse where the stall owner stored the goods and began to identify them one by one.

A pile of golden crocodile carcasses and rusty mining picks and shovels were stacked in the warehouse.

The Gold-Eating Crocodile is a gregarious creature that feeds on metals, especially gold. However, it is also full of treasures. High-quality alloys can be extracted from its corpses, which can be used to make legendary-level weapons.

And those metal tools for mining can smelt a large amount of precious metal materials after being remelted, which Carlin needs just right.

After about half an hour, the three blind prophets completed the appraisal. Most of them were of good quality, with three defective items mixed in.

But this was innocuous. There was not much difference between the price of the goods and the price quoted by the stall owner. Carlin took advantage of the thousand spirit gold coins.

After the three blind prophets left, the two quickly completed the transaction, both looking very satisfied.

The stall owner said with excitement: "Brother, doing business is a pleasure. I am Gary, the leader of the Siren Adventure Group. I have been hanging around in the Plains of Desire. If you have any entrustments in the future, come to me and I will definitely satisfy you. The price It’s fair”

Just when Gary was gushing again, Carlin asked directly: "Did you encounter a group of gold-eating crocodiles in the ruins? How big is it?"

Gary asked curiously: "Do you want to kill the Golden Crocodile King?"

Karin nodded: "Yes."

The promotion ceremony for his mentor level requires five materials, representing five paths respectively, but it is much simpler than the harsh conditions of the professional level.

Among them, the material for the sage path is the corpse of a metal creature such as the Gold-eating Crocodile, and its strength must be the legendary seed of the mentor level.

The Gold-Eating Crocodile King is a legendary seed, and its number is very rare. Only a large group of more than 5,000 animals can give birth to a Gold-Eating Crocodile King.

Gary thought for a while and finally answered Carlin's question truthfully: "I can tell you that those gold-eating crocodiles can definitely meet your requirements."

After confirmation, Carlin perked up and said, "I wonder if your group is willing to accept this commission?"

Gary's face stiffened when he heard this, and he shook his head desperately: "Sorry, we have gained enough after trading with you. Our adventure group plans to leave here to rest for a while, and we will not come back in a short time."

Speaking of this, Gary's face became sad again: "You don't know, this time I and four other adventure groups explored a mine located outside the ruins.

Thirteen instructors and more than two hundred professional people set out, but after encountering the group of gold-devouring crocodiles, less than half of them survived, and some even became disabled."

After hearing this, Karin couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

The five adventure groups, including the Kraken, were fairly strong, but they suffered heavy losses just by exploring a mine on the outskirts. The dangers in the ruins were evident.

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