Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 459 This trend must not rise

Amiya looked at the ground. More than a dozen voodoo dwarves fell in a pool of blood. Only two were still alive. This was deliberately left alive by Amiya. They were only shot in their legs and could not escape.

This team of voodoo dwarves are all apprentice level, as for the professional level.

Amiya looked at the blood stains left everywhere along the way. The professional voodoo dwarf who led the team ran away without hesitation after being shot.

This situation was also expected by Amiya. Snicki had already caught up and followed the other party invisibly.

The injured Voodoo Dwarf will definitely return to his tribe as soon as possible. What Amy needs is the location of the other tribe. The most suitable place to camp in the jungle is the Voodoo Dwarf's tribe.

Then Amiya flicked her ten fingers, and several spiritual threads suddenly plunged into the wounds on the legs of the two survivors.


Following a burst of shrill screams, the spiritual thread dug out the four bullets as flexibly as a scalpel, and also helped the two of them suture the wounds.


After two heavy blows, the spiritual thread picked up the two knocked out voodoo dwarves and floated in the air behind Amiya.

Snicki followed the captain to the location of the opposing tribe, while Amiya returned to the team with two survivors and handed them over to adventurers who were good at interrogation to extract more information.

Twenty minutes later, when Amiya came back with two captives, the adventurers had already set up a temporary camp, and Amiya threw the two voodoo dwarves directly to the group of adventurers.

These adventurers may have average strength, but their methods are diverse. The eyes of the two captives who were immediately surrounded by a group of mentor-level extraordinary people began to blur, and they completely became puppets on strings. They answered whatever everyone asked.

To Amiya's expectation, the two natives actually spoke the common language of the continent. He thought that the natives of the New World all had their own language.

However, when she saw the normal expressions on the other people's faces, Amiya knew that she had little knowledge. She stopped thinking about this and began to listen carefully to the information from the captives.

Soon, everyone had a better understanding of the Jungle of No Return.

There are thousands of voodoo dwarf tribes distributed in the jungle covering more than 200,000 square kilometers.

The strongest among them is the Skinned Tribe located in the central area of ​​the jungle. It is a large tribe with a population of tens of thousands.

Whenever the population of the Skinned Tribe exceeds a certain number, the excess population will migrate out to establish tribes elsewhere.

As time went by, the voodoo dwarves appeared in almost all areas of the jungle.

The tribe where these two captives belonged was not very strong, with only more than 300 people, including only six professional levels.

The two apprentice-level voodoo dwarves were even less knowledgeable. They didn't know many things.

For example, if they were asked about the strength of the Skinned Tribe, the two of them only knew that it was very strong, but they couldn't tell how many strong people there were.

After asking like this for a long time, Amiya and the others not only obtained some information, but also a map that went more than 20 kilometers into the jungle.

Herbert waved his hand and asked the two prisoners to be taken away, and then said to the others: "After six hours of rest, when you enter the jungle, you must set up camp as soon as possible to create a safe environment!"

Everyone else nodded, they just needed to break into the Voodoo Dwarf tribe to seize the territory.

There are not many places suitable for camping in the jungle. It would be too time-consuming for them to clear an open space by themselves, and it is far easier than grabbing a ready-made one.

After everyone made their plans, they all went down to rest, and Snitch was also following the injured voodoo dwarf to his destination.

This is a tribe that makes its home by the river.

The short thatched house, primitive and crude totem poles, the blood-stained stone altar, the warriors returning from hunting, the woman handling the animal carcasses, the witch doctor wearing a totem mask, etc., all of these make up a world with extraordinary power. of primitive indigenous tribes.

After observing for a while, Snicki set off into the jungle again and began to continue exploring the map.


Following Herbert's order, professional-level adventurers howled and rushed out of the woods. They did not pay attention to the indigenous tribe in front of them at all.

The voodoo dwarf leader of the tribe wearing a totem mask roared angrily, waving his spear and ordering others to fight back immediately.

Just when a group of apprentice-level voodoo dwarf warriors put blowguns to their mouths and prepared to wait for the enemy to enter the shooting range, the adventurers raised their extraordinary firearms with a grin.


After a barrage of bullets swept away from more than 300 meters away, one voodoo dwarf fell into a pool of blood in response.

Immediately afterwards, the wizards standing at the back released colorful spells, killing one third of the voodoo dwarves in just one attack.

The comparison of strength between the two sides is not at the same level at all. This is a battle where college students beat elementary school students violently.

Those professional-level voodoo dwarves saw that the situation was bad and wanted to escape, but how could those mentor-level adventurers let them escape?

In just five minutes, the entire tribe became a mess. Except for a few alive, the more than 300 voodoo dwarves turned into corpses. Neither Herbert nor Amiya took action. The battle of opportunity is over.

The adventurers immediately began to clean up the battlefield, and soon they collected a large amount of loot.

Extraordinary objects with original shapes, gems with alluring light, pearls, gold nuggets, rough herbs, and the skins of otherworldly creatures.

Neither Erica nor Herbert liked this pile of loot, but ordinary adventurers would not dislike it, and they quickly finished dividing the spoils.

The eyes of these adventurers were shining with excitement, and they were looking forward to plundering more indigenous tribes in subsequent actions.

Amiya frowned upon seeing this.

"Is this really okay for them?"

Herbert listened and said with a smile: "Miss Amiya may not be used to it since she comes from the Old World. That's how it is in the New World."

It was normal for adventurers to plunder the natives in the New World. He thought it was Amiya from the Old World who was very uncomfortable seeing this scene.

But Amiya shook her head: "Did they ask us when we were dividing the spoils just now? I don't want them to be blinded by greed and affect their future tasks. This trend cannot rise."

Herbert was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and his expressions darkened as he looked at the adventurers who still had unfinished expressions.

"You are right. Our goal is to cross the jungle of no return as soon as possible to reach the D-05 abandoned mine, kill the gold-eating crocodile group, and find the mother mine, not to rob the natives here!"

After convening a dozen adventure group leaders, he said bluntly: "From now on, no one is allowed to go out without permission. Violators will not only live and die at their own risk, but their rewards and pensions will also be completely void!"

Don’t forget, you were hired by Master Daniel, and your ability to move safely in the Jungle of No Return also relies on me and Miss Amiya!

Anyone who doesn't want to do it can get out now! "

Herbert's words immediately struck a chord in the hearts of all adventure group leaders.

Although the sponsors in front of me were very talkative along the way, it did not mean that they were weak and could be bullied.

After conquering the tribe, a group of adventurers divided up the spoils without even saying hello, leaving Herbert and Amiya aside.

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on the backs of the captains. It was true that they looked down on these trophies, but they had to ask. This was the minimum rule.

After all, without the protection of Herbert and Amiya, none of their adventure groups would be able to stay in the Jungle of No Return for too long.

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