Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 464 Isn’t it good to be alive?

The chief looked at Amiya and his expression became cruel.

"Human! Your behavior in the past two days has successfully angered Kukuli!"

If you weren't still of great use, I would immediately peel off your skin, seal your soul in the skin and enjoy the cruelest torture! "

After the high priest came out, he directly sent a mental wave towards the Gold-eating Crocodile King and began to communicate.

I don’t know what the two sides said, but the guarded eyes of the Gold-devouring Crocodile King obviously softened, and he turned to Amiya again with an angry look on his face.

And when Amiya looked at the newly-appeared Kukuli and the high priest, she probably understood what was going on.

When the adventure team wiped out the outlying tribes in the jungle before, it wasn't that the Skinned Tribe didn't know about it, but it was because they were afraid of their power and didn't dispatch immediately.

After all, more than a thousand adventurers are not vegetarians. Even if they have the right time, place and people, they will inevitably suffer losses if they really fight against the Skinning Tribe.

So the Skinned Tribe launched a surprise attack while they were attacking monsters. They first beheaded Amiya, the strongest combat force, and then joined forces with the Gold-Eating Crocodile tribe to harvest the others.

But from what Kukuli said, it seemed that he was preparing to capture him alive.

Thinking of this, Amiya sneered: "You two and a beast want to capture me alive, isn't it good to live?"

After hearing this, the chief showed a disdainful smile, and an old, deep voice came from behind the high priest's totem mask.

"Strong human being, if you cooperate obediently, we will set you free again after we leave the secret realm!"

Amiya's face suddenly became strange: "I didn't expect that you are quite ambitious and want to leave this secret realm."

She immediately understood the other party's plan, which was to capture her alive as a hostage.

In the eyes of Kukuli and the high priest, a legendary seed transcendent is definitely a high-ranking being outside, and no transcendent organization will ignore it.

As long as they can capture Amiya alive and threaten her life, and make the strong men in the camp use rat weapons, they can lead their tribe to escape from this cage-like ruins.

"Tell me your answer, or we wouldn't mind doing it ourselves!"

Amiya immediately shook her head. Even if the adventure team did not enter the Jungle of No Return this time, as long as Kukuli and the high priest knew about the existence of this legendary seed, they would still take action.

Thinking of this, she sighed and said, "Don't let me say it a second time. Isn't it good to be alive?"

Before Amiya could finish her words, Kukuli, the high priest and the Gold-eating Crocodile King suddenly felt chills in their hearts, and a fatal sense of crisis emerged instinctively.

Suddenly, a black figure appeared out of thin air behind the Gold-devouring Crocodile King, and three green sword lights struck at his vitals like lightning.


Blood splattered.

The Gold-Eating Crocodile King suddenly encountered a fatal sneak attack, and its eyes suddenly widened. It only had time to use all its strength to move its body a few meters laterally.

Although the critical point was avoided, a hideous wound was left on the chest, abdomen and neck, and the green spiritual toxin began to spread rapidly.

Drops of blood were also dyed green, making a rustling sound when dripping on the ground.


The Gold-eating Crocodile King roared angrily, trying to find the enemy, but after scanning around, not even a hair was found.

"Another legendary seed?!"

The expressions of Kukuli and the high priest changed drastically, but their reaction was not slow. After realizing that there were still enemies hiding, they quickly spit out a few spells from their mouths.

The original totem in the center of the barrier suddenly sprayed out a giant face composed of a miserable green mist.

The giant face flew away from the totem and let out a burst of strange laughter, and there was a strange fluctuation in the space inside the barrier.

Three meters behind the Gold-eating Crocodile King, the space suddenly distorted, and Death Master Snitch, who was wearing a dark cloak, was directly swept out by the space fluctuations.

After finally seeing the enemy, the Gold-Eating Crocodile King quickly dodged. Kukuli rushed towards the Death Master with a stone spear, while the High Priest took out a ball of carrion and swallowed it directly.


After swallowing the rotten flesh, a stream of smelly black blood spurted out from the high priest's mouth, with a few wriggling black hairs inside. The high priest's breath became a little weaker after vomiting blood.

At the same time, Death Master Snitch suddenly felt a strange curse force appear out of thin air and envelope him. His throat felt itchy, as if something was not vomiting out, and his own strength was also affected and began to become weak.

He immediately realized that it was the curse spell cast by the high priest through self-mutilation, and quickly transferred the curse.

The strange power disappeared and was transferred directly to the data banyan tree in the virtual kingdom of God. Immediately, a branch instantly rotted. The banyan tree was chopped off with a sword and thrown into the polluted lake.

"My curse has no effect on him!"

The high priest's eyes narrowed, and after reminding Kukuli, he no longer chose the curse spell. He saw the big mouth of the totem mask open and shoot out a stream of flames with a bang.

Snicki, who was originally planning to sneak attack the Gold-Eating Crocodile King, had a look of bad luck on his face and chose to give up, quickly leaving the place.

But Kukuli still chased him relentlessly, no slower than Snitch.

The Gold-eating Crocodile King also reacted, but his heart was so aggrieved that he was about to go crazy.

First it was Amiya, and then Death Master Snitch. Everyone was obviously a legendary seed, but it was him who enjoyed the feeling of dancing on the line of death one after another!


The Gold-eating Crocodile King, whose reason was swallowed up by his anger, no longer cared about the spiritual poison that was still spreading in his body, and rushed towards Snitch like crazy.

The high priest continued to spit out flames from his mouth, forming a pillar of fire that seemed to have eyes. The divine dragon swung its tail and quickly swept towards Death Master Snitch.

After seeing the actions of the two men and one beast, Amiya was about to go to support Snitch when her eyes were suddenly shrouded in darkness.

The giant face in mid-air came to her at some point, and its big black mouth was about to swallow her.

She could feel that if it was really swallowed, the marionette would be completely finished, and even Karin would not be able to repair it in the future.

Amiya sneered, and without dodging, she just opened the space pocket in her combat uniform, and suddenly arcs of electricity flashed in the air.



A long blue whip surrounded by electric light suddenly popped out from the space pocket and hit the green monster's face. Lightning struck and caused the large fog to dissipate.

The strange face couldn't help showing a look of pain, and quickly backed away. At this time, a blue transparent figure over six meters tall jumped out of the pocket.

This is a middle-aged man with curly hair, wearing an exquisite gentleman's dress, holding a blue whip with flashing arcs. He is the lightning ghost Little Edison in [Holy Spirit].

This elegant-looking gentleman's eyes looked cold and vicious, with an arc of electricity flashing across his pupils from time to time.

There are dozens of ghosts flying around the huge body. These ghosts are covered in lightning, but their faces are painful, as if they are suffering cruel torture.

As soon as Little Edison appeared, he continued to attack the strange face. The ghosts flying around him seemed to have received some kind of instructions, wailing and forming a torrent of lightning to strike at the opponent.

After seeing the strange face, there was no fear on his face, and the strange laughter continued, even getting louder.

Green ghosts suddenly flew out of the original totem inserted on the ground and rushed straight towards the lightning ghosts. The two groups of evil spirits, the green ghosts and the blue ghosts, collided with each other in an instant.


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