Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 474 White Fang’s enemy?

After saying that, No. 17 placed a piece of white paper on the table, then stood up and left the place.

There was silence in the room, and everyone was speechless looking at the boxes and white paper on the table.

After a while, Karin suddenly raised his hand, and a thread flew out of his fingertips to pull the box in front of him.


Carlin closed the box, and the shining golden light disappeared. He stood up, glanced around and said, "If no one is willing to do this, then these five hundred gold coins will belong to me alone."

Everyone looked at Karin eagerly, and their hearts were caught in a battle between heaven and man. Mr. Jin's eyes were calm and he didn't speak, and he began to think in his heart.

After a while, someone stood up and said, "Sorry, I have to take a step ahead."

After saying that, he immediately left the room, as if a switch was turned on. Then one after another, the men in black robes also couldn't wait to get up and find an excuse to leave.

"I thought about it, I have something to do."

"Sorry, it's really urgent."

"Wait for me"

As people left one after another, in less than half a minute, only Mr. Jin and Carlin were left in the room.

After hesitation, these extraordinary people had better not have the courage to divide the money. Allen can take the money, and he only needs to explain it to Daniel afterwards.

But they couldn't. If they really took the money, it would be like offending White Fang.

At this time, Carlin smiled and said to Mr. Jin: "It seems that the money is divided only between the two of us."

He was sure that Mr. Jin also came from a certain powerful force. These days, wild alchemist masters were more precious than legendary seeds.

Mr. Jin, who was deep in thought, said solemnly after hearing what Carlin said: "Someone wants to do harm to White Fang."

The commission of No. 17 is completely to dig out the roots of White Fang.

White Fang made its fortune by relying on the bloodline of an unknown race and the blood and tear crystals. What is the purpose of directly offering a reward for the transportation of blood and tear crystals?

No. 17's performance doesn't look like an ordinary transcendent, and some things can be inferred from the code name "No. 17".

The one who appeared in their party was 'Number 17', so is it possible that 'Number 1' to 'Number 16' also exist?

Then there will be no ‘18th’, ‘19th’ or ‘20th’?

If everyone is like 'No. 17' holding a box of spiritual gold coins, then at least it means that this person wants to deal with White Fangs

Karin asked curiously: "Is he the enemy of White Fang?"

Mr. Jin recalled it, shook his head and said: "There are too many people or forces who have enmity with White Fang. Who knows which one it is."

Karin also nodded. Every large supernatural organization inevitably makes some enemies during its rise.

After becoming successful, it is inevitable that members of the organization will bully small forces or wild extraordinary beings by relying on their own backgrounds.

Maybe some wild transcendent who had been bullied got a chance, and now it's not impossible to come back with revenge.

This kind of plot is often said in history, "Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty."

Karin shook his head. It was none of his business anyway, he was just a bastard.

He asked Mr. Jin again: "Do you want this money?"

Mr. Jin shook his head: "No, it's best for you, a person who has a good personal relationship with Daniel, to hold it. I can't offend White Fang for this little money."

Karin nodded and said again: "Leave your contact information. Maybe there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

During the two contacts, he sensed a familiar aura from Mr. Jin, and he always felt that he was an acquaintance.

However, due to the cover of the black cloak, he would not rush to spy on the other party's true face. After all, it was not clear whether he was a friend or an enemy. If the fig leaf was lifted at once, his identity might also be exposed.

Anyway, it will take a long time, and you will eventually know the identity of the other party.

After hearing Carlin's request, Mr. Jin thought for a while, then took out a pen and paper and wrote down the way to contact him in the black market.

At this moment, a burst of noisy footsteps suddenly came from outside, attracting their attention.


The door to the room was violently knocked open with a loud bang, and a group of blood knights rushed into the room, mixed with several extraordinary people wearing white fang uniforms. A man with an inch hair bore the brunt, and it seemed that he should be the captain.

One of the mentor-level blood knights was holding an ordinary-looking young man in his hand.

The man was wearing a black market cloak that covered his face, but now the hood was lifted, and he looked fainted. From his aura, he sensed that it was No. 17.

When this group of uninvited guests broke in rudely, both Carlin and Mr. Jin frowned.

The leader of the short-haired man broke into the room and glanced around. His eyes stayed on Carlin and Mr. Jin for a while and then saw the gold coin box on the table.

A trace of greed flashed in his eyes, but before he could speak, Karin, who was not interested in playing the pig-slapping game, directly lifted his hood, frowned and asked, "What are you doing? You don't know the rules of the black market." ?"

The short-haired man's expression stiffened for a moment when he saw it was Karin, and then became respectful again.

"Sorry, I didn't know that Master Allen also attended this party."

Carlin interrupted the other party expressionlessly: "You are here for this box of money, right? Now the money is all mine. Do you have any objections?"

"No, no, let's leave now. Please forgive me, Master Allen."

After saying that, the short-haired man quickly led the others and left here quickly. Mr. Jin and Carlin both shook their heads.

They dared to guarantee that the order this guy received was just to enter the black market to arrest No. 17, but after learning about the existence of the five hundred gold coins in the party room, he became greedy and wanted to steal it.

Of course he will do his best to complete the task, but this does not prevent him from taking the money for himself.

After putting the box away, Karin sighed: "It only took less than ten minutes. White Fang moved really fast."

It had only been less than ten minutes since No. 17 broke the news, and White Fang had actually received the news and sent people to arrest him.

Needless to say, it must have been the legendary strongman in the black market who heard the conversation at the party and informed the White Fangs.

Mr. Jin also knew these taboos, so he did not continue the topic. He just handed over the contact information to Carlin and said: "Do you still want the Ten Thousand Years Tree Heart now? I just got one a few days ago."

While speaking, he also took out a green willow heart.

Karin looked at Willow Heart, which was full of life, and was stunned for a moment. He took out two hundred grams of the Philosopher's Stone and said, "Of course you need it, let's trade it now."

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