Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 478 When people sit at home, pots come from the sky

Something unexpected happened in the banquet hall. After the waiter said a sentence, he exploded into a ball of blood mist. The other legendary strongmen present also reacted and took action one after another.

Streams of light flew into the blood mist. The blood mist dissipated in an instant and was completely disintegrated.

Daniel's expression was frightened, as if he had discovered something incredible.

Others also sensed some clues, but did not ask rashly.

The next moment, a middle-aged man in the banquet hall quickly came to Daniel's side.

"It's not safe here, let's go first!"

Without waiting for Daniel to answer, he pulled him and the rest of the White Fangs away from here, leaving everyone else looking at each other.

There was an uproar in the banquet hall, and everyone was talking about what just happened.

"Does the Archduke Stag have a grudge against White Fang?"

"It should be some historical grudges."

"Why is Carlin still related to the Archduke of Bucks? Is he a descendant of the Holy Blood sect?"

"Tsk, White Fang is probably going to be in trouble."


When this happened, the banquet could not go on, and the guests all left one after another.

As a melon-eater, Carlin looked confused until he left. Kasha next to him also let go of him, and Amiya and Anna walked out of the banquet hall together.

On the way, Kasha asked quietly: "Are you a descendant of Ain?"

After hearing this, Carlin cursed crazily: "I am his grandfather!"

"Hey, keep your voice down, do you want everyone to know that you are Karin?"

Karin quickly looked around and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that no one was paying attention to him nearby. He complained to Kasha: "What do you think this guy Ain wants to do, and he involves me too!"

Kasha smiled heartlessly and said: "There are so many people who want to find you anyway, and there is only one White Fang."

Carlin suddenly became depressed. This was obviously Ain's personal grudge, but he insisted on involving him. It was like sitting at home while the pot came from the sky.

After Kasha laughed for a while, he figured out something and explained to him: "Pay attention to other people's attitudes towards this matter."

After hearing this, Karin also glanced around and saw that all the guests leaving were chatting and laughing, as if they didn't take this matter to heart at all.

"You understand, Ain's open provocation is actually a declaration of war. When other organizations learn about it, except for a few allies, they will generally express a neutral attitude, because Ain is now a lone demigod."

Carlin immediately understood. After all, this was a personal grudge between Ain and White Fang, and Ain was still a lone traveler with no power.

In this case, other organizations will generally express neutrality. They are not afraid of wearing shoes on bare feet, and no one is willing to offend a lone demigod.

Princess Anna suddenly asked curiously: "What is your purpose of coming to Miracle Hills this time?"

Karin replied casually: "It's just for promotion materials to the mentor level."

After hearing this, Kasha said with a smile: "Do you think we believe it or not? It's just the tutor-level promotion materials that make you come here in person?"

"That's the truth," Carlin didn't explain. He knew that the other party wouldn't believe it without an explanation, so he proposed a deal.

"I need a large amount of professional-level extraordinary creature flesh and blood and haven't had time to purchase it. I just happened to meet you. Do you have any goods?"

"How much?"

"One hundred thousand tons!"

Hearing this huge number, both Kasha and Anna stared at him for a long time, which made Karin feel terrified. In the end, Anna gave a quick reply without asking any more questions.

"Three thousand spiritual gold coins, arriving in five days."

"make a deal."

The group of people walked all the way to the transportation parking area. On the way, Karin also took the initiative to ask Kasha and Anna about the ruins.

And the two of them didn't hide anything. They answered all questions, allowing Carlin to get a lot of information, including the safety routes and the collection of key items that he was very concerned about.

Because the land reclamation of ruins can only rely on extraordinary people below the legendary level, the speed is a bit slow.

Half of the extraordinary organizations in the New World are gathered in the camp. Each extraordinary organization is responsible for a certain area and jointly open up wasteland.

For more than half a year, countless adventurers came one after another, and some legendary strongmen used the Shroud of Tranquility, an extraordinary item that can shield the rules of the ruins space, to explore deeply and achieve some results.

Up to now, the major forces have not only harvested a large amount of resources, but also collected more than one-third of the key items, and have also explored most of the area.

As for the safe route to the A-005 underground wind cave that Carlin was most concerned about, he was disappointed. There was no safe route.

Except for B-14 White Blood City, there are legendary creatures in the area around A-005 Underground Wind Cave. It is very risky to sneak past quietly.

Kasha also felt something during the conversation and asked directly: "Do you want to go to A-005?"

Carlin simply admitted: "Yes, is there a big risk in White Blood City?"

When it came to White Blood City, Anna also frowned.

"Although there are no legendary creatures in White Blood City, the danger there is even higher for mentor-level extraordinary beings!"

"Why do you say that?"

Anna thought about it for a while, then slowly said: "There is an unknown evil thing in White Blood City. It is not only us, but everyone else has seen this kind of evil thing for the first time."

"The people in charge of the White Blood City are the White Fangs. They gave this evil creature a name - the fallen ghost."

"The fallen ghost is obviously an evil creature deformed by a supernatural being. This creature thirsts for the blood of all living creatures and has a very keen sense of blood."

"If it's just like this, it doesn't matter. It's just a new evil thing. It can be solved as long as a large number of elites are organized into the White Blood City. But the most difficult thing about the fallen ghost is that it can be resurrected!"

"Resurrection?" Carlin's eyes suddenly widened.

Kasha nodded: "Yes, it's resurrection. After the fallen ghost is killed, the body will burn into a pile of ashes out of thin air, but a day later the dead fallen ghost actually resurrected out of thin air and appeared in White Blood City!"

"Everyone suspects that the fallen ghosts are just derivatives of something in White Blood City. Only by destroying certain key things can the fallen ghosts be completely eliminated."

"But it's not that easy. White Fang has tried several times but has repeatedly hit a wall."

"If the legendary powerhouses can attack with all their strength, they will definitely be able to deal with those fallen ghosts, but now that we cannot rely on the legendary powerhouses, it is still too difficult for mentor-level extraordinary men to explore the White Blood City."

After hearing this, Karin's heart suddenly felt cold and he even began to mourn for Almeda.

But Kasha's next words gave him hope again: "White Fang is preparing to try again after a while. Unlike before, this time they all acted confident, as if they had found a key clue!"

"When will they set off?"

"In about a month."

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