Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 485 White Blood City

After walking out of the forest, the adventure team camped on the spot in the open wilderness. After resting for six hours to recharge their spirits, they set off again.

During the next journey, the team encountered monster attacks in several different areas of Ring C and Ring B. However, relying on their strong strength, they easily destroyed the invading beasts or evil objects.

There were more than twenty casualties during this period, and the losses were minimal compared to the overall situation.

It has to be said that the safe route mastered by White Fang is indeed very reliable. The team did not encounter any decent danger until they entered the destination B-14.

Of course, the lack of danger means that there is a team of 5,000 people. If it were replaced by another separate group of 100 people, the group would have been wiped out long ago.

For Daniel and Carlin, it is not a danger as long as they are not attacked by legendary creatures.

Because of the smooth traffic, the journey that was originally scheduled to take half a month was advanced by three days.

December 14, 546, six o'clock in the afternoon.

The sky gradually darkened, and the adventure team stepped into a piece of red land.

The geology of the land is hard, the ground is rough and uneven, and there is no vegetation or water sources at first glance. It looks like a barren Gobi desert.

When Carlin picked up an extraordinary telescope and looked into the distance, he saw a pure white outline fifteen kilometers away appeared in his field of vision.

Because the distance was too far, Carlin could only see a general shape.

From a distance, it looks like a right-angled trapezoid with a height of more than a kilometer growing on the red land, with a width of more than ten kilometers, and the slope is facing Carlin.

At this time, Daniel walked up to Carlin and said to him: "That piece of white is White Blood City, and ahead is an abyss. White Blood City is located on the edge of the cliff."

Carlin suddenly looked surprised, and Daniel smiled after seeing it: "I was also very surprised when I saw it for the first time. Just get used to it."

At this time, Kalin thought of something and quickly said: "Is it possible that there is an underground wind cave?"

"Yes, it's just as you think. There is a terrifying hurricane barrier under the cliff. Through the barrier, you can reach the underground wind cave.

The easiest way to get there is to go to the highest point of White Blood City and then jump off the cliff. However, the chance of landing alive is very slim. Just the hurricane outside can tear you and me into a pile of powder.

In addition to this method of entering the underground wind cave, there must be a passage deep underground into the underground wind cave inside White Blood City. "

Carlin looked enlightened on the outside, but he was scornful in his heart.

Although the scammer Almeda knew very little about the information about the ruins space and had to find out by himself, he at least told him that there was no passage leading to the underground wind cave.

The name A-005 Underground Wind Cave was just chosen casually by those legendary experts who saw the hurricane barrier.

No one knew what was behind the barrier. The strong men in the camp could only guess that there was a huge wind source below based on the raging hurricane barrier.

But the actual situation is that under the barrier is Almeda's sealed place, and there is only one way to get there, just as Daniel said.

Climb to the top of White Blood City and jump down.

But except for Karin, it is estimated that even if the demigods hit the hurricane barrier, they will never return.

This barrier was set up by the three god kings to protect Almeda, and Almeda could also control this barrier to allow Karin to pass safely.

After all, this is a seal to protect Almeda. It is certainly impossible for Milton and the other two god-kings to be so stupid as to create a special passage so that other extraordinary beings can enter Almeda's 'cell' unimpeded.

Now all Carlin has to do is go through White Blood City and jump directly into the cliff.

As the team continued to move forward and gradually approached White Blood City, this majestic city became more and more clear in Carlin's eyes.

This is a giant city built on a slope with a height of more than one thousand meters and a width of about three kilometers.

One after another, round tower buildings with unique styles are densely arranged along the slope from bottom to top. From a close distance, Carlin can see that some of the round tower buildings are incomplete.

At the bottom of the slope stands a forty-meter-high city wall, with a large fifteen-meter-wide arch in the center serving as the entrance.

There is no steam pipe arrangement in this architectural style, which is very similar to the architectural style of the Machine Soul Catastrophe era in the middle of the fifth era.

Without exception, the buildings in this city are all pure white, like a colorful portrait that suddenly fades. Except for white and black in the shadows, Karin can no longer see any other colors.

After watching it for a while, he couldn't help but start complaining: "What's wrong with the designer of this city? It's okay to build a city on a mountain, but there's really nothing wrong with his mind when placing a huge trapezoid on the edge of a cliff?" "

Daniel couldn't help laughing after hearing Carlin's complaint, but he immediately explained: "Actually, the Red Earth and White Blood City we are in are two different secret realms, that's why it looks so strange."

Karin nodded and asked Daniel about his next arrangements.

"How are you going to explore the city?"

Daniel pondered for a moment before replying: "Based on our previous exploration experiences, we have roughly figured out the layout of this city."

"There is no ground level in the entire city. Countless suspended passages connect one round tower with a height of more than 100 meters together. Through the passages, one gradually advances from the lower round tower to the higher round tower."

"Our goal is a palace in the sky nine hundred meters away from the bottom of the slope."

Hearing this, Carlin cursed madness in his heart again. He confirmed that the guy who designed this city definitely had something wrong with his brain!

He frowned and asked, "Can't you just climb up the slope, climb to 900 meters and then jump onto the suspended passage leading to the palace?"

Daniel shook his head helplessly: "The space near the slope is filled with a terrible polluting spirit. If an extraordinary person inhales it, it will immediately transform into a fallen ghost. Maybe the legendary strong ones are not afraid of pollution, but the mentor level is not."

Carlin was completely speechless after hearing this, and he picked up the telescope to observe again.

The dense white suspended corridors between the round towers made his scalp numb. In some places, there was a circular square with a diameter of more than 30 meters in the middle of the corridors between several round towers.

The complexity of the city's travel route design made Carlin very worried about the designer's mental state at the time.

What kind of mental state would it take to design a city designed specifically to torture its residents?

Residents who want to travel within a range of no more than 500 meters from home must remember the routes composed of hundreds of suspended passages between dozens of round towers. Every time they go out, they are equivalent to walking in Walk the maze.

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