Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 50 Comfortable Sandbag

Entering the illusion of [Witch King], the thirtieth day.


Soft white light accompanied by the chanting of mantras fell on the corridor outside dormitory 210.

I saw the last piece of filthy spirituality on the floor gradually melting into the white light.

Next, a curious doll stepped into the corridor with cautious steps. Although the movements seemed very mechanical and awkward, it no longer affected the doll's normal walking.

The doll walked around the hallway a few times, passing another Curious doll lying on the floor.

Compared to the new one, the doll lying on the ground was covered in pits, most of its clothes had been corroded, and even its skin was rotten and damaged in pieces, and eerie white bones could be seen in some places.

This scrapped doll was sent by Carlin to test spiritual pollution. It fell down as soon as it walked out of the door without even being able to hold on for three seconds.

So when Karin practiced the light of the White Tower, he always released it towards the door.

The Light of the White Tower was only refreshed about every five minutes, and it took a full 26 days to completely purify the pollution caused by the previous dumping of leveling garbage.

There are still almost twelve hours until now, and this time the [Witch King] will be full of one month.

For so many days, Kalin's crazy skills were like a possessed ascetic, and his whole body became numb.

Fortunately, he remembered his previously planned schedule and made sure to leave twelve hours as relaxation time to restore his mind.

After practicing hard for so long, the results were remarkable, which made Carlin very satisfied.

First of all, he has been able to control the Curiosity Doll to walk normally, but it does not look like a living person, and he cannot be distracted from doing other things.

With unremitting practice, the time between casting four spells has been shortened by nearly one second. Now he can cast a spell in only three seconds.

Karin was very satisfied with the results of his hard work.

Calculating according to this progress, he will be able to control a marionette very skillfully like a living person in up to five days, and he can also perform dual-purpose operations.

This made him put the goal of owning his own marionette on the agenda.

Whether you are refining it yourself, or you want to get back the marionette that Westmin deposited with Drake, you must have a marionette.

He controlled the Curiosity Doll to walk in the corridor for a while, and then asked the Doll to come back.

After putting away the Curiosity Doll and putting it away, Karin stretched his muscles, and the bones all over his body suddenly made a crisp sound.

‘After being at home for so long, it’s time to do some rehabilitation exercises and move my rusty body! ’

Karin strode out of dormitory 210 and came to door 203. He opened his lips slightly and began to chant the spell of dizzy light.

At the same time, his body did not stop and he kicked the door violently.

When the door was kicked open, he only recited the first half of the incantation "Li".

At this time, a familiar scream sounded, and the faceless apprentice in the room immediately raised the patterned sword and rushed towards Karin.

He was also chanting mantras to impact the force field.


But as soon as he started, Carlin finished reciting the light of dizziness, and a dazzling white light erupted in dormitory 209.

The faceless apprentice froze immediately after being affected, and the chanting of spells and incantations was also interrupted.

Kalin didn't give it time to react at all. He kicked open the door and rushed to the faceless apprentice, grabbed his right arm and twisted it violently.

After a clicking sound, Karin directly removed the faceless apprentice's arm and grabbed the patterned sword.

At this time, the faceless apprentice finally recovered and wanted to chant the second spell.

But immediately Karin's fist hit the smooth face directly, interrupting the chanting of the spell again.

Karin was unforgiving, and then punched the faceless apprentice one after another, like punching sandbags.

Whenever the opponent wanted to chant a spell, Karin's fist hit his face as soon as he uttered a word.

The faceless apprentice was beaten back and forth, and finally hit the wall and was unable to retreat, being ravaged by Karin's stormy fists.

Bang - bang - bang -

The dull percussion in the room brought out a rhythm that made Karin comfortable.

The pain of crushing the sandbag in front of him again and again made him regain the familiar feeling after not exercising for a month.

Carlin beat him for more than a minute, and the faceless apprentice's chest was dented by the blast, getting closer and closer to the skin and heart crystal.

At this time, Karin punched him hard in the chest again.

But this time, in addition to the dull blow, Karin also heard the breaking sound of something.


The faceless apprentice stiffened, then slumped down, leaning on the wall and slowly sliding down, no longer alive.

"Huh - cool -"

Karin, who was sweating profusely, exclaimed in joy, could it be that encountering such a good sandbag could give him a good beating?

After the faceless apprentice died, Karin didn't even look at the body. He turned around to find the next target to warm up. When he left, he picked up the patterned sword that fell on the ground.

Next, Carlin was also extremely relaxed about other faceless apprentices.

After kicking open the door, he directly interrupted the opponent's spellcasting with a dizzying light, and then directly pierced the heart with his sword. It didn't take much effort on his part.

After he had dealt with all six faceless apprentices in the dormitory, Karin strode towards the first floor with a sword in hand.

After standing on the steps and seeing the familiar altar and faceless swordsman, Karin stepped down the steps without stopping.

When he took this step, the two faceless swordsmen were also speechless.

The only response he received was two piercing screams, and Carlin suddenly frowned.

Compared to the screams of the faceless apprentice, the swordsman's screams were more powerful, and there was actually a slight sting in his head.

However, this was still within Karin's tolerance. Facing the two faceless swordsmen who charged with their swords, he raised his sword without fear.


The sound of metal clashing sounded in the hall on the first floor. After blocking the sword, Carlin was slightly stunned and noticed something strange.

He felt that the faceless swordsman might not be as powerful as him, but this was a trainee-level evil creature. Even if it didn't focus on strength, it couldn't be weaker than him, a newbie at the contact level.

‘By the way, the limit level of [Witch King]’s illusion in the panel is marked as the contact level. Could it be that all the monsters in this illusion have their strength suppressed at the contact level? ’

When this idea appeared, another big sword whizzed up and brought a gust of evil wind to hit Karin's head.

Karin hurriedly ducked and narrowly dodged, and at the same time, he kept swinging the patterned sword in his hand towards the opposite side, but was blocked by another faceless swordsman with a clang.

The two swordsmen cooperated extremely skillfully. Seeing that there was no chance, Karin took two steps back to distance himself, then charged forward again with his sword, and the two sides fought again.

I saw two faceless swordsmen walking in strange steps, like a kind of dance. Each step followed a specific beat. They seemed to have some kind of magic power, which made Karin suddenly feel a sense of weakness.


The big sword directly pressed down the patterned sword. The blow made Carlin feel extremely heavy and almost let go. At this time, another big sword seized the opportunity to attack, and Carlin quickly parried with his left sword.

After a crisp sound, Karin's left sword was knocked down directly. He took advantage of this leisure to retreat quickly, reciting a mantra while retreating.


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