Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 505 Crazy whoring for free

After entering the settlement, she could see that most of the people here were a burden to Evans.

In this environment without any order, Evans, as the leader, did not rely on his strong strength to bully other people in the settlement.

And even if he takes the initiative to abandon some of his burdens, others will not say that he has done something wrong.

But the other party called the others lazy, but he didn't give up on anyone.

For a vampire like Willy who was in a state of severe thirst for blood, he would wait until the last day when he had no choice but to expel Willy from the settlement and let Willy fend for himself.

As for having a bad temper, it can't be considered a shortcoming here.

After chatting for a while, Sid took the two of them out of the alchemy room and explained to them some of the rules of the settlement.

There are actually not many rules, except for a series of general rules such as no fighting, stealing, and robbery.

Also, everyone has to make their own contribution, whether they stay in the settlement to work for Sid's alchemy, or follow Evans out to find the Blood Tear Crystal, they must do something.

If you go out, it will be based on a rotation system. People without alchemy skills will have to go out with Evans every few days.

The people who go out with Evans are different every day, and they rotate like this over and over again.

There is also a meal held every other week in the settlement, which dilutes the life energy contained in the blood and tear crystals. Everyone can get enough blood for three days. If the stock of blood and tear crystals is in short supply, it will be reduced.

Most people in the settlement have become numb to this kind of half-fed life. They usually stay in their rooms when they have nothing to do, and only occasionally communicate with other people.

This resulted in a lifeless atmosphere when Amiya and Almeda came here.

After introducing these to the two, Sid took them to the room assigned to them.

Opening a door in the corridor, you will see a small space with only a double-decker iron frame bed and not even sheets or bedding.

This is the room for Almeida and Amiya. When you want to rest, you can just lie down on the wooden board.

"The public washroom is at the end of the corridor. If you want to wash up or have a convenience, go there, but remember to save water. There is no clean water source in the Queen's District. The source of fresh water relies on the magic circle to collect moisture in the air."


"As for your arrangements, I will discuss them with Evans and inform you tomorrow."

After giving the last instructions, Sid left here and closed the door before leaving.

At this time, Almelda sat down on the wooden plank of the lower bunk and complained to Amiya.

"Karin, I just want to leave here quickly and live in a normal environment. When can we leave here?"

Amiya said helplessly: "It's only the second day, and I have no clue at all. No matter how much you urge me, it's useless. Don't expect to leave in a short time. Let's collect enough information here and plan the next step. "

"Well, I know I won't have a good life following you."

After saying that, Almelda fell directly on the wooden board and prepared to have a good sleep.

Shaking her head, Amiya ignored the other party and climbed to the upper bunk to lie down, quietly waiting for the arrival of the next day.

At the same time, in a building one kilometer away from the underground settlement, a blooming mistletoe in the center of the five-story hall held up a purification barrier.

Snicki stood aside quietly, while Karin looked at the Blood Tear Crystal in his hand and thought about something.

He carefully inspected the blood and tear crystal, confirming that the life energy inside could be absorbed harmlessly, and that there was no feedback from the virtual divine kingdom.

After ensuring absolute safety, Karin finally put the Blood Tear Crystal into his mouth and started sucking it. A stream of bright red liquid flowed from the tip of the Blood Tear Crystal, followed the esophagus and entered the power seed on the heart.

In an instant, Karin felt a warm and comfortable feeling in his body, and the power seeds seemed to have received some kind of tonic, eagerly absorbing the blood-red liquid and growing vigorously.

The spiritual veins covering most of the body began to expand at an accelerated pace, and the momentum was gratifying.

But this situation only lasted for a while. When the blood and tear crystals were completely absorbed and turned into pure white, the power seeds stopped growing.

Karin put away the white crystal and felt it. Although the increase in power was subtle, the growth of the power seeds could not be concealed.

Suddenly his face lit up with joy, and he began to make rapid calculations in his mind.

"The blood and tear crystals are indeed not only effective for vampires, but also extraordinary people of other races can directly take the blood and tear crystals to shorten their growth cycle.

My third growth cycle will take another two years if I maintain daily meditation and adequate food supply, but if I take blood lacrimal crystals, I can skip these two years with only about 20,000 crystals! "

Thinking of this, Carlin immediately set out to collect blood and tear crystals to determine the goal that must be completed.

The next moment, four more illusory figures appeared next to the mistletoe, namely the witch, Charlotte, Drake and Eric.

In the virtual kingdom of God, after a long period of hesitation, Banyan Tree finally made up his mind to set up a white altar to summon professional-level faceless men, preparing to replenish the number of his secondary partners.

In fact, Karin can summon professional-level faceless men early on, and it seems that he can have sex for free, but this behavior is actually playing with fire.

There are also many extraordinary people in history who have received rituals to summon spiritual creatures, but most of them are very restrained. This is the experience summed up by countless bloody lessons.

There were once extraordinary beings who lacked common sense and got a ritual similar to summoning the Faceless Men by chance, and then they began to crazyly summon low-level spiritual creatures to engage in crazy prostitution.

But when the number of summons reaches a certain level, the summoned objects suddenly become legendary creatures, and then there is nothing more.

Creatures in the spirit world are not tools, they also have tribes. Legendary creatures will naturally react accordingly if they find that their own kind are constantly being summoned to the mortal world and do not return.

Even if the summoner is an idle Blood God, these spirit world creatures can stop responding to any summons after knowing it.

Banyan Tree now summons the Faceless Men to add another group of laborers to complete the construction of the workshop as soon as possible.

He was about to summon a hundred professional-level ones and then stopped immediately to avoid suddenly summoning the legendary Faceless Man.

Along with the chanting of the incantation, the flesh and blood and philosopher's stones as sacrifices on the altar disappeared, and the phantoms of professional-level faceless men appeared one after another.

They lay on all fours, their red muscles exposed, and there was only a bloody mouth densely packed with tiny fangs on their smooth faces.

Half an hour later, just as Rongshu and the other puppets began to refine new puppets, four puppets were also fully equipped and teleported to Karin.

After they put on their masks, they walked out of the mistletoe range with Kalinsnich and began to search for Blood Tear Crystals in the nearby area.

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