Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 515 Promotion Ceremony

Soon, all the vampires had a book put into their heads by Karin, and the one hundred puppets and eighteen rats in the virtual kingdom of God also completed the transmission.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The two big rats, Shuke and Beta, were running around like two halves after a breakup as soon as they were teleported. They had been stuck in the virtual kingdom of God all day long and finally had a chance to come out and breathe.


After Carlin coughed twice, the two mice calmed down and stood behind Jerry obediently.

Nodding to Almeda, Karin took the five marionettes except Amiya and began to communicate with the mistletoe. After three or four seconds, the six people were teleported to an unknown place.

At this time, most of the vampires were dizzy as they digested their memories, and the sudden influx of a large amount of information into their minds made them uncomfortable.

Even though Evans and Sid were confused when they saw Carlin leaving, they stopped thinking about it after hearing Almeida casually say that the other party had something to do and needed to leave for five days.

"Okay, I will arrange your schedule for the next five days. Come here first and don't get too close to those puppets."

When Almeda brought sixty-three confused vampires to the edge of the mistletoe barrier, Jerry suddenly let out a roar and swung his claws at high speed.

Large swaths of sand, earth and rocks splashed, and everyone watched helplessly as Jerry quickly dug a large black hole next to the mistletoe and got into it.

Shuke and Beta also screamed excitedly when they saw this, and quickly got into the pit with fifteen elite wolf rats.

Evans and Sid suddenly looked confused. Just when they were about to ask what they were doing, they suddenly felt a violent vibration coming from the ground.


Eighteen rats frantically dug vertical holes downwards at a speed of ten centimeters per second. The excavated soil soon formed a small mound on the ground.

At this time, Almeida took out sixty-five iron buckets from her storage space and said to the others: "Okay, let's start working. Your task is very simple. Move the pile of soil away from the distance. ."

After saying that, he picked up an iron bucket and walked towards the mound, and Amiya followed suit.

After seeing this, other people also started to move, picked up the iron buckets and followed the two people towards the mound.

"Didn't you say you should eliminate illiteracy first?" Evans asked confusedly on the way.

"Work eight hours a day, study for twelve hours, meditate deeply for four hours, and continue working the next morning. Is there any problem?"

"Uh, what is meditation?"


Just when Ameda was rendered speechless by the curious baby Evans, Karin, who had teleported back to the ground, started the process of teleporting to the virtual kingdom of God again.

As the figures of one person and five marionettes gradually became illusory, a long half hour passed unknowingly.

Kalin, who returned to the virtual kingdom of God, opened his eyes, glanced at the buzzing alchemy workshop area, and then walked to the open space on the other side.

I saw a bucket of red liquid next to the banyan tree in the open space. He was holding a silver knife and carving on the ground quickly, and from time to time he would dip the knife into the bucket and dip it in the liquid.

A huge magic circle on the ground was only half completed, when Karin and five marionettes also joined the work.

With one carving after another, the pattern gradually becomes complete.

Three hours later, the complex promotion circle was finally completed.

Banyan Tree immediately carried the iron bucket and left the circle with the other five professional marionettes. Kalin stood directly in the center of the circle with five rings drawn around it.

Then he placed the heart of the ten thousand year tree, the core of the source of light, one hundred milliliters of requiem water, the body of the gold-eating crocodile king, and the blade mantis pupa in the five surrounding rings.

In the past two days, he had been running around outside and found eight blood crystal trees. After recovering, he received more than 24,000 blood and tear crystals.

Karin started to feast without hesitation. He absorbed the life energy of more than 20,000 Blood and Tear Crystals and directly completed his third growth.

Now that everything is ready, after setting up the promotion circle, we can finally start to attack the mentor level.

Karin closed her eyes and let her mind empty.

I don't know how long it took, but he opened his eyes suddenly, and a bright red light burst out from his body. The five promotion materials around him also turned into a brilliant light and flowed towards Carlin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Carlin's expression was solemn, and he felt that his spirituality was beginning to sublimate, but immediately some subtle changes suddenly occurred in front of his eyes.

The ground disappeared, replaced by endless darkness, and pairs of scarlet eyes flashed in the darkness.

This is the field of vision of Carlin's main body, while the field of vision of the banyan tree clone is still normal, as if the main body has been cut out separately.

The next moment, a figure appeared in front of him. It was a haggard old man who was about to die. Carlin's pupils shrank sharply, and the person who appeared in front of him was actually his long-dead adoptive father, Westmin.

‘Is it an illusion? Or is it the embodiment of some kind of obstacle in the promotion process? ’

Westmin's expression was ferocious and greedy, and he pounced on Carlin with a look of hatred.

"You ungrateful white-eyed wolf! Without me adopting you, you wouldn't have survived to adulthood in the orphanage."

Carlin suddenly felt in a trance, and without any resistance, Westmin threw him to the ground.

Immediately, Westmin bit Carlin's shoulder and bit off a piece of flesh with a squeak.

In an instant, Karin woke up from the severe pain, and a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"How many times have I said that I am not wrong, it is the world that is wrong!"


Scarlet flames erupted, and Westminster was directly burned into a plume of black smoke and disappeared into the darkness.

At the same time, a plume of black smoke emerged out of thin air in the virtual kingdom of God, and a suction force erupted from the polluted lake. The black smoke was directly sucked into the lake, causing the water level to rise slightly.

At this time, Carlin also realized that he had entered an unknown state. After Westmin was killed, he instantly felt that his mind became a little lighter.

He immediately began to recall some common sense about the impact of the tutor level on the tutor level.

‘The promotion process of the mentor level involves the sublimation of power seeds to produce qualitative changes in spirituality. This requires promotion rituals to extract the origins of various materials and absorb them into the power seeds.

During different spiritual transformations, the spirituality that is useless to me will turn into pollution. This is an unavoidable situation for every person who strives to become a master-level transcendent. ’

After figuring out the situation, Carlin looked at a pair of scarlet eyes in the darkness and sneered: "Let's go together, don't waste my time!"

Carlin's arrogant attitude seemed to anger these beings hidden in the darkness. Suddenly, roars rang out, and many familiar faces of Carlin appeared one by one.

Familiar faces such as Drake, Charlotte, Raymond, Eric, Chloe, Kenis, Charles, Mycroft, etc. were all looking at him resentfully at this moment.

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