Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 525: A Charitable Madonna?

Five minutes later, the dark shadow in front of his eyes disappeared, but Thorin still had a haunted expression on his face.

He turned around and looked around, and found that he was still in the grass where he had just been ambushed, and had not left the place. The five subordinates also looked panicked.

"Master, are you okay?"

Thorin was startled by these words and finally came to his senses. His face turned green and white for a while, and he said after a while: "Nothing happened just now. Let's continue hunting!"

Immediately, someone was shocked: "But the young master."

"What do you want to say? If I say it's okay, it's okay. Do you understand?"

Thorin roared with a ferocious expression. The five followers were frightened by his cannibalistic expression and did not dare to say anything more.

They could only act as if nothing had happened and follow Thorin deeper into the forest.

Four hours later, a sensational news was received in the Autumn Trial camp.

The nobles and knights all rushed out of the gate, and saw a group of silver-horned reindeer in the distance with confused eyes, as if they were fascinated by the incense, and they were approaching the camp gate little by little with mechanical steps.

"Silver-horned reindeer?"

"There are so many?"

"Look, that's Thorin from the Wilmington family!"

"It took only four hours to catch such prey!"

The atmosphere in the camp suddenly exploded, and almost everyone who saw it was talking.

And just when Thorin caused a sensation in the camp, Banyan Tree, who was sent to Folsom City by Carlin, also came to a small village.

At this time, he was not alone. There were three assistants following him. All four of them only showed the aura of apprentices. Their faces looked weathered, and the calluses on their hands revealed that they were all people with stories.

His clothes were also changed into a linen jacket, animal skin armor and deerskin boots that Kaling had rushed to work, as well as some unsightly weapons such as daggers, swords, crossbows, etc., making him look like a mercenary. .

This outfit was even specially aged, making Rongshu and his party look dusty.

He originally planned to go outside the city of Forsun and observe secretly for a while before making any plans. However, after Amiya interrogated the six Thorins, he summoned three more puppets to disguise themselves as wandering mercenaries.

According to the information obtained from interrogating the six Thorins, just as Carlin had thought before, the restrictions on population movement in various places in the Old Continent were as crazy as those in his hometown in ancient times.

The core social idea of ​​this era is the relationship of population dependence. For the nobles, everything in the territory is their own property, the laws are made by themselves, and all the people in the territory must be loyal to them.

This subordination is extremely strict, and the saying "a man without a lord is not trustworthy" is regarded as a norm by everyone.

After all, if everyone is a free man and can change his allegiance to the lord at any time, then the nobles will be unhappy.

Even free people will attach themselves to a powerful person as a protector, form a personal dependence relationship, and bind themselves to the protector for their entire lives.

However, this kind of forced personal dependence is not an exception. The exception is the wild supernatural beings who wander around the folk.

To Carlin's surprise, extraordinary knowledge did not fall into the complete monopoly of the nobles.

Thorin didn't know about the northern part of the Old Continent, but south of the Harvest Mountains of the Old Continent, the strongest ones were not the various countries but the Holy Mother Society, an extraordinary organization that believed in the Blood Mother of Sichen.

The Marist Society is well-organized throughout the southern part of the continent. It provides door-to-door services to the public every once in a while, helping ordinary people who meet the qualifications to awaken their blood and become extraordinary beings. The activity units even reach villages.

Although an ordinary small village may not be able to produce a transcendent person for several years, this gives an opportunity to those at the bottom who are qualified but have no social status.

Some of these civilian supernatural beings who awakened their bloodline with the help of the Holy Mother Society directly joined the lords, and some became wild supernatural beings wandering around.

As a result, an unwritten rule was formed in the Old Continent. Wild supernatural beings were free citizens and did not form personal dependence relationships with their lords.

Because the proportion of wild supernatural beings in the population is less than one thousandth, and because the Holy Mother Society has the strongest fist, all the nobles hold their noses and recognize it.

Most of these wild extraordinary beings would engage in the promising career of mercenaries. As long as they did not commit any crime, they could visit different territories without being caught or driven away.

In the final analysis, it is due to power. Extraordinary people have a special status, and nobles cannot monopolize all channels to become extraordinary people. In addition, the Marist Society does not know why it insists on engaging in such charitable acts, resulting in the current weird pattern.

After thinking about it carefully, Rongshu decided to take the three assistants and pretend to be four trainee-level mercenaries traveling together.

When they entered the village, they quickly alarmed the villagers here.

The village is not big, with a population of just over a hundred. Except for a few stone houses, the others are simple thatched huts.

Immediately, another man wearing leather armor came to the banyan tree from the wooden house at the other end of the village and asked vigilantly in front of the four people.

"Who are you?"

"We are mercenaries from the Rhine Territory, ready to go to the city of Felsund to make a living."

Having said this, the banyan tree looked up at the sky, only the afterglow of sunset remained in the sky.

"It's getting late. We want to stay in the village for one night. If anything happens, we can help."

After a brief exchange, the man did not doubt the identities of the four people from the banyan tree.

The banyan tree also learned the identity of the other party, who was the retinue of the fief knight in the village.

Two hundred acres of land in the village were given to the knight as a fief, and the village was also managed by the knight.

The knight usually lives in the village. After being recruited by the lord, he can go on the road with a group of villagers carrying pitchforks.

Now almost all the knights in Kazan Province have followed their lords to the Autumn Trial, and Banyan Tree has only seen the other party's followers who stayed in the village.

He looked at the other party vaguely and felt that something was wrong with the other party's spirituality.

The strength of this retinue is obviously at the trainee level, and although his physical fitness has not reached the limit of the human body, it is far beyond the average level of ordinary people. It is easy to fight ten with a weapon.

But I don’t know why Banyan Tree felt a sense of emptiness from his spirituality, as if he only gained the current strength because of a severe overdraft of his body.

And what surprised him most was that the other party's spiritual affinity did not meet the minimum standard of a transcendent person at all!

Even if an ordinary person becomes an extraordinary person, his spiritual affinity will increase accordingly. There is no reason to stay still.

This follower obviously obtained his current power through some evil method.

‘Is this cannon fodder in the blood sacrifice system? Or a cultist? ’

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