Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 528 Holy Grail Ceremony

After muttering something, Rongshu opened the door and saw a girl looking at him with curious eyes.

"Uh, what's your name?"

The little girl was wearing a loose white robe, looked a little introverted, and had a pair of big, watery eyes.

"Hello Mr. Carlin, I'm Vivian. Grandpa John asked me to call you to gather in the front yard."

"Oh, hello, please give me your advice in the future."

After Vivian notified Rongshu, she knocked on the doors of the other three deputy puppets one by one and called them out.

The four people in the banyan tree and the little girl set out towards the front yard of Notre Dame Cathedral.

During the chat on the road, the four people in the banyan tree chatted with Vivian one after another, and roughly figured out the current situation of Notre Dame de Sanger.

Four months ago, after most of the personnel were recalled to the spirit world headquarters for unknown reasons, only old John and the little girl were left here.

The two of them were neither short of money nor resources, and no one dared to come to Notre Dame to cause trouble without opening their eyes. Although their daily lives were monotonous, they were not embarrassed at all.

Even the daily laundry and cooking are done by the little girl. When Rongshu heard this, he was very angry.

"I knew that old man was not a good person. He actually left the daily chores to a child. He wouldn't hire people outside!"

Vivian hurriedly explained: "Mr. Rongshu, that's not the case. Our daily food preparation and clothing and equipment maintenance must be done by myself. People outside can't handle it."

After a while of explanation, the banyan tree finally understood.

Old John and Vivian's daily food is spiritual food, and their equipment is also extraordinary equipment. It's really hard to just hire people outside.

Vivian is responsible for these chores and is actually exercising her professional skills.

Old John would spend money to hire people in the town to do chores such as cleaning and housekeeping, and he would do a general cleaning of Notre Dame Cathedral every month.

The two of them walked and talked, and soon they arrived at the green square in the front yard, where they saw old John standing in front of the statue of the Blood Mother.

"Hey, you guys are here, come and work with me!"

After saying that, he walked into the huge domed lobby on the west side of the square, and the four people from the banyan tree and Vivian quickly followed suit.

After opening the door, everything in the hall feels solemn and solemn, and various quaint beast reliefs on the walls are vividly displayed.

The rows of redwood benches placed indoors make the banyan tree feel like this is a church.

However, what is placed at the front desk is not a podium, but a bust statue of a blood mother that is more than four meters tall.

The statue holds a one-meter-tall silver short round cup in front of its chest with both hands. The base of the silver cup is just placed on the front desk.

At first glance, this silver cup banyan tree gave him the impression that it looked like a bathtub.

"Hey! What are you doing standing still? I've never seen the Holy Grail. Come and get to work!"

"Oh, oh, I know, come on!"

The banyan tree came back to consciousness under Old John's urging, and took a deep look at the silver cup in the blood mother's hand.

'Is this the Holy Grail? ’

Soon Old John led them into a side door in the hall, which seemed to be a storage room with boxes and lockers of various sizes.

When Old John opened a box made of pure gold, he saw blood-colored crystals the size of fists piled together. The interior was filled with huge life energy, which gave him a feeling similar to blood-tear crystals.

Then Old John took out several sets of primitive stone tools from nowhere, and gave each of the four people in Rongshu a set of medicine-pounding tools.

"You are responsible for grinding the blood essence stone into powder, and don't worry about the rest!"

The four people in the banyan tree immediately followed the instructions, sat on the small bench and started tinkering and grinding the red blood essence stone.

After a while, the four blood essence stones were ground into fine powder, and then Old John and Vivian skillfully poured the powder into the silver bowl.

After adding a few drops of unknown liquid and stirring carefully, the red powder in the silver bowl gradually turned into a bowl of transparent, viscous colloid.

At this time, the pupils of the banyan tree shrank sharply, and he felt a sense of absurdity in his heart, because he actually sensed the breath of the vampires from the transparent and sticky gelatin seal!

How did he look, why did he feel that this sticky colloid seemed to be the body of a vampire!

The body of a minor vampire has this image, but the color is red and cannot be exposed to the air. It needs a sealed metal as a protective layer.

Adult vampires can also appear in their true form at any time and use their bodies to engulf and dissolve enemies.

Their only weakness is the power seeds hidden in unknown places within their bodies.

Vivian and Old John didn't know what the banyan tree was thinking. They returned to the hall with the silver bowl and poured the gelatin in the bowl directly into the Holy Grail.

Old John recited a prayer with a solemn face.

"Our Lady of Grace, your eyes are always watching us and you give us your sacred blood."

In an instant, the statue bloomed with red light, and a drop of golden-red blood appeared out of thin air and dropped into the silver cup.

When the transparent colloid comes into contact with the blood beads, it melts into a blood-red liquid in an instant, and a fragrant aroma suddenly spreads.

The banyan tree stared at this scene with wide eyes, keeping all the processes in mind. He suspected that this was the promotion ceremony of the blood sacrifice system.

At this time, Old John walked into the storage room again and struggled to drag out a huge box from the corner.

After opening it, it was filled with various crystal-like power seeds, both at the trainee level and the professional level.

"When the children are bathing in the holy blood later, watch as you add them to the Holy Grail. Each person adds one professional level or twenty trainee level. Make sure you don't make a mistake!"

The banyan tree nodded ignorantly, and the four of them quickly dragged the box into the hall.

"When will the children arrive?"

"It's hard to say. It may arrive soon, or it may not come until noon."

The villages near Sanger Town are more than 20 kilometers away at the farthest and less than three kilometers away at the nearest. The time required for the children from each village to come here varies.

In the safe house, Karin looked at his pocket watch. It was only half past six, so it seemed that he would have to wait a while.

Old John wasn't worried about any omissions.

The most positive people on every baptismal day are actually not the peasants at the bottom, but all the noble men.

They will test the qualifications of all newborns in advance and send those who are qualified.

Among these lucky ones, the Holy Mother will absorb a few of the best ones to become new blood, and among the rest, almost more than 80% will be recruited by local nobles.

These children's views have not yet been finalized. If they are well cultivated, they will easily become loyal to themselves.

After Old John arranged the Holy Grail, he took the four people from Banyan Tree to the gate of Notre Dame, leaving only Vivian looking at the lobby.

Another hour passed while waiting, and they finally saw a group of people coming towards Notre Dame de Sanger.

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