Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 532 Broken Memory

Evans watched in shock as Snicki grabbed the blood core on the ground with his hands, without having time to stop him.

But the next moment, the blood core suddenly disappeared without a trace, which made his expression freeze for a while.

"How are you doing?"

Evans looked at Snicki, who was standing motionless, and asked tentatively but received no response from the other party.

At this time, in the virtual kingdom of God, the blood core was transported to the polluted lake and turned into a numb soul the moment it was caught by Snicki's hand. At the same time, a large amount of information continued to pour into the [Throne Steam Engine].

There are polluted lakes to help strip away pollution, and the impact of just some memory information is a piece of cake for the [Throne Steam Engine].

With the influx of information, a new book appeared in the memory library.

This is a small part of the memory of a vampire named Jinx.

The memory is very fragmented and unsystematic, but it is enough for the [Throne Difference Engine] to sort out a lot of valuable information.

Jinx lived more than 3,900 years ago. At that time, the disaster of machine souls had subsided, and the vampires in the Queen's District were only threatened by fallen ghosts and a small number of remaining machine souls.

Each mistletoe and blood crystal tree remained in a healthy state and were not all withered like now.

Although the living environment of the vampires is still not very good, they can survive at least.

This underground base houses a total of more than 6,000 residents. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. It not only has sufficient blood and tear crystals, but also has a systematic knowledge inheritance.

One day, most of the mentor-level and professional-level vampires in the base went out together in a hurry after being summoned by the leader.

It is said that a large number of settlements decided to unite to eliminate the remaining machine spirit army in the Queen District in one fell swoop, but they left and never came back.

There are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the base. Although they can barely survive by relying on the blood and tear crystals and Holy Grail rituals left behind, they have also lost the ability to explore the outside world.

So after a while, most people decided to leave here and join other settlements, but a small number of people were unwilling to leave, and Jinx was one of them.

By that time, he was already very old, and he was going to wait quietly in the base for his time to come, until he died of old age and his memory ended here.

The soul fragment in the polluted lake also turned into a philosopher's stone and fell to the ground.

"I have sorted out my memories and obtained the prayers for the Holy Grail Ceremony."

Snicki suddenly spoke, which startled Evans, who was still suspicious, but then he breathed a sigh of relief: "You're fine."

The memories carried by Jinx's soul fragments are very fragmented and intermittent in many places.

For example, the situation in the Queen's District at that time and the final battle with the Machine Soul Legion had no outcome.

Later, when the base set out, most of them decided to join other settlements. Snicki didn't know what happened during that period, and his memory skipped over.

But it was not important to him for the time being. The most important thing was that he got the Holy Grail ritual prayer.

"Come on, let's try a Grail ritual."

Evans, who was still confused, followed Snitch back to the underground palace. He watched nervously as Snitch recited an obscure prayer in ancient Tyrannic.

When the prayers were recited, the statue of the keeper bloomed with golden light, condensed into a drop of golden-red blood and dripped into the Holy Grail.

In an instant, the thick source blood was transformed into a cup of scarlet liquid.

Upon seeing this, Evans asked excitedly: "How's it going? Is this considered a success?"

Snicki probed the spirituality of the Holy Grail and nodded: "It looks like this. There is no problem. As long as a vampire lies in the Holy Grail and bathes, and puts in a certain amount of mist crystals, he can be promoted to the professional level or the mentor level. ."

In the First Era, Notre Dame added power seeds, while the vampires used fog crystals.

Both are high-concentration spiritual crystals, but their spiritual properties are different and cannot be absorbed directly, but they can be converted into pure life energy through the Holy Grail ritual.

This is how the members of the First Era Holy Mother Society were promoted. They hunted extraordinary creatures to obtain power seeds as the qualifications for their promotion.

In addition to this, the Banyan Tree also saw other methods of promotion in the library of Notre Dame de Sanger.

The nobles could not arrange the Holy Grail Ceremony, but they referred to the Holy Grail Ceremony of the Society of Mary and developed a method of medicinal bathing to allow extraordinary people to grow.

The two are essentially the same, hunting extraordinary creatures in the wild for blood sacrifices and absorbing life energy for growth.

But in terms of efficiency, the latter is inferior to the former.

What's more, what makes Rong Shu regretful is that he didn't find any information about pushing the limits of the human body in the library. Obviously, these are all secrets.

According to the information Carlin got from the nobles in the Autumn Trial, the Holy Grail ritual can allow extraordinary people to push the limits of the human body, but he doesn't know the specific method yet.

Every once in a while, Notre Dame churches in various regions will issue some Holy Grail usage quotas to local nobles, just to allow their descendants to push the limits of the human body.

The reason why the nobles on the mainland are able to obtain such precious quotas is because they have made great efforts in the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral in each place, and they usually pay certain resources on time.

As for who gets the quota, the Holy Mother Society doesn't care, it's up to the nobles in each region to allocate it themselves.

The five countries in the central part of the continent followed the tradition of the Autumn Trial and let these trainee juniors determine their quota.

Snitch looked at the scarlet liquid in the Holy Grail, thought for a while and then said to Evans seriously.

"Now we need a volunteer to test whether the ritual is normal, but there may be some risks, and even if the ritual is successful, he will lose the qualification to push the limits of the human body. What do you think?"

Evans fell silent after hearing this. Through these two days of study, he obviously also learned the meaning of human body limits, which is the threshold for becoming a legend.

But soon he said calmly: "I'll go back right away and ask for their opinions. Haha, I say those lazy guys don't expect the limits of the human body. They are lucky to be promoted to the professional level. "

After saying that, he left the underground palace, and another hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Evans, who was shrouded in a hidden barrier, brought an old apprentice vampire to the underground palace.

The old vampire looked at the Holy Grail in front of him with excitement: "Can I really reach the professional level right away?"

"Yes, as long as there are no problems with the ceremony," Snicki nodded, and then changed the topic, "But have you considered it? Not to mention the risks involved, it is the limit of the human body."

"Haha, I am an old guy who is about to die. The limits of the human body are too illusory, so I'd better leave the opportunity to the young people."

The old vampire was very open-minded. According to the common sense taught by Almeda and the others, even if all kinds of resources were sufficient, there would never be an extraordinary person who could successfully break through the limits of the human body.

This is really not a question of resources. It all depends on his perseverance and the quality of his soul. He will not pursue such illusory things. Seizing the present is the most important thing.

The lifespan of a vampire is similar to that of a human being. As long as the apprentice does not die young or suffer from any serious illness, the lifespan is about 120 years.

The life span of the professional level fluctuates around two hundred years, and the life span of the tutor level fluctuates around three hundred years.

The old vampire is in his nineties this year. He only knows that advancing to the professional level will extend his life, and he doesn't think about such invisible things as the limits of the human body.

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