The third floor of the library of Notre-Dame de Sanger.

Although there are not many books here, the knowledge recorded in each book is very profound and dangerous. Only mentor-level extraordinary people can read it without any scruples.

Banyan Tree has gone through all the books in the past ten days, and there are only four floors in the entire library that have not been visited by him.

He came to a stone door at the end of the third floor, held his chin and observed carefully.

There are some pictures and patterns of unknown meaning carved on the surface of the door, but there are no other clues other than that.

The banyan tree did not sense the existence of any barrier, as if it was an ordinary door.

But he had tried before, and despite all his efforts, he could not destroy the door at all.

Not only the door, but also the walls, ceiling, and floor of the library were the same. He tried smashing the wall, drilling holes upwards, and even climbing from the outside of the building to bypass the door and enter the fourth floor, but all failed.

The banyan tree was not without gains. When he was digging the wall, he sensed that the building seemed to be protected by some powerful force. After realizing this, he gave up the idea of ​​violently entering the fourth floor.

After observing the stone door for a while, the banyan tree suddenly took a few steps back and looked at the ground.

The ground is a circular pattern with various abstract lines that make people dizzy. There is a circular groove in the center.

Rongshu recalled the information he had obtained from Vivian and Old John these days, and prepared to verify his conjecture.

He once heard the two of them say that in order to open the stone door leading to the fourth floor of the library, an extraordinary person of the order of the Holy Mother Order must drop a drop of blood into the groove.

As for why it must be at the mentor level?

The banyan tree laughed when it thought of this question.

If members of the Holy Mother Society want to advance to the mentor level, they must undergo a specific promotion ceremony. After being baptized by the blood mother's power, their bloodline will be sublimated and become closer to the blood mother.

In other words, the extraordinary beings of the Holy Mother Society can no longer quit after reaching the mentor level, because at this time the source of their bloodline becomes the Blood Mother.

The bloodlines they awakened before reaching the mentor level were actually hidden bloodlines in their own bodies, and the source was not their blood mother.

The era before the First Era has almost no historical information recorded, and is collectively known as the Age of Ignorance.

Although Rongshu didn't know the specific situation of the barbaric era, he also knew that it was an era of dire straits from just a few words passed down.

It can be said that anyone who can survive to the First Era must have had a richer ancestor.

It is precisely because their ancestors were powerful that they had the opportunity to spread their bloodline in the savage era and continue until the First Era. Otherwise, all blood descendants would die accidentally.

So now, even ordinary people in the mortal world actually have various extraordinary bloodlines flowing in their bodies. However, as time goes by, many bloodlines have degenerated from generation to generation and have now become recessive.

Unless there is a transcendent of professional level or above within three generations, the bloodline will remain in an unactivated recessive state. Only after becoming a transcendent will he randomly awaken a bloodline.

Thinking of this banyan tree, a drop of blood popped out from the fingertips and dripped into the central groove.

In an instant, all the lines on the ground pattern turned red, as if some mechanism had been triggered. After a rumble, the stone door rose, revealing the stairs leading to the fourth floor behind the door.

The smile on Banyan Tree's face suddenly grew wider.

‘My guess is indeed correct. Ain is an aborigine of Meteor Street, and his bloodline is influenced by the power of the Blood Mother God’s Domain, and he is close to the Blood Mother in a subtle way.

As his blood descendant, I naturally have this trait, which means that not only the Mentor-level transcendent of the Marist Order, but also all the residents of Meteor Street and their blood descendants in the outside world can easily open this door! ’

After seeing that his guess was confirmed, Rongshu stepped onto the stairs leading to the fourth floor with a happy smile, and soon he reached the fourth floor.

Different from the other three floors, the fourth floor of the library is empty. In the center is a statue of a blood mother as tall as one person. The statue holds an ancient book with a red cover in both hands.

The banyan tree sensed it and realized that the ancient book exuded a powerful force that made his heart palpitate. It was this force that protected the entire library from destruction.

'This is. . . A secret history? ’ I thought as I looked at the ancient book Banyan Tree.

After observing for a while and not finding any problems, he boldly walked to the statue.

The banyan tree noticed that there were several shallow depressions on the ground in front of the statue. It looked like people often knelt down to worship the Blood Mother statue. Over time, the hard marble floor was left with obvious marks.

The banyan tree didn't have the habit of kneeling down, even if the other person was Si Chen.

He tried to pull the red ancient book out of the hands of the Blood Mother Statue, but unexpectedly he succeeded easily, as if the statue's hands were just hangers.

The cover of the ancient book was blood red without any words. When Rong Shu took the ancient book into his hands, he immediately felt a voice in his heart, constantly urging him to open this secret history.

Banyan Tree did not open the ancient book rashly, but opened the virtual divine kingdom menu to check.

【《? ? ? 》Source: Blood Mother (disappeared), path: Ancestor

(The content is random and the title of the book cannot be determined. Please prepare 1000 diluted divine power reserves. If you encounter danger during reading, your divine power will be consumed to force you out of the reading state)]

Looking at the three little question marks in the title of the book, three little question marks also rose in Rongshu's heart.

‘What’s going on? ’

He looked at his divine power reserve again and decided to check it out immediately after seeing 1949.7 units of diluted divine power.

Since the Secret History is here for the tutor-level members of the Blood Mother Society, and even these tutor-level Blood Mother believers can withstand it, then you don’t have to be afraid of the dangers of reading the Secret History if your pollution resistance is much stronger.

Thinking of the banyan tree, I immediately opened the red ancient book.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned to the first page, everything in front of him began to distort, and a vague figure appeared out of thin air.

The figure seemed to be that of a tall woman, with charming curves that made people imagine, but the specific skin color and face were all blurred in the eyes of the banyan tree.

His whole body exudes a wild and divine temperament, his tall figure is perfect, and his waist-length purple hair flows down like a waterfall.

After seeing the figure appear, Rongshu was sure that the other party was definitely not the Blood Mother. He could see the statue of the Blood Mother every day, and he could still tell the difference.

But before he had time to think too much, not only the banyan tree, but also Carlin, who had the same consciousness as this clone, gradually fell into a haze.

He felt that his whole mind had become as ignorant as a baby again. Being held in the arms of the mysterious woman in front of him, feeling the embrace full of motherly atmosphere, he felt an indescribable sense of peace and comfort in his heart.

Dimly, he seemed to recall a gentle voice in his ears, like a lullaby to coax a baby to sleep.

"Mother loves all her children deeply. Mother has always loved all her children deeply. This love will always exist in the past and in the future."

"Her love caressed by like a blazing flame, and her love also whispered in everyone's blood. Her love destroyed the heaven and earth, assimilating the mortal world into the pure land, but her love also continued from grandma... "

"I believe that everything in the world will decay, but grandma will be eternal..."

Karin gradually fell into a state of extreme peace amidst these murmurs.

But at the next moment, Wen Wan's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

"Grandma left the world before I was born, but she, who never breaks her promises, broke her promise this time and has not returned until now..."

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