Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 544 A dying counterattack?

Carlin now understood the strategic purpose of the northern camp. They did not pursue land and resources, but wanted to kill the members of the Holy Mother Society as much as possible.

Every time one more Virgin Society transcendent is killed, the power that the Blood Mother can draw will be reduced, and the advantage of the Mother Mother will be even greater.

The task given to them by the Mother Mother is to cut off the support for the Blood Mother in the mortal world. As the number of extraordinary members of the Mother Society decreases, the battle of the Mother Mother will become easier and easier until the Blood Mother is completely killed!

It seems that the blood mother's situation is becoming more and more critical, and the Holy Mother Society will no longer hide the existence of Carlin.

They began to plaster the streets in southern China with portraits of Banyan Tree, Amiya, and the three deputies who had been teachers together at Notre Dame de Sanger.

This time, the countries in the southern camp were in an uproar again, and they began to join the frantic search for Carlin.

Carlin himself was even more confused when he learned about it. The title of the Holy Son of the Marist Church made him very uncomfortable.

‘What the hell is the Holy Son? I don’t have the habit of casually recognizing my mother? ’

At this time, he was walking leisurely in the mountains. The clear stream and fragrant green grass made him feel relaxed and happy.

Karin walked slowly and took out a continent map and looked at it.

"Well, the coast is more than a hundred kilometers away."

He looked up at the blood-red sky again and muttered helplessly: "It's been more than four months, why hasn't the Mother of Mothers finished yet?"


Suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the sky, and the blood-red clouds condensed into a smooth faceless face.

This face looked at Karin faintly, as if he heard the somewhat disrespectful words the other party just said.

This immediately startled him, and he quickly clasped his hands to worship the face of the Faceless Man in the sky.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was so excited that I lost my words. You, the old man, don't remember the faults of villains. You shouldn't care about villains like me."

Perhaps the sincere apology had an effect, as the face in the sky gradually disappeared without a trace. This made Carlin breathe a heavy sigh of relief, but he still felt a queasy feeling in his heart.

‘Fuck, it’s just casual talk, do you need to be so serious? ’

Just as he was about to continue on the road, he suddenly turned his head and looked back, his face becoming gloomy.

"Is it over yet?!"

Then he quickly entered the hiding state and quickly rushed down the mountain.

A minute after he left the creek, several swift figures suddenly appeared on the mountain and arrived at the creek in the blink of an eye.

I saw that these people were dusty and had the emblem of the Society of Mary on their clothes, but their faces were extremely irritable and their eyes were red and red, like crazy buffaloes.

God knows how they have spent these past few months?

When I was in despair, I received the revelation from the blood mother that everything would be fine as long as I found Carlin, the holy son.

But the devil knows what's going on with this guy, so he refuses to go back to the Holy Mother Church with them, so forget it, at worst, he will forcefully take the Holy Son back.

But Carlin's stealth ability made these extraordinary members of the Holy Mother Society suffer a lot. If the Blood Mother hadn't accurately reported the points every once in a while, they wouldn't even be able to see each other.

There is obviously hope, but this hope keeps hanging on me. The feeling of not being able to catch up no matter how hard I chase is really frustrating.

These days, they have been chasing Carlin for almost half of the continent, but as the situation becomes more and more serious, they are becoming more and more impatient. They want to find Carlin and just cut him into pieces and move him back.

"Why, why don't you want to go with us?"

The leader, a mentor-level knight, roared crazily into the air, and he knew Karin could hear it.

None of them understood why Carlin was so resistant. They must know that the status of the Holy Son is extremely high.

This is not a false name, as long as Carlin is willing to go back with them, the entire Holy Mother Society will be his.

No matter how ridiculous the request is, as long as the other party asks, the strong men of the Holy Mother Society will do everything they can to do it for him!

They didn't understand why Carlin kept a respectful distance from such a good thing.

Kalin, who was hiding nearby, did hear it, but he couldn't help but tremble when he felt the overwhelming resentment contained in the words.

'You would be stupid to actually board the Blood Mother's broken ship, the Blood Mother did not live to the sixth era'

Carlin can still handle this kind of thing clearly. After all, in real history, the Blood Mother sent it in the first era.

And Mother's Mother is the oldest Si Chen in the world, and the Sixth Era in reality is still established, which means that everything that happened in [The Ancestor] is also clear to the other party.

Even if the mother-in-law who is fighting with the blood mother now is possessed by the sixth era body, it is not impossible to fight on her behalf.

Offending the Blood Mother is no big deal, but if you offend the Mother of Mothers, what if the other party is petty?


As if he felt what he was thinking, there was another thunderbolt in the blood-red sky. Carlin was so frightened that he trembled and quickly clasped his hands together to apologize.

After looking at the calm sky, Karin breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to leave here, he suddenly sensed a spiritual riot nearby. Carlin quickly looked at the members of the Holy Mother Society.

I saw that the auras of these mentor-level extraordinary beings were rapidly weakening, the spiritual energy in their bodies was flowing out like a floodgate, and their faces were visibly pale.

The few people who felt the spiritual changes immediately realized something, and quickly knelt down on one knee and began to pray, letting their power flow away without any resistance.

Just after ninety-nine percent of a few people's spirituality had passed away, the changes stopped at the last point.

"Holy Mother, this is our last strength!"

After shouting these words, several people tilted their heads and fainted.

Karin's eyes narrowed and he realized something.

‘The Blood Mother has actually begun to extract the power of mortal blood descendants on a large scale. Is it finally the final moment of counterattack? ’

Thinking of this, he quickly raised his head and looked up at the sky, but except for the sky becoming blood red, there were no waves and he could not see anything.

Shaking his head, he walked over to the unconscious people to check, and found that the blood mother was very kind and did not absorb their spirituality endlessly.

The power seeds of a few people are still intact, but their spirituality has been almost drained. After a few people wake up and rest for a while, they can recover, and they are still normal mentor-level extraordinary beings.

Of course, the premise is that the Blood Mother can survive this time, otherwise the death of the Blood Mother and the extraordinary beings of the Holy Mother Society will probably suffer as well.

After checking for a while, Carlin left the scene and continued south.

At the same time, the spiritual world.

The gray and foggy spiritual world in the first era was the same as in the sixth era. The pieces of land were rubbing against each other all the time.

However, compared to the Sixth Era, the First Era was still much deserted. In this era, not to mention the Blood God, even the demigods did not exist, and the strongest people born in mortal life were only legends.

At this time, there is a huge landmass in the spiritual world. If people who enter the continent cannot clearly feel that there are two distinct forces colliding fiercely in every corner of the continent, they may mistakenly think that this is a continent. Not two seats.

The eastern half of the continent exudes a primitive and wild atmosphere, while the western half can feel a youthful and passionate vitality. It is obvious that two distinct pieces of land are spliced ​​together.

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