Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 549 Extreme Test

After ignoring the groups of soldiers who were also hiding in the wilderness to search for him, Snitch checked each mistletoe warehouse as quickly as possible.

After working for a long time, Snicki traveled almost half of the wild area and checked more than two hundred mistletoes and blood crystal trees, but the result made him very disappointed.

All public warehouses were empty, and after receiving this result, Karin and Almeda also sighed.

The White Fang has ruled the Queen's District for more than a thousand years. Such a long time is enough for them to check most of the nodes. If they find the resources in the public warehouse, they must first empty them out.

After Snicki found nothing on the surface, he returned to the underground without stopping. Before leaving, he did not forget to put his own mark on all the nodes. All the permissions set by the vampires of the United Government were canceled by him.

Carlin checked the ground nodes just hoping for surprises, and he expected to find nothing.

So he focused on the underground. Since there are still a lot of resources in the mistletoe warehouse above the base, it means that the coalition government does not have the ability to explore the entire Queen's District.

There must be plenty left in the mistletoe underground.

Three hours later, when Snicki piled more than fifty pieces of storage equipment in front of Karin and Almeda, both of their faces were filled with joy.

Searching the underground for Sniqi was fruitful, and the massive amounts of extraordinary materials and unprocessed raw ores made Carlin and Almeda very excited.

These resources are used to develop the base, and there is no need for them to extract resources from the secret realm at their own expense. It is more than enough to meet the first phase of the development plan.

"Very good, now that the problem of developing resources has been solved, let's go big!"

As a large amount of ores and extraordinary materials were transported to the virtual kingdom of God.

The unfinished alchemy workshops also began to operate. When the materials entered the already built workshops, they turned into angular parts and brass steam pipes.

Karin doesn't need to worry about the base's food problem. Only he and Almeda need to eat. The vampires' food is blood and tear crystals. What they have to worry about are other extraordinary resources.

These vampires are very good labor force in Carlin's mind. All he needs to do is to teach them knowledge and lay steam transmission pipelines and install mechanical equipment for the second-floor industrial area.

With the equipment, the industrial zone can start production and produce a large number of weapons and weapons of the Skry clan. These vampires take the initiative to go to the wild areas to bring back new people and enter a virtuous cycle.

As time goes by, a large number of metal parts and brass pipes are transferred from the virtual kingdom of God to the second floor of the base every day.

Then a hundred faceless men were laying brass pipes and assembling various large-scale steam equipment in the alchemy workshop, and the scene was bustling.

Unknowingly, another half a month has passed. As expected, as Ameda said, all the vampires have completed Carlin's literacy course ahead of schedule, and a machine tool and a large material disassembly building have only been assembled on the second floor of the base. furnace.

In the transfer hall on the first floor, sixty-one vampires, except Evans and Sid, stood in a queue.

Facing these eyes full of expectation and desire, Karin said calmly: "Twenty-three days ago, I promised you that if you can pass my assessment within a month, you will have the opportunity to break through to the professional level.

Now that you have not only met my requirements, but far exceeded my requirements of you, I have decided to fulfill my promise! "

The crowd cheered one after another, but soon Carlin raised his hand to suppress all the voices: "Not only that, I will also give you a further opportunity. All sixty-one of you will get a free opportunity to push the limits of the human body. !”

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened and they looked at Karin in disbelief. Even Evans and Sid who were standing aside were dumbfounded.

After collective literacy education, these vampires are no longer the illiterate refugees they were before.

Of course they know the significance of the human body's limits, but they also understand the difficulty of breaking through the human body's limits, which not only requires the consumption of a large amount of resources, but also requires a strong and tough soul.

Now Carlin actually said that he would give them a chance to push the limits of the human body for free, which made everyone speechless for a moment.

At this time, Carlin sighed quietly: "I can only give you one chance. The resources to challenge the limits of the human body are provided free of charge, but it may not be successful. Those who are interested can sign up and conduct testing before the official impact."

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd surged, and the vampires rushed to sign up for the test.

Karin nodded: "Follow me as a trainee!"

Following the order, the group of vampires did not disrupt their formation. Forty-nine of them suppressed their excitement and took regular steps, while the other professional vampires stood quietly.

All the trainees followed Karin to the training ceremony area on the first floor.

After twenty days of paramilitary training, the vampires' energy and spirit have also undergone earth-shaking changes. They all hold their heads high and their chests high, and their faces are full of passionate vitality.

After arriving at the ceremony area, Carlin and Almeda simply said a few words, and the forty-nine trainee-level vampires automatically started lining up without them having to maintain order.

They quickly divided into six teams and lined up quietly at the entrance of the six ceremony halls, preparing for the qualification test.

Lilian walked into a ceremony hall with anxiety.

The ceremony hall was empty. She did not look around, but strictly followed what Carlin told her and walked to the center of the hall.

The next moment, the entire ceremony hall was filled with spirituality. Black lines spread rapidly on the walls, floor, and ceiling, forming a three-dimensional magic circle that enveloped the hall at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lillian closed her eyes nervously and waited for the test to begin.


A sudden and incredible pain burst out from the depths of her soul, but Lillian gritted her teeth and held on.

"You must stay awake. Being unconscious means failure!"

At this moment, she felt as if a saw blade full of jagged teeth was rubbing fiercely against her soul, and even the pain of tearing her soul was slowly increasing.

At first, Lillian could endure the severe pain and think about other things to divert her attention, but as time passed, Lillian collapsed to the ground after only two minutes.

The sweat flowing out of her body has accumulated into a small puddle. Now Lillian is having a hard time even thinking actively, let alone moving.

The test ritual arranged by Carlin has a very single function, which is to inflict pain on the subject's soul without actually harming the subject, in order to test the subject's soul endurance.

"No! I have to persist, I must reach the limit of the human body!"

Gradually, Lilian lost her grasp of time. Under the extreme pain, every second seemed as long as a year. She even felt that her soul was on the verge of collapse.

Finally, 4 minutes and 53 seconds after the ceremony started, Lilian, who had been unable to think for a long time, rolled her eyes and passed out completely, and the ritual circle in the conference hall also disappeared.

At this moment, there was a clang, and Evans opened the door and picked up the unconscious Lilian. He looked at her face as calm as a baby and shook his head.

"It's 4 minutes and 53 seconds, only 7 seconds short. It's such a pity. Only those who persist for more than five minutes in the test ceremony are qualified to push the limits of the human body. Otherwise, rushing to the limit will only lead to death!"

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