Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 552 Labor Surplus

While Sid was lecturing these 113 refugee-like vampires, Evans handed a folder to Carlin in the distance.

"This is the physical examination information of 113 people."

Most vampires in the wilderness are in a state of malnutrition for a long time, and their personal hygiene is extremely poor, which can easily breed various diseases.

Although vampires are physically stronger than ordinary people, they are not afraid of ordinary diseases until they reach the professional level. Vampires below the professional level can still easily get sick if they don't pay attention to personal hygiene.

Evans and Sid did this very well when they managed the settlement before. The vampires looked sloppy, but they did not relax in terms of basic human hygiene.

Karin took the folder and opened it and looked at it for a while.

The result was as bad as he expected. The vampire had some problems with his body. The most serious one was that long-term malnutrition led to an empty body and various diseases.

After reading the physical examination data, Carlin shook his head: "It seems that we need to treat him first."

After saying that, he looked at the 113 vampires who were being lectured. It seemed that Sid's words about not having to worry about dying of thirst stimulated their numb hearts, and a glimmer of light appeared in their eyes, no longer numb.

Five more days passed unknowingly. Every day, Carlin and his Marionette were running around in the ruins of the wilderness, knocking out vampires who were dying of thirst and bringing them back to the base.

In just five days, the population of the base suddenly increased tenfold to over 600.

The arrival of this new batch of vampires has made everyone busier. In addition to their daily work, seniors like Evans and Sid also have to bring these new people back on track as soon as possible.

Each old man brings nine newcomers to form a class. The squad leader eats and lives with the newcomers and is also responsible for educating them about literacy and leading them to work.

This is also Carlin's preparation for building an army. He plans to slightly modify the three-three system at the peak of his hometown's light infantry so that it can be used.

This kind of organization is very applicable to many scenarios in the non-military field. Since there are ready-made operations, he certainly will not have to go out of his way to invent a new theory.

In this way, under the management of the old and the new, the more than 500 new vampires who joined the base gradually began to integrate into this new environment.

Although most of the new vampires are illiterate, as Carlin writes down the illusory memory books one by one, and the supervisors patiently teach them various knowledge and lead them to work.

These vampires are like shriveled sponges, frantically absorbing and digesting the knowledge in their minds.

The influx of a large number of illiterate vampires slowed down the construction efficiency of the second-story industrial area at first, but in less than a week, the efficiency began to skyrocket again.

But the efficiency improvement not only has benefits, but the production capacity of the alchemy workshop in the virtual Kingdom of God has also begun to become tense.

The workshop is now only about one-third complete, so it has to put its own construction on hold and start turning into an industrial hen around the clock to incubate mechanical equipment and brass pipes.

In order to get the base's second-floor industrial area up and running as quickly as possible, Kalin did not hesitate to slow down the construction of the alchemy workshop and bloodline laboratory.

He knows that this kind of investment is very worthwhile. As long as the base cultivates a large number of qualified technical workers, he can in turn support the construction of the virtual kingdom of God.

In this way, the Alchemy Workshop of the Kingdom of God was running wildly. In just one month, five workshops on the second floor of the base were completed and began to operate, processing metal ores into various extraordinary products. Material.

This means that the base can begin to relieve the pressure on Carlin.

Under the rules and regulations that were so strict that they were almost rigid, a group of vampires who had only learned theory began to embark on the right track under the leadership of their deputy partners.

At this time, the second batch of more than 500 vampires had also completed literacy and were promoted to professional ranks through the Holy Grail ceremony.

It's a pity that no one chose to postpone their promotion this time and try to push the limits of the human body. Their extreme test results were all terrible, and there was no potential stock like Lilian.

However, Karin and Almeda are not discouraged. The limits of the human body are hard to come by, and among more than 600 people, there is one Lilian. This probability is already considered high.

After the second batch of vampires were on the right track, Carlin began to go to the wild areas to catch people again.

Over two hundred vampire refugees will flow into the base every day for ten days.

Anyway, the wild area has the most abundant population. It didn’t take much effort for Carlin to increase the population of the base to more than 3,000.

Just at this time, the second batch of vampires got on the right track and started a new round of mentoring from the old to the new.

After the experience of receiving new people last time, the base digested the new arrivals of more than 2,000 people very smoothly.

One month later, the third batch of people were literate and all were promoted to professional ranks through the Holy Grail Ceremony.

But at this time, Carlin and Almeda discovered that their plan had gone a little awry.

While the vampires were building in full swing, the two of them came to the mistletoe on the ground alone to start a discussion.

Almeida complained to Carlin: "You brought too many people this time, and the industrial zone is only one-fifth complete. This will leave many of their people without work!"

Karin also had a pained expression on his face: "Don't mention it, my alchemy workshop's production capacity can no longer keep up."

He found that he seemed to have greatly underestimated the productivity of professional level extraordinary people.

No matter which force in the mortal world, I have never heard of someone like Carlin using a professional-level transcendent as an ordinary worker.

Professional-level alchemists are generally elite intellectuals among the most transcendent beings. They are really overqualified for moving bricks and screws.

Compared with ordinary people, professional-level extraordinary people are considered to be little supermen in terms of strength, perception, and speed.

Now that there are more than 3,000 professional-level vampires in the base, the construction efficiency of the second floor has skyrocketed like crazy. As a result, the production capacity of Kalin's alchemy workshop cannot keep up with the pace of base construction. There has been a phenomenon of people waiting for goods.

When the mechanical parts and brass pipes produced in the workshop entered the bottomless pit on the second floor of the base, there was no chance of accumulation. They were quickly used by the vampires to add bricks and tiles to each production workshop.

After the previous batch of parts was used up, the next batch of parts was still waiting hard on the assembly line of the alchemy workshop, leaving the second-level vampires to wait.

Now both of them feel pain and happiness.

Carlin thought for a while and said: "It seems that they need to adjust their work. Let's advance the mining area development plan."

Almeida was stunned for a moment: "You mean?"

"That's right, everyone takes turns to train, and one-third of the people explore the mining area, clean up the fallen ghosts, and set up the purification barrier. This is equivalent to actual combat training in advance."

"That's OK. According to the current progress, the second-floor industrial area can be completed two months ahead of schedule."

Almeida nodded and then changed the subject again: "But there is one thing you must pay attention to. The reserves of Blood Tear Crystal and Mist Crystal are beginning to be a little tight. If there is no additional income, they may be hungry next month."

Within two months, the population of the base exceeded 3,000.

The Holy Grail ritual requires the consumption of a large amount of Blood Tear Crystals and Mist Crystals, and each vampire needs at least one Blood Tear Crystal as food every month. If he does not drink the Blood Tear Crystal, a vampire will die of thirst.

The stock of Blood Tear Crystals that Carlin had accumulated before has gradually become tense. Now the reserve has dropped below the warning line. There is no guarantee that every vampire will have one Blood Tear Crystal next month.

Regarding the issue of the vampires' rations, he immediately frowned, but soon relaxed.

"This is easy to solve. I'll just let the marionette work hard. Go to the cave to hunt fallen ghosts to obtain mist crystals, and convert all the ten mistletoes near the base into blood crystal trees as soon as possible!"

After hearing this, Almeida quickly calculated in her mind and added: "Don't arrest people for the next two months until the vampires in the base can stably produce mist crystals and blood tear crystals to be self-sufficient."

"no problem!"

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