Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 567 The Holy Blood Sect recruits new members

Half an hour later, Carlin walked out of Dad Mining with a disappointed mood.

Perhaps because he felt happy after doing a big business, the strong man chatted with Kalin for a while and let him know a lot of things.

The arms race carried out by various countries in the Old World has also affected the New World.

After smelling the increasingly strong smell of gunpowder, various forces in the New World also began to prepare for a rainy day, gradually reducing the export share of some cherished strategic resources, and stocking up at home like crazy.

This directly caused the alchemy raw material market to skyrocket, and the arms market also experienced great profits.

Moreover, a large number of wild extraordinary beings also began to leave the enclaves of various countries in the Old World in the New World. Seeing that the war was about to break out, they certainly did not want to get involved in the war themselves.

That's why the prices of some rare materials that Carlin sold before were a bit high.

But market changes are not all good for him.

The market price of alchemy materials has skyrocketed, which is indeed good news for Kalin, who has piles of ores and metal ingots in the virtual Kingdom of God.

But correspondingly, some of the precious resources he needs are now being stocked up by all the major forces. Very few of them have entered the market, making it difficult to buy them.

‘Fuck, I don’t believe it anymore, you can’t buy resources even if you have money! ’

Carlin, who rarely has the desire to consume, continued to try other stores after leaving Dad Mining.

But after an afternoon, Carlin still found nothing.

This made him realize that it was unrealistic to buy the resources he needed through serious channels.

Either check out the local black market or bounty hall, or try your luck in the wilderness area.

The latter is like finding a needle in a haystack. The search efficiency is not very low just by him alone, so it is more practical to find opportunities to visit the black market and bounty hall.

Five p.m.

Carlin arrived at the bounty hall where he had an appointment with Chris and the others an hour early.

The bounty hall was built very grandly. After entering, Karin saw a huge crystal screen, which densely displayed various bounty information.

There are various types of rewards including wanted orders, shopping items, recruitment, information for sale, etc.

Not only extraordinary people, but also ordinary people were also wandering in the hall, looking for the information they needed.

[Instructor level Wrathful Person Promotion Materials, 30,000 gold pounds to purchase, limited to sixth level bounty qualifications]

[A cursed cloak of the tutor level that allows the user to fly at high speed fifty meters above the ground. Side effects and price are negotiable. Limited to level four bounty qualifications]

[The Holy Blood sect recruits low-level extraordinary people. After paying a transfer fee of 10,000 gold pounds, you can take up the profession of the sect. Priority is given to warriors and alchemists. There is no limit to bounty qualifications.]

Although they were far away and the writing on the screen was as small as an ant, Karin's excellent eyesight allowed him to see clearly.

Each task has specific requirements for bounty qualifications. Extraordinary people cannot accept the task if their qualification level does not meet the requirements.

These are all uniformly recorded by the bounty fund. As long as the extraordinary person takes over the bounty task, he will have his own bounty qualification level.

He even saw the recruitment information of the Holy Blood School. It only cost 10,000 gold pounds to transfer to a secret puppeteer or a true red guard who were much more powerful than ordinary professions.

'Ain is really wealthy. A job transfer ceremony costs at least 30,000 gold pounds...'

Soon, Carlin swept through this information and began to pay attention to other listing information, hoping to find what he needed.

Unfortunately, after looking for a while, I couldn't find any information about the relevant resources for sale.

Karin thought for a while and decided to use the money ability. Although it was very simple and crude, it was effective.

He has been farming in the Queen's District for almost six years, and now there are mountains of metal ingots, blood tear crystals, blood essence stones, and spiritual gold coins in the virtual kingdom of God.

Now Carlin was finally able to arrogantly shout that any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem, even if it can't be solved with money.

However, he did not cancel the task himself, but stood quietly and browsed other information on the screen.

Ten minutes later, Banyan Tree wore a black cloak and spent money to hang a message directly on the screen, and it was still on top.

【Shock! The bounty for this mission was actually paid with the Philosopher’s Stone.】

[Buy 30 mentor-level Cyclops hearts, 500 grams of legendary faceless flesh and blood, 1,200 grams of soul-sucking monster essence, and 4,000 grams of Bauhinia magic stone. Pay with the Philosopher's Stone, pay upon sight, settle in one go, no qualifications required, go ahead Third-party notarization]

[If it is not in stock, we can provide relevant item information, or you can join a group to explore the wilderness ruins. Tutor-level legendary seeds, strong combat power, will not hold you back, pay money when you see the goods, and live well without being clingy! 】

In an instant, the bounty mission information highlighted in red and bold stood out on the screen, attracting a lot of attention. Carlin's shock really shocked them.

After hanging up the task, Rongshu left the bounty hall, leaving only Carlin wandering around waiting for Chris and his party.

To his disappointment, during the ten minutes of waiting, there were quite a few people watching his mission, but no one took any action. They were all watching the fun.

It wasn't until Chris came to the bounty hall that he was attracted by this top task.

After a while, it was Karin who took the initiative to call her and the girl came back to her senses.

"Westmin, you came so early."

"No, just a little earlier than you."

After chatting for a while, Chris no longer paid attention to the pinned task. He and Carlin came to the entrance of the hall and chatted while waiting. Two minutes later, the third person arrived.

Then one professional level extraordinary person arrived one after another, and by five minutes to six o'clock, 14 professional level extraordinary people had arrived.

Soon the group of people walked to a corner with a small number of people, and Chris said to them: "I have found several suitable adventure groups, you can take a look."

[The Iron Fist Adventure Group operates in general, has debts, and has no residence. Investors are welcome to come to raise funds and become shares, with a minimum starting price of 1,000 gold pounds. 】

[Iron Hand Adventure Group has ordinary operations, has liabilities, has a residence, and no land certificate. Investors are welcome to come and raise funds to invest in the company, with a minimum starting price of 10,000 gold pounds. 】

[Red Scorpion Adventure Group is well-run, debt-free, has a residence, and has a land certificate. Investors are welcome to come and raise funds to invest, starting with a minimum of one million pounds. 】

[Blue Fist Adventure Group is well-run, has no debt, has a residence, and has a land certificate. Investors are welcome to come and raise funds to invest, with a minimum starting price of 30,000 gold pounds. 】


Carlin also looked at the bounty information of each adventure group soliciting investment with great interest.

They say they are soliciting investment, but they are actually selling adventure group documents.

Because it is not convenient to post information about directly selling groups in the bounty hall, it has become a similar format like now, which can be understood by experts at a glance.

You only need to pay money to buy the relevant certificates, then go to the reward hall to go through the procedures and re-register the names of the group leader and group members.

The prices vary depending on the debt, location and even the conditions of some properties under your name.

While others were still thinking, Chris suddenly said: "I think the conditions of the Blue Fist Adventure Group are good, what do you think?"

Everyone frowned slightly after hearing this, and someone immediately raised a question: "I have my own residence without debts, and there is a land certificate, and it only costs 30,000 gold pounds. Is there any problem?"

"I saw that this bounty was posted three months ago. No one has bought it for such favorable conditions in three months. There must be something very fishy."

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