Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 569 The Gutter Clan

After everyone calmed down a little, Chris said, "Ladies and gentlemen!"

After attracting other people's attention, she continued: "Although the first step of the plan went very smoothly, it's not the time for us to relax yet."

Everyone put down their wine glasses at this time and listened carefully.

"The Blue Fist Adventure Group's bounty qualifications have reached a precarious level. If we are unable to receive enough mission completion indicators in two months, our qualifications will be reduced from level three to level two, which will even affect our personal qualifications."

Everyone's faces became serious after hearing this. The bounty qualification level is very important to all adventurers.

Kalin is not worried about his bounty qualifications. Although his own qualifications are not serious enough to take over the task.

However, based on his experience, strength and other resumes, the bounty fund has already put his name on it, and automatically raised his bounty qualifications to a very high level. This is also a preferential treatment that all powerful people who have gained a reputation will have. .

And the identity he is using now as Westmin is just one of a bunch of fake identities he asked Miss One-Ear to get for him, with a qualification level three.

Generally, professional level adventurers are at the second or third level. As long as they don't fail at the mentor level, they can easily reach the fourth level.

Carlin didn't care about the bounty qualifications of his fake identity, so others couldn't care less.

Different tasks have different level requirements. Among the tasks with low level requirements, many are thankless tasks that no one wants to take on. That's why they have such low requirements.

The higher the level, the wider the channels you can access. For adventurers, the benefits are self-evident.

As soon as Chris mentioned the bounty level, everyone immediately sat upright.

At this time, her tone slowed down a little: "Don't worry too much, I have been in Blue Helmet City for a few years, and I have some local connections, so I can select some cost-effective tasks for you. "

Carlin suddenly looked sideways. No wonder the others were also at the professional level, but they were vaguely led by the other party. It turned out that this girl was still half a local.

Then Chris changed the topic again: "But I must make it clear to you all. Although our adventure group is very loosely organized, we must also establish some basic rules!"

"Yes, basic rules are essential!"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, someone immediately spoke in support, and others immediately nodded in agreement.

The Blue Fist Adventure Group is a fourth-level adventure group, and its channel resources can provide a lot of convenience to all the extraordinary people sitting here.

Each of the dozen or so professional-level extraordinary beings here has a team, and they are all now named in the Blue Fist Adventure Group, which is equivalent to a dozen small groups forming a very loose grass-roots team.

But just enjoying the convenience without being willing to contribute to the operation of the adventure group is definitely not enough.

Chris's tone became serious again.

"Thanks to everyone's recognition, I am elected as the leader. As a leader, I will not interfere in your private affairs. I will not force others to join us in the mission unless necessary."

"But one thing is that the small group each of you represents must complete a certain number of task indicators every year. This is all to maintain the adventure group's bounty qualifications and is good for everyone!"

"If someone fails to complete the target, they will be directly removed from the adventure group under the witness of everyone. What do you think?"

Everyone immediately agreed unanimously. What Chris said was reasonable and no one thought it was wrong.

Carlin suddenly asked: "But if there are really difficulties and cannot complete the quota on time, can there be other methods, such as contributing resources to the adventure group's public warehouse to offset the quota?"

Chris was stunned for a moment and then recovered immediately, nodded and said: "What Westmin said is right, everyone will encounter difficulties sometimes, and we can't just kill them with one shot. We can also use money and resources to offset them." Mission Metrics.”

This time no one refuted, they all acquiesced to this rule, and just like that, the tone for the return of the Blue Fist Adventure Group was set.

Just when a group of people in Apartment 6 on Link Avenue began to discuss some details of the Blue Fist Adventure Group, Rongshu was walking alone on the street.

Blue Helmet City, like the big cities in the Old World, has no curfew except for the vampire curfew night on the 30th of the last day of every month.

When the new moon rises, the city still shines with all kinds of lights, making the night look like day.

The banyan tree that entered the hidden state was like an invisible ghost, weaving in and out of the crowd, and finally entered a remote alley.

After entering the alley, the banyan tree turned a few more corners and saw a short Skaven with a wretched temperament nervously waiting for something.

Peake is a habitual thief who lives in Blue Helmet City. He is very familiar with the dark side of the city, even though he is a trainee-level transcendent.

But in an area like Blue Helmet City where the big-muscled tyrants on the King of Fighters path are at the top of the contempt chain, he, a short rat, was directly discriminated against by race and path.

But even though he didn't do well, he still managed to get by doing some sneaky work.

Three days ago, the other party had no vision and wanted to attack the banyan tree walking on the street. The result is self-evident.

However, the banyan tree just taught him a lesson, asked him some questions, and learned from the other party how to enter the black market in Blue Helmet City.

The black market only opens once a week, and today happens to be the opening day of the week.

When the banyan tree suddenly appeared, Pique was startled, but when he saw it was a banyan tree, he immediately shouted exaggeratedly.

"Respected, respected sir, yes, yes, you are my respected sir. After receiving your notice, Pique came as quickly as possible."

Hearing the other party's unique oral habit, Rongshu was speechless for a while. He didn't know if it was influenced by that guy from Big Horn. A considerable number of the Skaven rats spoke with the other party's strange oral habit.

"How are you doing with the secret training I gave you?"

After hearing this, Pique immediately exclaimed excitedly: "Yes, yes, that secret fax is so amazing, it's like... it's like it was tailor-made for the rats of the Sewer Clan!!!"

Banyan Tree had quietly explored the other party before and found out that the other party had the bloodline of Snicki, so he taught the other party the "Unknown Secret Code·Lamb·Black-Clothed Killer".

Not expecting the other party to achieve anything famous in his cultivation, Rongshu just casually spreads his own secrets.

Basically, the chosen people after becoming the source do this, spreading their secret transmission everywhere, hoping that all the extraordinary people in the world will practice their secret transmission.

When you become stronger in the future, your previous negligible investment will reap huge returns.

In Blue Helmet City, it's not just Pico who has Skaven rats, but an entire clan of hundreds of rats, who usually live in abandoned sewers.

There are hundreds of ratmen with Snitch's bloodline, but only a dozen of them have extraordinary qualifications. No matter how small the mosquito legs of the dozen or so members of the sect are, they are just meat.

After Pique yelled excitedly, he realized that he was too excited. He quickly lowered his head humbly: "Sir, I will take you to the black market right now?"

"Let's go, take me to the largest black market in Blue Helmet City."

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