Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 571 Clean arms?

The one-eyed man is not stupid, judging from the way the other party calls Ain casually and his ability to write the internal secrets of the Holy Blood School.

He immediately realized that the other party was definitely a big shot, at least not one that he, a black market gatekeeper, could afford to offend.

"My lord, I'm leaving first. I'm leaving first."

At this time, Pique also said goodbye with a wink. He was not qualified to enter the black market in the city. After getting the consent of Banyan Tree, he turned around and left the room.

At this time, the one-eyed man came back to his senses and said respectfully: "This guest, please come with me."

Then he led the banyan tree to a back room. After pressing a loose brick in the corner, there was a mechanical sound, and soon the wall revealed a passage leading to the underground.

After the banyan tree followed the other party into the passage, its vision suddenly fell into darkness.

However, both of them are extraordinary beings, and darkness cannot block perception.

I don’t know what the people behind the black market think about it.

It was obviously only a little over 200 meters away, but we had to go around for about two kilometers.

The banyan tree followed the one-eyed man around the ground several times and then returned directly under the entrance and finally saw the light.

Then he entered an underground hall filled with light and suddenly became enlightened.

When he arrived, the one-eyed man said something respectful and started to return the way he came. A waiter in a black vest, white shirt and bow tie came up to him with a smile.

"This guest, please come with me."

Then he turned a candlestick and turned on a certain mechanism. After a rumble, a corridor immediately appeared on the roadless wall.

"Isn't it just a black market? Why is it so troublesome?"

After following the waiter into the passage, Rong Shu casually complained.

"Haha, the customer is really impatient. You must know that the goods on the black market are very sensitive items. If inappropriate people enter, it may easily cause misunderstandings.

At that time, not only us, but also the adults in Blue Helmet City will not look good. After other guests get familiar with you, they won't have to go to such trouble. "

The waiter showed a professional smile and explained casually.

Then he pushed open a door on the wall: "Welcome to the real black market!"

Suddenly, a heat wave hit his face, and what caught Banyan Tree's eyes was a huge underground palace, and the temperature was much higher than the surface.

Many extraordinary beings who have hidden their identities like the banyan tree come and go into rooms with excellent confidentiality measures to conduct transactions.

There are other exits on the walls around the underground palace. Whenever someone comes in or goes out, they will automatically return to the wall without any trace of a gap.

The extraordinary people here all have deep auras. Although they have done some hiding, Banyan Tree can still feel the strong smell of blood from their bodies. They are all guys who lick blood with the tip of a knife as a daily routine.

"This is your first time here. Let me give you a piece of advice: Just make transactions here. Don't inquire about anything other than transactions."

The waiter smiled and leaned over and said the last words, then closed the door and the walls returned to their original shape, completely isolating the underground palace.

‘Oh, it’s so mysterious, if there isn’t something I want’

Rongshu sneered in his heart and started wandering around the underground palace black market.

There are also men in black robes setting up stalls on the spot, and the banyan tree is observing each stall along the way.

The quality of the products here is obviously more than one level higher than the products in the shops on the street. Even if you get a lot of things at the mentor level, your immediate combat power will immediately increase.

The banyan tree wandered around for a while, and suddenly stopped when it came to a certain stall.

I saw a set of equipment on this stall, including uniforms, belts, military caps, gloves, boots, trousers, linings, and weapons.

There is no shortage of equipment on the whole body. Each piece is an extraordinary item, forming a complete set of equipment. Moreover, it is a tailor-made high-quality product, and its quality surpasses the mass merchandise sold in stores outside.

However, there is a conspicuous emblem on it. It is the emblem of a noble family in the Brent Kingdom. It looks like stolen goods at first glance.

If anyone really buys it, they must change the appearance. Otherwise, if the background is not strong and they dare not use it publicly, they will get into trouble. Things involving nobles are very troublesome.

However, what attracted the banyan tree was not this set of high-quality equipment for a certain tutor-level noble, but an inconspicuous stone in the corner of the stall.

The stone is rough and uneven, with irregular purple spots on the surface that emit crystal light. They are exactly one of the materials in the shocking bounty issued by Carlin - the Bauhinia Magic Stone.

Karin has some rituals or magic potion formulas that can shorten the growth cycle, but the main materials are very rare. In addition, now that all extraordinary organizations in the mortal world have begun to stockpile goods to reduce outflows, it is even more rare.

The redbud magic stone is the main material of one of the potions.

At this time, in addition to the banyan tree, there were more than a dozen people watching near the stall, speaking to the stall owner from time to time.

"Friend, how can you possibly sell it if you do this?"

"Originally, this set of equipment is very hot and not many people want it. Now you only want clean weapons. Isn't this making things difficult for people?"

"Yes, how can the arms traded here be clean?"

The banyan tree listened for a while and probably understood what was going on.

These people are all interested in this set of equipment, but the price the stall owner is asking is very strange. As long as the arms are "clean", it means that they will not be held accountable by the owner in the future.

After hearing this, Rongshu was dumbfounded. How could the arms on the black market be clean?

Either the insiders of various forces enriched their own pockets and sold them privately, or the goods of a certain force were robbed and sold here as stolen goods.

Therefore, the prices of arms on the black market are kept very low, less than 60% of the market price.

If people who come to the black market have the ability to get clean goods, wouldn't they be able to sell them openly?

However, a group of people spoke out, but the stall owner remained unmoved and insisted on exchanging a batch of 'clean' arms for this set of equipment.

After listening for a while, the banyan tree asked curiously: "Didn't you see the reward at the top of the reward hall? The Bauhinia Magic Stone can be exchanged for the Philosopher's Stone."

After he saw the Bauhinia Magic Stone on the stall, he was very confused. He had obviously posted a reward, so why didn't this guy go to him to trade.

Items like the Philosopher's Stone are just like spiritual gold coins. They belong to the person who puts them in his pocket. Others will not agree even if they shout. There is no saying that they are black goods.

As long as you get the Philosopher's Stone, you can easily exchange it for a large amount of cash. Isn't it easy to buy arms when you have money?

Unexpectedly, the black-robed stall owner sneered disdainfully after hearing this.

"Everyone knows it's a liar. How could anyone be stupid enough to use the Philosopher's Stone to conduct such a large transaction?"

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