Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 574 Selling Arms

"make a deal!"

The emcee who came to his senses the quickest did not hesitate and made the final decision. Even if someone offered a higher price, he would not change his decision.

After hearing the emcee's voice, the others were also in a daze. Some wanted to raise their hands to continue calling out the price, but in the end they lowered their arms in frustration.

One kilogram of the Philosopher's Stone is converted into one million gold pounds according to the market price. However, according to the unspoken rules of all auctions, if you use a precious resource like the Philosopher's Stone to bid, the premium will automatically exceed twice the price.

Although two hundred grams of the flesh and blood of the legendary Faceless Men are precious, bidding for more than two million gold pounds would be a waste.

Under the gazes of many eyes, Rongshu walked up to the auction stage, took the transparent glass bottle handed by the emcee, checked it and found that there was nothing wrong with it, then put it into the storage ring.

Then he did not rush to leave the stage, but said to the emcee: "Can I say a few words to everyone present?"


After the master of ceremonies agreed, the banyan tree nodded and said to everyone: "I believe you have all heard about the pinned information in the reward hall."

Everyone's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, and the crowd began to whisper.

"Could it be that he issued the reward?"

"This one seems to be the chosen one."

"Hiss—really or not?"

"You don't know, he showed his aura in front of a street stall an hour ago, and many people sensed it at that time."

"Don't the chosen ones have a backend? Why do they want to trade on the black market?"

"Maybe he's from out of town."

Everyone in the audience whispered, but the banyan tree standing on the stage ignored their thoughts and continued: "Many of you didn't believe it was true before, but you should believe it now.

That bounty is valid until all is completed. In addition to being able to trade the Philosopher's Stone with me, it can also be exchanged for various arms.

Not only firearms, but also artillery, tanks, fighter jets and other heavy firepower weapons that are hard to find on the market. I have everything here. It depends on whether you have the skills to get it! "

With a bang, there was an uproar in the underground palace.

Not only the Philosopher's Stone, but also all kinds of heavy firepower weapons that are difficult to buy without channels are actually without any taboos.

Gradually, some people came back to their senses and looked at the auction table again, and suddenly found that the banyan tree was missing, and the emcee on the side had a look of horror on his face.

This time, the underground palace became more lively. Everyone looked for the banyan tree, but after looking for a long time, they didn't even see a hair.

It took more than ten minutes for the scene to regain order. At this time, the emcee suppressed the horror in his heart and continued to preside over the auction absentmindedly.

‘Is this chosen man coming to the black market to sell arms? ’

Not only the emcee, but other people's minds were also occupied by Banyan Tree's words, and they suddenly felt that the treasures on the auction stage were no longer so attractive.

After the banyan tree entered the hidden state, he did not stay in the underground palace for long. He quickly returned to the above-ground slave market before reappearing, and just like that, he left the slave market in a swaggering manner.

After returning to the outside world, the mixed and unpleasant smells of the slums hit my face again.

The banyan tree walked slowly, ignoring the eyes hidden in the darkness. After walking slowly for half an hour, he suddenly stopped in a remote and uninhabited corner.

There were piles of stinking garbage all around, and yellowish sewage flowed beside it.

The pollution spirituality in the banyan tree's perception has gradually accumulated. If the vampires did not clean up this place every month during the curfew night, this kind of environment would only need to be maintained for more than two months, and it would be estimated that more than a dozen evil creatures would be born.

But this was not the point. The banyan tree looked around, and more than a dozen figures in black emerged from the darkness and surrounded him.

"You are tired after following me all the way. This place is quite suitable as a cemetery."

The banyan tree smiled, not interested in thinking about who these were.

"But you are only at the mentor level, are you looking down on me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of the banyan tree suddenly disappeared.

More than a dozen men in black were stunned for a moment, and the next moment the figure of the banyan tree suddenly appeared elsewhere, with a flash of blood in his hand.

With a swipe, three heads were rushed into the air by pillars of blood.

The banyan tree instantly killed three people, which shocked the others. They saw the leader chanting incantations hurriedly, but as soon as he finished speaking two words, the ground suddenly shook.


I saw a huge flower blooming at his feet, revealing a ferocious mouth filled with tiny fangs and swallowing the leader in one bite.

When the sun vine swallowed one person, the giant python moved the roots and vines to spread. In the blink of an eye, six people were tied up. Before they could scream, their life force was sucked away by the vines, and their whole people turned into a puddle. Transparent liquid.

The banyan tree was not idle at this time, rushing towards the opponent's only mentor level like lightning.


Along with the sound of metal collision, the mentor-level man in black only had time to draw his sword to resist, and then he was knocked away by a huge force, and blood overflowed from his chest.

"Damn it! It's a legendary creature! He is really the chosen one!"

After seeing this, the others turned around and ran away, with deep shock on their faces, realizing that a group of them had kicked an iron plate.

However, no matter how fast the six people ran, they could not outrun Sunvine, which was only one step away from the legend, and they were caught up in a matter of seconds.

He only had time to let out a scream before being swallowed by the petals.

On the other side, the banyan tree also completed the kill in the blink of an eye. After pulling out the fog sword inserted in the chest of the mentor-level man in black, he put away the body.

After the sun vine was wrapped around the wrist again and turned into a bracelet, he flicked the sword and the fog sword immediately dissipated, and the figure disappeared.

Five minutes later, a tall and burly man appeared at the scene of the battle.

The man wore a pair of short sleeves on his upper body, and his exposed muscles were clearly textured. His red hair was like a blazing flame. He also had a tattoo of a knight in blue armor on the back of his left hand, which looked somewhat similar to the statue in the center of the city.

He quickly walked to the garbage dump and just glanced at it, and got a lot of information through the residual spirituality at the scene.

“Is this the chosen one who appeared in the black market?

A mentor of the Blackbird Gang, thirteen professional levels, was defeated by him alone in less than five seconds!

Haha, I knew there would be hyenas who wanted to take advantage of him, but I didn't expect that he would die so quickly. "

The red-haired man muttered to himself, walked back and forth a few steps to observe the traces of the scene, trying to restore the battle process at the scene, and there seemed to be flames burning in his pupils.

"The three of them were beheaded with one sword. The next step was the poor mentor, but he only lived for a few tenths of a second longer."

After making a few gestures to himself, the man walked to a pool of transparent liquid and looked confused.

"But how did nine other people die? No, what is this? Some kind of highly toxic biological fluid?"

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