Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 582 [Ancestor] High-Quality Sparring Partner

This is how Kuning's miserable life began, and the banyan tree did not mean to mistreat him.

In terms of martial arts and physical training, with Dake here, it's not Banyan Shu's turn to worry about. His main purpose is to cultivate Kunin's mentality.

When fighting, in addition to one's own paper strength, one must also rely on actual combat experience and mentality.

As for experience, as long as you fight more times, you will naturally become mature and experienced, but the mentality is the most troublesome.

Novices fail or even die in battles with veterans whose paper strength is far lower than their own. The reason is largely due to unstable mentality and the inability to exert 100% or even 50% of their strength.

Kuning is like this, and Banyan Tree uses this harsh environment to force the opponent to adapt quickly.

At the beginning, he did not fight with Kunin personally, but asked the opponent to perform a set of basic boxing techniques. When the movements were as standard as usual, he would enter the actual combat training stage.

Sure enough, when Kuning stood up tremblingly, he was trembling all over in the strong wind whistling high in the sky. The most basic boxing skills were all twisted and twisted, and he was not at his usual level at all.

A set of moves that could be completed in five minutes took Kuning more than half an hour, and the banyan tree directly kicked him off the 100-meter high platform.

After a burst of shrill screams, Kuning's body fell heavily to the ground, but miraculously, apart from a bruised nose and swollen face, there were no other injuries.

When Dake set up the high platform, he also set up a magic circle on the rooftop. If he fell from the high platform, he would suffer some flesh injuries at most, which would not be life-threatening, but the pain would be really painful.

Kuning was lying on the rooftop and just groaned a few times before the banyan tree jumped off the high platform and lifted him up again.

In this way, Kuning was kicked down and carried up by the banyan tree again and again due to unqualified movements. Gradually, he began to overcome the fear in his heart and his movements also improved.

After eight hours of training today, although the simple basic boxing movements are still not standard, at least Kunin will not have to drag out five minutes of movements for half an hour.

"That's it for today. Just practice basic boxing skills on the high platform. I hope your movements will be standard enough during training tomorrow, otherwise Dak will be very disappointed."

The banyan tree left some water and food, said something to Kunin, who was bruised and swollen from the fall, and then jumped off the high platform, leaving him alone.

Kunin, who was still looking depressed, gritted his teeth when he heard the other party mention Dak, and finally cheered up.

After a hasty meal, he started practicing alone on the high platform.

"I must overcome my fear and not let dad down!"

After leaving Kuning behind, Banyan Tree walked all the way to the backyard, where Duck was leisurely lying on a wicker chair and basking in the sun.

Seeing Banyan Tree coming over, he asked casually: "How about that boy?"

"It's better than I expected. He will be able to adapt in three months at most. If you teach him some unique skills, he might even be able to break into the top 16 of the trainee group."

After hearing Banyan Tree's high praise for his disciple, Dak smiled happily and said: "That's not the case, and it doesn't matter whose disciple he is!"

Rongshu asked out of curiosity: "Have you never accepted a disciple before? How come you have Kuning as a disciple at this age, and you are still a rookie who has only been a disciple for one year?"

Dark suddenly fell silent, shook his head with a complicated expression and said, "Don't talk about things that happened when you were young."

Soon the old man regained his composure, stood up and shouted excitedly: "Let's go to the outside of the city to sign and sign?"

The banyan tree didn't ask any more questions and agreed readily: "Hahaha, I wish I could have asked for it!"

The next moment, two whooshing sounds passed through the air, and the two figures disappeared from the spot.

After a while, Banyan Tree and Duck arrived outside the city, found a sparsely populated piece of grass and began to have a fierce collision.

Except for some killer moves that hit the bottom of the box, they went all out from the start.

The figures of the two people flashed and collided at high speed, and soon the grass was filled with dust. The aftermath of the battle turned over a hundred meters of land around them, and the ground became a mess.

At this time, in addition to the two of them, there were also pairs of instructors training outside the city.

The places in the city where mentor-level transcendental beings can fight to their heart's content have long been occupied, and recently a new group of mentor-level warriors from out of town have arrived.

So everyone had to go outside the city for daily training, and a few even chose to go into the wilderness to hone themselves.

Outside the city, in addition to these mentor-level transcendent beings who have come together to practice battles, there are also temporary arenas under construction.

Because there are too many people participating in the martial arts festival, before the official finals, a preliminary round is needed to select the top 128 from the three groups of trainee, professional, and mentor.

There is not enough space in the city, so it is necessary to build a number of temporary arenas outside the city as venues for the preliminaries, which will be demolished after the martial arts festival is completed.

After the top 128 players in each group are determined, subsequent games will be held in several arenas at the foot of the Blue Knight statue in the center of the city.

Just like this, the days passed by, and the big-muscled tyrants in Blue Helmet City were all sweating it out, hoping to shine in the martial arts festival.

And little Kuning, who lives on a high platform, is also making progress day by day. His physical fitness is still improving at a very fast pace, but his mentality is becoming more and more stable.

Only a month later, he was able to fight the banyan tree on a small high platform without changing his expression.

When Banyan fought with Kuning, he initially suppressed his strength to the level where the trainee had just completed his second development, and then gradually improved his strength during the battle.

In this way, Kunin was tortured like a frog in warm water. After knocking the opponent down, he kicked him off the high platform.

Kunin, who has experienced falling from high altitudes many times, has become numb. He can even calmly adjust his posture during the fall and land in the best posture to minimize injuries.

Although the feeling of falling from a high altitude was extremely painful, Kuning gritted his teeth and climbed up as quickly as possible every time, and was then taken back to the high platform by the banyan tree he jumped from.

Just like this, Kunin fought again and again, like a shriveled sponge filled with water, eagerly absorbing the experience of each battle, and persisted longer and longer.

Both Dak and Banyan Tree are very satisfied with his progress.

Kalin and his seven secret puppets played their roles in a regular manner, working six hours a day and sparring with a famous and wealthy warrior.

After get off work, I went to the pub with the other members of the Blue Fist Adventure Group to have a few drinks and gossip to pass the time. At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, we went back to our respective homes.

After returning home every night, Kalin would enter the [Ancestor] and rush into the battlefield of the war between the northern and southern camps of the Old World to fight the barbarians and faceless men in the north.

Only he, Banyan Tree, and Drake Three took action together, and they just used the abilities of the King of Fighters Path to engage in crazy battles as actual combat training.

And when he entered the battlefield, something strange happened.

The northern camp didn't know what medicine they took. All the legendary strong men turned a blind eye to him. Instead, only the mentor-level team came to fight him.

In the southern camp, the Holy Mother Society no longer bothers Carlin and treats him as if he does not exist.

Faced with this situation, Karin was also a little confused. In the end, he could only guess that both the Mother Mother and the Blood Mother knew of his existence.

Mother Mother even thoughtfully sent her faceless men and believers to be his sparring partners.

But Karin quickly put this behind him and concentrated on fighting. It would be better to have such a high-quality sandbag.

In addition to these daily routines, the task of the shocking body hung by the banyan tree in the bounty hall was finally completed intermittently by multiple extraordinary people within two months.

This was also due to his high-profile performance in the black market, which made others no longer suspect that he was a liar.

After obtaining these precious materials, Karin used his free time to prepare three different potions in one go.

When he took it all at once, his strength ushered in a small burst and he directly completed his fourth development.

At this point, Kalin can no longer make any progress, unless he successfully breaks through the legend, and he can only participate in the martial arts festival to complete the final step.

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