Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 588 Preliminary Round


Accompanied by a loud horn sound, it was announced that the martial arts festival had officially begun.

With a bang, the whole city seemed to be boiling, and one after another King of Fighters extraordinary people jumped onto the ring in front of everyone's attention.

Soon, the trainee group and the professional group began to compete in each arena.

However, among the 118 arenas in the mentor group, only 13 had people jumping on them, and only one person was still waiting for his opponent alone.

The banyan tree looked at the large arena with a diameter of more than two hundred meters in front of him and thought for a while.

‘The rule is that as long as you admit defeat, fall unconscious, die or leave the ring, you will be considered a failure. In this case, let’s solve it as soon as possible. ’

Thinking that the banyan tree put on a pair of black gloves, he jumped up, passed over the crowd that surrounded the ring, and finally landed firmly in the center of the ring.

In an instant, the eyes of all the onlookers in the audience were all focused on him.

"Finally someone has come on stage, but I don't know how strong they are and whether they can survive three people."

Near the ring, the Blue Fist Adventure Group began to whisper while looking at the banyan tree on the ring, and Karin was among them.

The preliminaries are not an elimination system, but a defense system.

The first person to take the stage automatically becomes the ringleader, and the winner of each subsequent match becomes the ringleader.

When the challenger defeats several challengers in a row, he can immediately advance to the top 128, or if no one challenges the challenger for a certain period of time, he will advance directly.

Different levels of groups require different winning streaks, and the arena they are in after promotion will also be closed, which means that only one person in each arena will advance.

Due to the small number of players in the mentor level, you only need to defeat three people in a row to advance to the top 128.

A group of people from Blue Fist came here not only to watch the battle, but also to observe the situation. They wanted to bet on various handicaps opened in the city. If they were lucky, they might be able to make a lot of money.

And this guy Carlin even encouraged a group of people to bet on the banyan tree's three-game winning streak to advance.

"Westmin, are you really sure that this York can enter the top 128?"

After Chris stared at the banyan tree on the stage for a while, she didn't see any clue. Others also looked at Carlin suspiciously.

"Yeah, this guy doesn't have any information. It's like he jumped out of a rock. How dare you bet all your money on him?"

"That's right, that's right, if you know something, please tell me!"

Carlin raised his hand to suppress the chatter of the group of people, and asked confidently: "And all the Dakki in Dad's Club have heard of it, right?"

Chris and others nodded immediately.

"Of course we know the runner-up in the last martial arts festival. It's a pity that he was the seeded player and advanced directly. Otherwise, I would definitely bet on Dak!"

Carlin then said: "Then do you know that York is actually on the same level as Dak?"

Chris' eyes immediately lit up after hearing this: "Really?"

"of course it's true!

I worked as a sparring partner in Dad’s Club for two months, and every day I saw Dak and York going out of town to practice together. Listen to my advice and bet on York.”

Others subconsciously agreed after hearing this. What Carlin said was very reasonable.

Dak goes out to fight with each other every day. If they weren't close in strength, Dak wouldn't be able to do this.

"Look! Someone is on stage again!"

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted, which immediately attracted the attention of Lan Fist and the others.

They saw a shirtless, bald man wearing only a black vest standing opposite the banyan tree.

"Quick! Go place your bet quickly, or it will be too late!"

After seeing this, Lan Quan and his team screamed that something was wrong, and immediately ran towards the handicap betting point near the ring.

"The battle begins!"

On the ring, both Banyan Tree and his opponent stood quietly without saying a word.

After the referee called for start, the two people did not move.

The only difference between the two is that Rongshu's eyes are calm and his expression is relaxed, as if he is here for an outing.

The bald man had a cautious look on his face, staring at the banyan tree, trying to see more from the other person's spirituality.

He wouldn't dare to make a rash move without knowing his opponent's strength. Every ounce of physical strength was crucial in a mentor-level battle.

In the mentor group preliminaries, if you want to win three games in a row, strength only accounts for part of the factor, and more is the battle strategy.

The strength gap between the non-human limit mentor level is not as big as the professional level and the apprentice level. The extraordinary people who can get to the mentor level have two skills.

Therefore, battles between mentor-level King of Fighters who are not at the limit of the human body rarely result in a one-sided crushing situation.

In this case, being on stage first may not necessarily lead to the last laugh, even if you are stronger than others.

But if a lot of physical strength and spiritual energy are consumed in the battle, or even injured, it will affect one's own condition.

All these will prevent players from performing their best in the following games, making it easy for others to take advantage of them.

Therefore, unless they are very confident in their own abilities, mentor-level players will usually wait and see before making any further decisions.

The bald man is very confident in his own strength. Of course, he doesn't know that Eric is writing the plot in the virtual kingdom of God with a story pen.

After observing for a while, the bald man saw the banyan tree's casual posture, and seemed to feel that the other party was looking down on him, and an evil fire sprang up in his heart.

"Dare to underestimate me, you will regret it!"

With a bang, the bald man made a big hole in the spot with a powerful and heavy kick, and rushed towards the banyan tree at full speed.

In an instant, he crossed a distance of tens of meters and punched the opponent's chest. Even if Banyan Tree wanted to dodge at this time, it was too late.

The bald man could already anticipate the scene where his opponent would be knocked out of the ring by his punch, and a smile appeared on his lips unconsciously.

But the next moment, the banyan tree suddenly stretched out its hand between the lightning and flint, and the black gloves flashed with blue arcs, and her fingers touched the bald man's arm.


In an instant, the bald man had a stiff smile on his face, and powerful electric currents were running around in his body like a man having sex.

His body was immediately paralyzed, and his punches lost their original strength.

At this moment, Rongshu suddenly raised his leg and pressed his knee hard against his opponent's stomach. The bald man's eyes suddenly bulged.

With a bang, the body flew out directly, drawing a beautiful parabola in the air and landing heavily in an open space more than 200 meters away.


After the second loud noise, the audience under the ring came to their senses. They saw the bald man rushing to the banyan tree and then flying out.

Everything happened in just one second, and no one below the mentor level could see any details clearly.

At this time, the referee in the audience also came to his senses. After seeing that only the banyan tree was left in the ring, he quickly announced loudly.

"Victor - York!"

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