Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 597 Legendary Blow

Dak's unreserved burning soul made his momentum increase infinitely again.

The powerful spirituality actually began to affect the surrounding environment.

The air began to distort, and the earth collapsed crazily. All the spectators' faces turned pale due to the terrifying pressure, and even breathing became a luxury.

Willy at the VIP table looked shocked as if he had seen something incredible.

'legend! Dak's last blow actually crossed the threshold of legend! ’

But he immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. Even a casual blow from the legendary strongman could seriously contaminate the low-level transcendent and ordinary people who were watching.

Without saying a word, he immediately adjusted the protective barrier of the arena.

In an instant, all the images in the live broadcast screen in Blue Helmet City disappeared.

The blue light bloomed in the arena and flowed down like a waterfall, forming a blue barrier that completely isolated the battle square from the stands.

At this time, all the audience finally felt better, and they all breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear. Even if there was a blue barrier blocking their sight, no one dared to look down again.

At this time, Dak's entire body was enveloped in a blazing white flame.

He clenched his right fist, closed his arm, and finally swung it out fiercely.


The world seemed to be filled with only white light, and vast power bombarded Carlin. This punch condensed everything that Dak had.

Body, spirit, soul, will, everything is condensed in this punch.

The warning signs in Karin's heart have been raised to the extreme.

The spirituality in his body flowed crazily, and the red light shone and condensed into a pair of transparent red armor. His entire body's state reached its peak, just to receive Dak's punch.

In an instant, Dak's last punch hit Carlin. The red armor struggled to resist this legendary blow, but the blow was stopped forcibly.

But only for a moment, Karin was pushed by the violent force and slid backwards quickly on the marble floor.


The terrifying power bombarded the surface of the red armor, making him feel like his body was beginning to deform.

Karin could even clearly hear the sound of his own bones breaking, and blood flowed crazily from his mouth, nose, ears and eyes.

Cracks appeared on the surface of the tough red armor, and it began to fail to hold up.

Karin roared angrily, and all the secret puppets and deputy puppets frantically contributed their own strength at this moment, and shared this terrifying blow for him.

In the stands, seven marionettes spurted blood from their mouths.

In the virtual kingdom of God, the bodies of the puppets also erupted into blood mist and fell down, leaving only the last trace of life.

The roots and branches of the huge data banyan tree burned crazily and turned into fly ash, and one-tenth of the body was annihilated in an instant.

In the arena, Kalin directly hit the blue barrier, and his body was squeezed out by the terrifying force into clouds of blood mist.

The marble slab on the ground evaporated instantly, and the soil below continued to collapse for dozens of meters before it stopped.

At this time, the audience in the stands could feel that a horrific collision of natural disaster level occurred inside the barrier.

Not only them, people in other parts of Blue Helmet City also felt a shaking, like an earthquake.

They all held their breaths nervously, waiting quietly for the effects of Dak's punch to subside.

Although everyone dared not look directly at the battle scene, they were very much looking forward to the final result.

Willy, the only one who could clearly see what was happening in the field, was also staring straight into the square. Ryan was scratching his head and head anxiously. He wanted to ask several times but held back.

At this time, the atmosphere on both sides of the court gradually calmed down.

After confirming that the audience could watch safely, Willy waved his hand, and the blue barrier gradually became transparent, and all the live broadcast light screens outside the arena also restored their pictures.

Everyone looked at the battle scene with shocked eyes.

The square that was the center of the collision has disappeared, and the whole thing has collapsed more than fifty meters deep, and smoke and dust are everywhere.

The Order of Fire must be rebuilt before it can continue to be used.

I saw the smoke and dust in the center gradually dissipating, revealing a figure standing tenaciously on the ground, it was Dak.

At this moment, he was no longer young and had become old again.

Kunin cried crazily in the stands: "Dad!"

As if he heard his apprentice's call, Dak slowly raised his head, his expression irritable.

"You brat, why are you crying? You're like a bitch!"

Kuning held back his tears after hearing his master's rebuke, squeezed out a smile and shouted loudly: "Dad, you win, even Teacher Carlin can't stop your last punch!"

In an instant, earth-shattering applause erupted from the stands, and all the spectators who heard Kunin's shouts applauded Dak crazily.

Defeating a chosen one with a body beyond the limits of the human body, even if they both die together, is an epic that can be recorded in history and be sung by future generations!

After a few years, this battle will definitely qualify as a historical afterimage that can be absorbed by extraordinary beings through historical rituals.


Just as everyone was shouting and applauding excitedly, several legendary seeds in the VIP seats shook their heads, and Willy couldn't help coughing.

The sound reached everyone's ears clearly, and it immediately silenced the stands as if it contained some kind of magic power.

At this time, Dak on the court also looked at Kuning and shook his head, and said calmly: "You are wrong, I lost.

Brat, after I die, Karin will help you push the limits of your human body. Remember, it is my wish to die in a battle with him. Don’t blame him! "

After saying that, Dak's figure gradually faded, and finally turned into light fragments in the sky and dissipated in the wind.

Kunin in the stands couldn't bear it anymore and collapsed on the ground.

But at this time, he lowered his head, but did not continue to cry. He still adhered to his father's last reprimand in his heart.

"If you can't cry, you mustn't cry. I can't let dad down."

The rest of the audience remained silent, quietly waiting for the smoke to clear.


There were clear sounds of footsteps in the smoke, and immediately Carlin's figure walked out of the smoke, seemingly slowly, but in a few steps he reached the center of the destroyed square.

At this time, the black short sleeves on his upper body had completely disappeared, and the trousers on his lower body were in tatters, making him look like a beggar.

His exposed body was a mess of blood and flesh, and his left arm was completely broken at the root, but his eyes were still sharp.

He won this battle!

Even though Dak's final blow crossed the threshold of legend, he still followed it up abruptly.

In an instant, the entire Blue Helmet City cheered.

But there was no joy of victory in Carlin's heart, only endless melancholy.

He looked at where Dak disappeared and sighed quietly.

“Old man, I don’t have many friends in this world, and if you leave, you will lose one more.

Don’t worry, Kuning will be left to me. Even if he uses the [Resuscitation] Ritual Pile, I will let him successfully break through the limits of the human body! "

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