Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 69 Why don’t serious people keep diaries (third update today)

Karin took a deep breath and walked out of the dormitory directly without using the liver removal skill, and shot the faceless apprentice in the corridor.


A bullet shot directly into the apprentice's head and killed him.

Then Karin stepped over the apprentice's body and came to a stop on the last step of the first floor.

Bang - Bang -

Two more shots hit the soul cores of the two faceless swordsmen like they were hitting fixed targets.

After dealing with the two faceless swordsmen, Kalin opened the door and walked out. This time he must avenge yesterday's owl leader.

When he entered the foggy area outside, he felt that his field of vision was particularly wide after putting on the monocle.

The fog with low visibility could not block his sight at all. He could clearly see the texture of the ground ten meters away. He could now see the blurred outlines of things fifty or sixty meters away.

Carlin walked out of the dormitory building while loading his revolver and walking towards the second dormitory building.

This time he finally saw clearly.

In front of the gate of the second dormitory building, twelve faceless swordsmen stood quietly in front of the gate like twelve loyal guards.

Karin calculated the distance and slowly approached. When he was only thirty meters away from the nearest faceless swordsman, the other party suddenly moved.


A scream pierced the air, and the faceless swordsman dragged his sword and launched a swift charge towards Kalin.

But the other eleven swordsmen continued to stand still as if nothing had happened.

Carlin smiled after seeing this situation. The thirty-meter radius around the Faceless Swordsman was considered a warning zone. As long as he was outside the warning zone, he would not alert the other party.

At this moment, a brilliant light suddenly flashed across the surface of the monocle, and a blood-red light shot out from the surface of the lens. With a swish, it hit the Faceless Swordsman's forehead, and an 'X' shaped mark formed the next moment.

But the Faceless Swordsman continued to charge as if he was unaware.

Kalin took out his hand crossbow, and saw a blue arrow suddenly condensed from the uncocked hand crossbow. He didn't see him taking aim, so he pulled the trigger and fired an arrow.

Something magical happened. When the blue arrow left the string, it automatically adjusted its flight direction and headed straight for the 'X' mark on the faceless swordsman's forehead.

The arrow directly penetrated the flesh at lightning speed, shattering the crystal in the faceless swordsman's brain.

Seeing that he easily killed the faceless swordsman with one arrow, Karin felt proud and proud.

‘The efficiency is different with and without equipment. ’

The monocle and hand crossbow are a set of equipment.

Although the hand crossbow's lethality is inferior to that of Carlin's revolver, it is not much worse.

The most important thing is that it can be equipped with special arrows. When there are no arrows, you can directly use your spiritual energy to condense them into arrows and shoot them. The reloading time is half a second.

The hand crossbow is specially inlaid with a spiritual gold coin, which can condense about seventy blue arrows.

In addition, if you do not condense the arrows and tighten the trigger, you will enter the charging state. After ten seconds of charging, a red explosive arrow will be condensed. Release the trigger and launch. The power is absolutely amazing. satisfy.

The monocle can not only greatly enhance spiritual vision, but also mark the enemy with an 'X' shape. The arrows fired from the hand crossbow will automatically track the 'X' shape mark.

Looking at the crossbow in his hand, Karin felt that the money was really worth it.

After testing out the faceless swordsman's warning range, things became easier. Then Karin lured them out one after another and defeated them one by one.

However, he did not kill them all in one go, but waited for the last faceless swordsman to swallow all eleven corpses, while he opened the fog and observed from a distance.

After more than half an hour of observation and experiment, Karin probably tested the strength of this super faceless swordsman.

‘The human body is at its limit at the trainee level, but it is only temporary, and the body will collapse in less than half an hour. ’

After watching the faceless swordsman whose strength had been enhanced by endlessly devouring the corpses of his companions, Karin walked to the door of the dormitory building and fiddled with the bell on his waist.

Jingle Bell--

After a crisp sound, the fog around Carlin suddenly began to thicken.

In a moment, an invisible area was formed within twenty meters around him.

The function of the bell is very simple, forming a fog with a diameter of twenty meters.

Not only is it difficult to see in the fog, but it also blocks sound, but it has no impact on the operator's field of vision.

The only disadvantage is that the bell cannot identify friends and foes. Both enemies and friendly forces will be blocked from view. Only the controller's view is not affected.

After Karin turned on the fog, he opened the door directly and saw the familiar bloody altar in the center of the lobby at his first glance.

The two faceless swordsmen were standing quietly on the other side, exactly the same as the layout of the first dormitory building.

Karin strode forward, getting closer and closer to the two faceless swordsmen, but there was no reaction from them.

So he put an 'X' on the foreheads of the two swordsmen respectively, and then continued to move forward.

When the nearest swordsman was only five meters away, the other party finally let out a scream.


But before the faceless swordsman could start charging, Kalin raised his hand and killed him with an arrow.

Half a second later, he condensed an arrow again and killed another faceless swordsman.

After cleaning up the two swordsmen on the first floor, he went directly to the second floor, where Karin began to carpet-clean the dormitories.

The second and third floors of the second dormitory building are the same as the first one, only faceless apprentices exist.

Karin cleared the entire building of faceless apprentices without even using a gun or a crossbow, but no valuable information was found in subsequent searches.

"Fuck, aren't you serious people? Why don't serious people write diaries?!!!"

After shaking his head helplessly and complaining, Karin left the second dormitory building and headed directly towards the third dormitory building.

There are also twelve faceless swordsmen guarding the dormitory building.

As before, Kalin seduced them one by one and then used markers and crossbows to kill them.

After he opened the door through the mist, he easily killed the two guards on the first floor and reached the second floor.

After killing the faceless apprentice in the corridor with a single shot, Karin started kicking down the doors of each room.

He doesn't know if he can gain anything, so he just needs to keep a normal mind.


The door of dormitory 201 was kicked open. Before the apprentice inside could start chanting a curse, Karin shot him dead. Only then did he start to look at everything in the room.

Looking at the messy room, Karin's eyes quickly swept across the room, and his eyes lit up when he spotted a notepad that was carelessly discarded on the ground.

After looking at the name, it was the diary of an apprentice named Marshall.

Carlin immediately gave him numerous likes. Serious people should keep a diary!

‘New Gregorian calendar year 9657, the 18th of the new moon, sunny’

'It feels great to be a wizard. The nobles in the town who used to have their nostrils turned upward now treat me with respect.

Praising the White Tower, I didn’t expect that I could also become a great wizard! ’

‘New Gregorian calendar year 9657, the 24th of the new moon’

"9657 in the new solar calendar, the 23rd of the new moon, sunny"

‘Wow, today I was finally able to visit the White Tower up close. It’s so magnificent, but my attention was attracted by the girl who visited the White Tower together.

Oh my God, I guarantee her breasts are as majestic as the White Tower! ’

The corner of Carlin's mouth twitched when he saw this. Why did he feel that this Marshall was an SP?

Shouldn’t those who keep diaries be serious people?

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