Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 9 Faceless Apprentice

"Have I entered a fantasy world?"

Karin pinched his face, then checked his clothes and other items, and found that he was in exactly the same state as before entering.

He had returned home with his coat and only a white shirt on top, and was now sitting on the bench in the foyer.

He glanced around the unfamiliar room again. This was a bedroom.

A neat large bed is located in the corner of the room, and there is a desk next to it, but there is nothing on it.

The ceiling above the head is inlaid with a basketball-sized milky white crystal, which emits soft light and illuminates the room.

Carlin carefully looked at the other furnishings in the room, and he felt that the layout was similar to the layout of a single dormitory at St. Wayne College.

And as his eyes retracted and moved to the bench where he was sitting, he was stunned again by the "Basic Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Persons" that he had not finished reading.

The bench in his home seemed to appear here suddenly, looking so out of place against the other items in the room.

‘The bench is 133 centimeters long and 49 centimeters wide. Such a large object appears here together with the books on it. Does this mean that any object that exists within a certain range around me can be brought in? ’

At this time, after Karin touched the dagger hanging on his waist again, he suddenly thought of something and muttered in annoyance.

"I still have my lime powder in my coat, and I haven't brought the pistol in the bedroom with me either. I'm really at a big loss this time!"

Thinking of this, Karin picked up "The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Basics" and stood up. He suddenly drew out his dagger and cut off a small section of the armrest of the bench with a swish.

‘When you get out, check to see if there are any changes to the bench. If there are no changes, then the operability is very high. ’

While thinking this, Karin started wandering around in this room that looked like a student dormitory.

Apart from some ordinary furniture and furnishings, there were no texts or books that could provide him with information.

The milky-white crystal stone on the ceiling that served as lighting made him very curious. It should be an extraordinary item used for lighting, and it could not rule out having other functions.

After keeping these in mind, Karin held the dagger in his right hand and walked to the closed door of the dormitory and turned the handle.

The door opened with a creak, and he glanced at the "210" number on the door plate. The right side of the dormitory was close to the wall, as if it was the end of a corridor.

Karin looked outside through the window at the end, but he only saw a gray fog blocking things outside the window, and the visibility was zero.

So he cautiously stuck his head out the door and looked at the left side of the corridor.

But when a hair on his head came outside the door, a piercing scream suddenly sounded in the corridor and filled his ears.

Carlin felt twisted and vicious from the scream, and then a slight dizziness hit him, but immediately a surge of spirituality in his body eliminated the negative impact.

He immediately stretched out his head and glanced down the corridor, only to see a figure about ten meters away from room 210, wearing a loose robe and holding a patterned dagger, rushing towards him.

But immediately after Kalin looked at this figure, he found that the other person's face was smooth and looked extremely strange. Although there was no expression, Kalin could feel its strong murderous intention.

Carlin was shocked, but then he realized that the faceless man's speed was about the same as that of an ordinary adult man, and he felt relieved.

He thought quickly based on the information he observed.

‘If the historical illusion is regarded as a copy of the game, this should be the White Tower Academy. My birth point is room 210 of a student dormitory building.

The faceless man should be a miscellaneous soldier. The robe he wore was very unfavorable for melee combat, and his speed was also very slow. His physical fitness was a little better than that of ordinary people.

Combined with the name of the copy [Witch King], this should be a contact level wizard apprentice.

The scream will cause me to feel dizzy, but it doesn't look like the spell of an orthodox wizard. Instead, it looks like the ability of some evil creature.

Judging from the strange faceless face, this soldier may be an evil creature that was corrupted by spiritual pollution from an apprentice. It is very likely that he still retains the magic he had during his lifetime.

But he wanted to rush towards me at full speed. The distance of ten meters was either because the spells of the low-level Witch King Path Extraordinary did not have powerful attack types, or the range was very short and he needed to close the distance with me before casting the spell.

If you go directly to the corridor, you may be attacked by the opponent. If you stay in the dormitory, the opponent will need to turn around and ambush you, just wait and see.

I don't believe that a low-level wizard can cast direct attack spells on me through the wall, unless the spells it emits will automatically seek out the enemy and turn around! ’

In the flash of lightning, Carlin thought about a lot of information. At this time, another scream came, and the spirituality in his body surged again to resist the side effects of this scream.

The next moment, Carlin retracted his head and stood at the door listening to the footsteps, waiting for the other party's arrival.

Although it was certain that the physical fitness of the faceless apprentice was far inferior to his own, Carlin also did not have an intuitive impression of the abilities of legal supernatural beings, so he decided to be cautious.

But immediately, Carlin's expression became strange, because he heard the frequency of footsteps outside suddenly became smaller, as if the other party's state changed from running to walking.

'How is this going? Isn’t Dormitory 210 still a safe zone? ’

In order to confirm this guess, Karin stopped making other moves and waited quietly.

Da da da--

Footsteps were getting closer and closer to him, and only a few seconds passed before Karin retracted into the dormitory. He saw the faceless apprentice in robes passing by the door.

What was strange was that when the other party reached the end of the corridor, he turned around and ignored Carlin, who was less than one meter away from him in dormitory No. 210.

Seeing this situation, Carlin immediately confirmed his guess. The birth point of Dormitory 210 was his safe zone. As long as he was in the dormitory, all monsters or characters here would ignore him.

At this time, the faceless apprentice had turned around and walked towards the other side of the corridor, as if patrolling the dormitory corridor.

Karin took advantage of the other party's back to him and quickly stepped out of the dormitory with the dagger in his right hand and thrust it into the apprentice's head.

And just when this determined blow was about to hit, Karin only heard an obscure incantation.


There was a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and a small light shield blocked the way of the dagger that was about to be inserted into his head.

He immediately felt that the dagger encountered a resistance, and a huge force hit the light shield. Then there was a bang, and the light shield was smashed into shimmering debris and dissipated.

After such a blockage, Carlin's intention of sneak attack completely failed, but he was not discouraged. He swung the dagger again, and at the same time stretched his other hand towards the opponent's neck with the intention of strangling him.

At this moment, the faceless apprentice's neck suddenly made a snapping sound, and he twisted 180 degrees, so that his smooth face faced Carlin, and he quickly recited another incantation.


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