Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 20 Teaching and Boarding

Give him more for what he already has, and set more restrictions for what he doesn't have.

Just like this basic extraordinary swordsmanship, Ai Wen doesn't pay much attention to it, and those "students of Mingzhang" who left early even discarded it like a pair of shoes. However, recruits need to exchange their lives and achievements one by one in their later service careers.

Even, they didn't reach a certain level and number of years in the navy, and they wouldn't even let them know about the existence of the extraordinary world.

Ai Wen still remembered that Eugene said to himself seriously.

This is not only to maintain the stable rule of the upper class, but also because the world in which human beings live is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface. There are hidden horrors beyond the imagination of ordinary people outside the civilized world, and ignorant secret explorers will lead to loss of control and disasters. The "witch hunt" that the big church has been promoting with great fanfare is by no means groundless.

However, no matter how strict the rules are, there are exceptions. After quietly obtaining the permission of Major Eugene, Ivan called Gary out alone.

"Young man! I see that your bones are amazing. You must be a martial arts prodigy. In the future, the important task of maintaining justice and peace in the universe will be entrusted to you! I have a copy of Tathagata Cough cough. It is a complete version of military swordsmanship. I will sell it to you at a cheaper price." .”

There is a proverb in the sea: "No matter how strong a warrior is at sea, he cannot start a small sailing boat by his own strength alone."

It doesn't matter if Aiwen aspires to be a solo lone ranger, but this is the great era of great voyages. Whether it is gaining power or gaining stronger power, a reliable partner is essential.

After getting along for nearly two months, Aiwen thinks he already knows this tower-like "boy" very well. His appearance is rough and talented, but he has a clean heart. He cultivated it well when he was not deeply involved in the world. Maybe he can be himself a great helping hand.

At the same time, Aiwen is full of confidence in his data vision, and believes that the data it observes will not deceive him.

Then again, if Gary can even fake breathing, heartbeat, and pupil changes under the monitoring of the digital vision, such a master, even if Ivan turns around and bows, it is not impossible to consider.

For his only younger brother, Aiwen is willing to invest in advance and give him a chance.

However, even Ivan didn't expect that Gary's compatibility with "military swordsmanship" is so high!

When I first started fighting with the recruits, I didn't see much of it. At most, I was stronger than others. Even in sparring, because it was difficult to control his own strength, he often used brute force to chop the opponent with his sword.

Even for this reason, Gary was nicknamed "Wild Boar Warrior" by Eugene, a recruit and instructor at the same time.

After all, even if he wins ten out of ten duels, this extremely barbaric style of play is really hard to get the approval of the recruits who have already regarded "military swordsmanship" as their standard.

But when Aiwen taught Gary the matching breathing method of "military swordsmanship", let him slowly learn to use the strange power contained in his body, adjust his breath to temper the inside and outside, as if he had obtained the only way to control his natural divine power, and made rapid progress .

In just one week, Gary's body changed from being strong and not strong to being strong and clumsy, and his body shape was slightly tightened. Not only does it not look thin, but it gives people a strong, strong and dangerous feeling like a jungle beast.

The two stood facing each other with swords in a remote corner, and began to practice daily routines.

"Gary, attack here!"

"Yes, boss!"

"Huh!" The fierce and strong sword came whistling with a strong wind. It was just a simple slash, but it already had a different flavor in Gary's hands.


Ivan flashed sideways, swung the wooden sword in his hand, and the spine of the sword patted Gary's shoulder, knocking him back half a step.

"Attack again!"

"Crack!" Gary's straight stab was slapped away from the side, and the blade slid along the trend and stopped at his armpit.

"Attack again!" "Attack again!"

It wasn't until Gary was exhausted and the big character spread out on the ground panting heavily that Aiwen took his sword leisurely and opened the latest data collected.

Name: Gary Farman

Sex: Male

Occupation: Navy recruit

Attribute: Constitution 0.7

Power 0.65+0.06

Dexterity 0.4+0.12

Intelligence 0.4

Skills: Phalatis saber technique (introductory, including swordsmanship and breathing method) navigation knowledge (introductory) primary military literacy

Just by simply introducing the breathing method, Gary's strength increased by 0.06 to a total value of 0.71, and the increase in speed was even more exaggerated, directly leaping from 0.4 to 0.52. Although it is still lacking compared to other attributes, it has greatly made up for its own shortcomings, at least far surpassing ordinary adults.

The physical data has not changed much, but this is the core attribute of a transcendent on the knight path, and it is also the foundation that determines whether other attributes can be used. It will definitely require him to put in more effort.

It's like a rich second generation who has inherited a family property, has learned how to efficiently distribute and manage wealth, and then thinks about how to expand the total amount of wealth.

The same is true for Gary. Through the introduction of breathing techniques, he will improve rapidly in a short period of time. But if you want to cross the threshold of extraordinaryness a little bit, you still have to be down-to-earth and there is a long way to go.

"Okay, don't lie down, remember your current limit. There is still a month to go, and try to fully tap the potential of your natural physique by then."

"Okay, Boss, I got it!" The more he started to practice, the more Gary looked up to Aiwen. His physique, strength, skills, and knowledge were completely crushed, not to mention the grace of recreating the breathing method. , Gary has now completely become Ivan's little fan.

For Gary, what the instructor said may still hesitate, but what Ivan said will definitely make him go through fire and water.

So in the next month, in addition to various necessary training subjects and going to the library, Aiwen often found time to feed Gary. He was about to officially board the ship soon, and Aiwen didn't want the younger brother he had just accepted to be snapped up by pirates in a blink of an eye.

"Boom boom boom"

"Come in!"

Ivan pushed the door into Major Eugene's office, saluted and asked:

"Instructor, are you calling me?"

"Pretend to be serious, close the door, and sit down!" In the past three months, Aiwen has really helped Eugene a lot. While Eugene saw through this nature, the relationship between the two became much closer.

"What on earth is your family thinking? I haven't received your notice of shifting until now. You don't really want to be randomly assigned a battleship, do you?" Eugene asked with his legs crossed, seemingly unintentionally.

Ai Wen responded with a wry smile!

He also knew that after the training of recruits in the same period, they would have to go on a ship for internships. Even if there were no accidents, many people might spend their entire naval career on this warship, and it would not be too much to say that they shared weal and woe.

Therefore, which battleship to board is a fateful choice for a navy sailor, and it is even more prudent than marrying a wife.

After all, which battleship to board is not only related to the difficulty of promotion in the future, but also related to one's own life. If you are on an unappreciated Tier 6 patrol ship or communication ship, you can slowly get through your qualifications; if you are on an old-fashioned cannon fodder ship, you should quickly wait for the blessing of the goddess, and you can return to the voyage smoothly; if you can board the main force in one step Warships are risky and will accumulate military exploits faster.

However, the choice of warships is not decided by the recruits themselves, but will be directly assigned by the upper echelon.

The families of well-connected and powerful children arranged their futures early. In the first month, Ai Wen's "Mingzhang students" who were in the same period left early one after another, because the warships arranged for them returned to Hong Kong one after another and boarded ahead of schedule.

If there is really a family behind Aiwen, he will definitely not be allowed to spend three months in the training camp, and arrangements should have been made long ago.

This was also where Major Eugene was puzzled.

Looking at Aiwen's expression now, Major Eugene, who is good at brainstorming, automatically conjures up bizarre plots in his mind, such as infighting among wealthy families, power struggles, and under-appreciated offshoots, and then waved his hand without bothering to ask:

"All right, all right, I'll make arrangements for you, get out!"

"Of order, instructor!" He thanked him with a hippie smile, and Ivan saluted and turned to go out. Just as he reached the door, he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, instructor, Gary"

"Get out!!!"

Walking out of Major Eugene's office, half of the stone in Ivan's heart fell. When I was just a fledgling, I met a few nice people who were cold-faced and warm-hearted. They were recommended by Viscount Andrea and supported by Major Eugene.

Although they may have their own ideas, the benefits they have gained cannot be easily forgotten. In the future, if you have the ability, you must remember to repay them, otherwise the idea will be impossible to understand.

As for the novels I have read in my previous life, the protagonist has just made a clean sheet of paper and killed all directions, fighting wits and courage with countless malicious villains, old foxes, and even defeating the enemy. It's not impossible, it's just too fantastical.

The two updates are delivered, and my manuscript has almost reached 100 chapters. Book friends, please give me some motivation to speed up the update. (* ̄ ̄*)

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