Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 378 Pirate White Knight

When Ai Wen and his party were still nesting in the rainforest, waiting for the BMW team to arrive.

The privateering trend set off by the Anti-Cilius Alliance on the "Golden Sea" has gradually stirred up waves in the New World.

In particular, the shipping conditions are good in spring, which is the time when various ships from the old and new continents come and go frequently.

The stormy weather on the Black Sea is relatively mild this season. As long as you are not afraid of encountering a pirate or two merchant ships, you will dare to cross the Black Sea along the established route.

Even now, on the shortest route back to Sirius, the "Eye of the Black Sea" has been confirmed as the sanctuary of the Goddess of the Black Sea, half of Sirius' naval base has been scrapped, and the risk of long-distance voyages has greatly increased.

However, the excess benefits of ocean-going trade still gave the captains enough courage to spend more time bypassing the sea area already known as the "eye of the storm" and embark on the road back home.

There are even adventurers from Cyrus who have already set off ahead of schedule, vowing to explore a new best sea route connecting the Golden Sea and the mainland!

Such energetic "fat sheep", coupled with the loss of an escort fleet, has weakened Sirius' naval forces, leaving several big holes in the route defense system.

The combination of various conditions has greatly facilitated the "Blood Loss Operation" of the United Front of All Nations. Looking at the Cyrus merchant ships that are coming and going, it is like looking at a group of gold mines floating on the water!

in the league.

Sark, which is undergoing national policy transfer and vigorously developing the navy, is the most active, because the pirate industry is a serious business in Sark.

In addition to the powerful elite, ordinary manor owners, wealthy gentry, and ruined knights bought a boat and gathered a group of people to go to sea to rob.

But now that the imperial government has issued a call, before the local personnel can hear the news, the personnel in the colony have already responded enthusiastically.

Someone has even successfully sacked a small settlement in Cyrus.

And Atlan is located in the northernmost part of the Old World, and is a real country of Iceland. The original living conditions were very ordinary, worshiping the strong, the folk customs are tough, and believing in the logic of robbers and the use of doctrine.

Many years before the opening of the age of great voyages, the income from pirates was used as the backbone of the national industry.

As early as thousands of years ago, the image of a pirate wearing a horned helmet and holding a sharp ax made the coastal countries frightened!

This is a country where the blood of pirates flows in the national nature.

Not to be outdone, even many small countries joined the carnival eagerly. In the past, of course, they didn't dare to provoke Sirius at will, at most they shot secretly, and the official privateering permit was still exempted.

But now "the world is against", of course there is no scruples anymore!

In less than two months since the establishment of the alliance, each has achieved success.

Although it cannot make up for the loss of targeted looting by Sirius and Pirate King for the time being.

But compared with the situation where I could only swallow my anger at the beginning, it is no longer the same. Even after the countries have tasted the sweetness, they can't stop!

Planting, collecting, and producing by yourself, how can robbery come so quickly?

Even without the full set of plans of Phalatis, the looting is only to serve a larger strategic goal, and these countries can't stop at all.

A larger privateer fleet has been quietly formed.

In contrast, when all the countries are gearing up.

Because of the policy of the church of "Kingdom and the Goddess of Navigation" to "severely crack down on all unofficial piracy", the tulip countries that are the most repulsive to private piracy are naturally the ones with the lowest efficiency.

Years of official attacks have made the living soil of the Tulip Alliance pirates the most barren.

Even the Black Iron Cross Church of the "Goddess of Kingship and Navigation" has publicly announced that the bullying behavior of the Kingdom of Cyrus against the nations has hindered the development of navigation and ocean trade, and is no longer under the protection of the goddess.

In a disguised form, the legality of looting Sirius was admitted!

However, those low-level speculators in China are still somewhat skeptical.

Therefore, Tulip still needs officials to set an example and break the inherent cognition of the people!

If you don't take a big bite of fat while the plan has just started and Sirius hasn't fully reacted to take targeted precautions, there won't be many such opportunities in the future.

Lieutenant General Gustav, who understands the overall plan, is of course also very concerned about this matter. Seeing that the actions of various countries have been launched in full swing, he is also slightly impatient.

Because of the particularity of the Kingdom's policy, the advocates of the "Blood Loss Project" can only watch others eat meat at this time.

"Perhaps we should establish a heroic image among the privateers among the people, and re-stimulate the blood in the bones of the people.

How much benefit the kingdom can get now depends on you, Brigadier General Aiwen! "

Balboa Isthmus, deep in the hot and humid jungle.

Because of the full monitoring by the seagulls, Aiwen didn't mean to waste any time during the waiting days.

Currently on the schedule, the "Adventurer's Blood" suppression plan, the first "Spirit World Exploration" after becoming an official wizard, and the renewal of the "Seabird Detection Network" have all been completed one by one.

Preparing "activated animal skins" for subordinate members is a slow job. Even if you take time to prepare, only about a hundred pieces have been produced so far, and you need to accumulate slowly.

His current research focuses on the four "Totem Warrior Training Methods" in his hand.

They are the "Tiger Warrior Training Method" belonging to the Iroquois, the "Eagle Warrior Training Method" from the Azik Remnant, the "Lynx Warrior Training Method" of a small tribe that has been destroyed, and the "Brown Bear Warrior Training Method" of the Yucatan tribe. Training Law.

He has been stagnant as a peak knight for a long time. Even if he didn't take the initiative to practice the physical liberation, but with the improvement of the level of swordsmanship, even the physical liberation is close to 100%.

On the premise that he is not going to make a normal breakthrough and use his will to gather fighting energy, it is imminent to find a new way to support the knight's power to continue moving forward!

However, after continuous research and comparison during this period of time, Aiwen already has some clues about the path of the "totem warrior" that focuses on the combination of totem and physical power.

Although they look completely different from the surface, in addition to the natural spirit, the part of the "totem engraving" that Ivan values ​​the most actually has quite a commonality.

Based on this commonality, different totems have their own emphasis.

At present, Aiwen has extracted the highly overlapping totem engraving system with the aid of "data vision", such as the main body parts, functional divisions, meridian system, stress response, etc. corresponding to the engraving.

Once you have mastered this point, the totems painted on your body, not to mention eagles, tigers, and bears, even a chicken will not have much impact on the final effect.

There are also magical fundamental runes represented by different natural spirits (alienated symbols rooted in the world itself, like the programming language of the world's rules):

The bobcat has the balance "libr", and the brown bear has the strength "cons"+! "impe", eagle's agility and even gliding "mobi" + "mult", tiger's agility combined with strength "mobi" + "impe".

As long as this operation is over and he returns to Hartrafa Port, Aiwen is going to find a few volunteers to carry out further experiments.

He closed his witchcraft notebook, put it in the "magic pocket", looked up and saw that the commandos had packed up the camp, and tried to remove all the traces of life left here during this period of time.

With the resilience of the rainforest, after they leave, it won't take half a month to wipe out everything here.

After the queue was completed, the number of people was counted, and the remaining 98 people paid their last attention to the two companions who had buried their bones here.

Then, facing everyone's expectant eyes, Ivan waved his hand:

"Set off!"

As the time comes to the beginning of May, the rainy season in the tropical rainforest is also quietly coming.

Although it is not yet the peak period of the most concentrated rainfall, even if it is just a prelude, the road in the rainforest has become extremely muddy, making the BMW transport team who hardly travel in this season miserable.

At this time, a long troop of mules and horses meanders along the post road.

The total number of mules and horses is about 230, because there is no carriage in the mountains and mountains.

The upper limit of the load of mules and horses for long-distance treks is about 200 kilograms. Based on this, the total transport capacity should be around 46 tons.

In addition to a sufficient number of grooms, there is also a total of 180 escorts led by Colonel Hubbard Rudolph of the Cyrus Army.

The 20-day long journey in the rainforest made the soldiers a little sluggish. The colonel with a big brown beard patrolled back and forth, exhaled and encouraged the soldiers:

"Soldiers! Keep your spirits up. When we arrive at Port of Dios, I will book a table for you at the 'Pink Lover Bar'!"

"Ho! Long live Colonel Rudolph!"


There is only more than a day left to leave the rainforest completely, and the hardships will be over soon. Coupled with the colonel's promise, the soldiers regained their spirits like wishing for plums to quench their thirst.

The officer combination of a colonel and two majors in the team also breathed a sigh of relief. They were not too worried about possible foreign enemies. The only worry was that the poor condition of the soldiers might delay the sailing time of the sailboat.

After all, this is the heartland of the kingdom's colony. One peak, two official knights, and that annoying but powerful guy are enough to serve as guards.

There is no priest of "Eternal Flame" in the team, and there are a group of people serving on the boat, so how dare such a pure hard work work for those high-ranking elders?

"Keep in formation, be careful not to fall behind!"

After a word of advice, the team moved on.

However, the spirit of the slightly uplifted treasure transport team did not last long.

When passing through a pass.

Hubbard Rudolph, who was standing in the middle of the team, keenly heard a sound from the forest:


A strong sense of crisis made him smash the ground with one foot, and threw himself into the rainforest.

next moment.

A large number of alchemy bombs pre-buried under the ground of the post road erupted suddenly like a volcanic eruption.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In the team of mules and horses behind him, it was already full of flames, people turned their backs, and even mules and horses weighing several hundred catties were blown to a height of more than ten meters.

Before the smoke dissipated, there was mourning everywhere, and the sound of gunfire was loud overhead.

boom! boom! boom!

The bearded colonel, who temporarily escaped, raised his head and shouted:

"Who dares to attack the Sirius Kingdom Army?"

A young voice sounded in the rainforest:

"Pirate White Knight!"

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