Extraordinary Sailing

Chapter 792: The Dust Settles

call out! call out! call out!

One person is in front, everyone is behind, and several streamers streak across the sky.

The location of the naval battlefield is only a few hundred kilometers away from Antwerp, the capital of the "Low Countries". It would not take an hour to fly here at the speed of a fourth-order "Title Knight".

The "Supreme Knight" who took the lead had a gloomy face, as if a layer of frost had condensed on it.

He has been keenly aware that with the passing of the "Bone Crusher Hammer", the power of the high-level transcendents on both sides has rebalanced, and it is destined that Sirius will no longer be able to control the Kingdom of Frisia.

Instead of being completely dazzled by anger, he immediately jumped from the perspective of a peak extraordinary person to the perspective of a war commander to look at the overall situation.

Is it possible for the superiority of combat power to regain a victory again?

Impossible, it couldn't be done before, and it can't be done now. It's something that only desperadoes can do if their brains are hot and they are desperate to give it a go.

Where did the so-called "thundering dragon" Sarkhani come from?

The possibility of wild "titled knights" is very small, nothing more than Tulip, Sark, Heimar, Atlan, these few forces who wish for Cyrus' bad luck are behind the scenes.

Will "Thundering Dragon" or the countries watching will continue to join forces with Frisia to pursue Cyrus?

The possibility is very small, showing up in time at the critical moment when [Valhalla] was defeated, it is clear that he has been watching the battle for a long time, and he is not helping Frisia but the "weak".

Now there is no best choice for the road before Sirius, only the least bad choice.

Do everything possible to weaken the "Lowland Republic", an emerging country stepping on the throne of Cyrus, and prepare for the empire's future dealings with it.

The easiest way is what I can't get, and I can't let you get it safely!

While thinking about it, Antwerp, the pearl of the "Low Countries" in front of us, is already in sight.

Even in wartime, the bustling city displayed its charisma as a center of trade, commerce and banking for the age.

Originally, the city had more than 1,000 branches of foreign banks and commercial organizations, including commodity exchanges and stock exchanges.

More than 2,000 ships can be moored at the same time in the huge port. The handicraft industry is well developed, and it is also the largest distribution center for the trade of textiles, raw sugar, etc. in the whole mainland.

When the "Netherlands Bank Group" returned and the "Fortune Church" settled in, this city became the political, cultural, and economic center of the entire lowland area, with a total population of more than 220,000.

It is a well-deserved international metropolis.


The residents living in this bustling city did not realize that they were in a catastrophe at this time.

"Don't blame me, if you want to blame, blame the ambitions of those bourgeois, and the 'God of Robbers' you believe in now!"

The city is still a few kilometers away.

The "Supreme Knight" flying between the sky and the sea has already raised the old horn in his hand, which seems to be polished from the horns of a bison, and put it to his lips and blew it with all his strength.

beep--! ! !

[Ocean Secret Treasure: Horn of Fury of the Ocean]

Effect: Wherever the sound waves reach, the humanized world will be restored to its original form, returning to the appearance of the natural world, and all city walls, fortresses, and buildings in cities and villages will collapse.

The lethality to the extraordinary and the army is very small or equal to nothing, but it is a strategic weapon against cities and even land.

But this treasure can only be used when the purpose is pure destruction, otherwise the end result will only be a piece of worthless rubble.

Some things can indeed be bought with money, such as the weird "ocean treasure" and miscellaneous mercenaries, but the background of the overlord cannot be bought.

Now, seeing the situation is irreversible.

The "Supreme Knight" is going to directly launch this rare direct-attack "Secret of the Ocean" in the world, and completely destroy the city of Antwerp, the center of the Lowland Republic!

Well, it is commonly said that if you can't afford it, you have to turn the table.

boom rumble

The ground shakes and the mountains shake, starting from the lighthouses and docks at the outermost part of the city, all material structures are shaken, and they collapse rapidly amidst rumbling noises, followed by city walls, residential buildings, and shops.

Everything in this bustling city is about to be wiped out under the power of the horn.

"God, help!"


"My legs! Woohoo"

Although they won't directly kill civilians, they won't worry about whether there are still people in the house when the building collapses, which is more terrifying than the earthquake.

"It's just a pawn of the evil god. If you dare to resist the rule of the empire, this is your fate! In the face of the absolute nature of the 'Secret Treasure of the Sea', even the demigod descending is useless!"

Seeing this tragic situation, the "Supreme Knight" not only showed no mercy, but a burst of joy flashed in his eyes.

The life motto of this Alfonso VIII is "Those who follow me may not necessarily prosper, but those who oppose me will surely perish"!

Since you want to be independent, you no longer belong to the empire, and you are no longer protected by the empire. Even if it is destroyed, I don't feel bad at all, whether it is the property or the people here.

The destruction of Antwerp can set back the economy of the entire lowland area for at least ten years, and it can also give Cyrus the opportunity to lick his wounds and fight again in another day.

It's all worth it!

A group of high-level transcendents who followed closely behind him also witnessed such a scene, and they were all stunned no matter what their position was.

Aiwen, hanging far from the back, was even more dumbfounded. Although it wasn't his own country that was destroyed, he couldn't help feeling the ruthlessness and determination of the "Supreme Knight".

"This old yin man who has lived for hundreds of years is really ruthless. He is going to draw the bottom of the 'Lowland Republic'."

At this moment.

Suddenly there was a subtle buzzing sound in the arms of the "Supreme Knight", and the urgent voice of Pope Wycliffe of the "Firefire Sect" came from the feathers that had cast the "Wind Curse":

"Your Excellency the Empire protects you, the Andaman Sea battle has been defeated! [Sea Majesty] and Prince Roderick died in the battle, the Peacock Islands fell, and His Majesty the Emperor is dying!

Please come back immediately to preside over the overall situation. "

The sound of the horn reverberating between the sky and the earth couldn't help but stagnate, and the "Supreme Knight" suddenly turned his head to look across the 240-kilometer-wide La Manches Strait, the place called the Tulip Islands.

A devil-like voice kept stirring in his heart, to the most prosperous place on that land... Blow the horn.



Before he could make a decision, the sound wave of destruction that had been rushing forward to destroy everything suddenly stagnated, and dissipated into the air just as it approached the "Cathedral of Wealth" in the center of the city.

Instead, it was another voice.

clang! clang! clang!

Heavenly bells tolled in the void, and a brilliant golden light fell from the sky, visible to all mortals.

Hundreds of millions of pious voices interweave into a grand hymn:

"Holy, holy! Almighty God!

Angel of Prosperity, Lord of Gold, Ruler of Capital.

In the morning, my singing voices pierced through the clouds and reached the holy land.

Holy, holy! All saints are revered.

Crowned with gold, round the shores of the crystal sea;

Tens of thousands of heavenly armies bow down and sing the name of the Lord God with one voice."

Then, a tall figure as tall as the sky stepped out from the golden light.

He was dressed in a snow-white robe, and behind him were three pairs of wings that seemed to be made of pure gold. There were circles of golden divine light rippling all over his body, making him gorgeous, eye-catching and noble.

The figure is far taller than normal humans, and every inch of detail is the perfect golden ratio.

The real face on the face is not clear, only the two bright pupils like melting golden balls are shining brightly in the bright light.

The "Angel of Prosperity", the incarnation of the "God of Black Wings", came to the world again!

And unlike the last time, He was only seen by "Lava Angel" Suter, this time he appeared clearly in front of all human beings.

In the half-destroyed city, countless people have already prostrated themselves on the ground, fanatically chanting the prayer of the "Church of Wealth":

"Holy 'Angel of Prosperity', 'Lord of Gold', 'Ruler of Capital', 'Guardian of Commerce'.

I ask You to take control of all the outward aspects of my life, including my true abundance. Bless my life with the blessings I deserve for my use today"

A piece of golden light fell down, and as long as the residents were not completely dead, all the residents were resurrected with blood.

The sound of prayers all over the city became more and more fanatical.

What is a miracle? This is a miracle!

Evidence that God is with believers.

In the past, what might have taken the "Church of Fortune" to work for decades was completed in an instant, and the beliefs of the "Angel of Prosperity" and the "Lord of Gold" have been deeply rooted in the hearts of all survivors.

The power of fanatical belief almost condenses into real power in the air.

In order to create a partition between the extraordinary and the mundane world, so as not to hinder the normal development of the human world, the true God has not shown miracles for a long time, let alone this straightforward way that is clearly exposed to everyone.

Although the effect is excellent, it is something that all gods, including demigods, disdain. What is the difference from a noble king performing on stage?

You have no virtue like this, do you know that? Vulgar! To be poked in the spine by all colleagues!

But this kind of behavior also undoubtedly declares the determination of the "Angel of Prosperity" to turn the city of Antwerp into a place of glory.

The brilliant angel looked in the direction of the "Supreme Knight" and raised his hand slightly.


The [Horn of Fury of the Ocean] in the hands of Alfonso VIII shattered in response!

Sure enough, the absoluteness and indestructibility of "Ocean Secret Treasure" are also relative, at least one incarnation of a true god can easily break this law.

However, the "Brilliant Angel" did not attack the "Supreme Knight".


As the bell rang again, a ray of red glow also fell from the southern sky.

An angel with six flaming wings and a torch replacing his head slowly descended from the sky.

Unlike the "Angel of Prosperity" who took off the veil, this incarnation of the "Eternal Fire" "Angel of Stealing Fire" only exists in the vague perception of devout believers and high-level transcendentals, and the residents of the city are completely unaware.

call out! call out!

The two radiant angels just glanced at each other lightly, and endless information has been reciprocated thousands of times between the eyes.

After nodding to each other, both of them turned into golden and red rays of light and disappeared into the material world.


A golden Sacred Sacred Emblem of Balance rises into the sky. It looks like a sharp long sword erected. At both ends of the sword jaw are a combination of money and means of production such as gold, land, factories, raw materials, etc., and at the other end are Countless human beings are working.

At this time, the ownership of this land has been decided by the two true gods.

So far, the "Kingdom of Frisia", no, the struggle for the "Low Countries" has been completely settled.

It's just that the Cyrus Empire lost almost all its nutrient supply areas, and once it returned to before liberation; the Lowland Republic lost half of Antwerp City and countless citizens, shops, and wealth, and its vitality was severely damaged.

Looking at both the empire and the republic, they still look like they want to eat each other. It is clear that the battle between the mortals is far from over.

Blood and turmoil seem to have been written into the future history of these two countries!

No one noticed that the final pusher who caused this situation, the "Thundering Dragon" Sarkani who drew his sword to help when the road was uneven, had already completely disappeared into the sky.

It's quite a matter of flicking his clothes to hide his achievements and fame like a hero.

"Independence in the low ground, balance of power, don't thank me for the continuous bleeding, this is what I should do!

A certain good deed never leaves a name, goodbye, everyone don't miss me.

When the need for 'Thundering Dragon Voice' appears, I will naturally come to uphold justice again! "

And what disappeared at the same time was the wreckage of the [Legendary Battleship Valhalla] that sank into the water.

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