Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 141 The Edge of Crisis (6)

"Husband, haven't you come back yet?"

"Well, we just parted ways. I'm already crossing the bridge and will go home soon."

Like a giant dragon lying across the Nanpu Bridge on the Pujiang River, a BMW X1 follows the traffic flow and drives on this cable-stayed bridge with twin towers and double cable planes.

In the dark night, under the floodlight, this huge bridge looks dazzling, strong and straight, and the scenery is particularly magnificent.

Countless vehicles circled up from the complex curved spiral approach bridge, merged into the traffic flow, and headed towards Pudong on the other side.

After hanging up the phone, the man came back to his senses and concentrated on controlling the steering wheel. He was a little anxious and prepared to return home as soon as possible to solve his personal problems.



A black shadow suddenly flew over from the right, hitting the hood of his BMW X1 like a dragonfly, and instantly flew into the left lane.


The man was so frightened that he couldn't help but slam on the brakes, causing the tires to rub violently against the concrete ground.


His emergency braking immediately caused a series of rear-end collisions with the vehicles behind him, and the windows behind him were shattered.

"Fuck, what the hell is that?"

The man was furious and turned his head to look to the left.

Compared with the series of rear-end collisions in the right lane, on the three motor vehicle lanes from Pudong to Puxi, the black shadow directly knocked a moving vehicle onto the cement guardrail, causing the driver behind to brake quickly.


Through the light on the bridge, the man could vaguely see the outline of a black shadow that fell on the ground - it seemed to be a person?

Damn it, people? What the hell?

Before he could react too much, a sharp and piercing whistling sound suddenly came, and another black shadow burst from the right like a flash of lightning. It was impossible to see what kind of object it was. There were more than a dozen cars parked nearby. The windows of the car coming down suddenly burst into pieces.


Like a tank plowing the ground, the reinforced concrete bridge deck was rolled over by the gravel plowed by the shadow plow. Instantly colliding with the first black shadow, the two carried huge impact energy, smashed into the two-meter-wide sightseeing sidewalk, and fell straight into the dark Huangpu River.

The man ignored the injuries on his face. He was stunned, and his whole spirit was already in a sluggish state.

Ten minutes later, the ambulance and traffic police arrived at the scene, looking at the messy scene and looking at each other.

At least a dozen people were injured in the rear-end collision, and a dozen more were slightly injured because their car windows burst. Although no one died, anyone who saw the plow mark on the bridge at the scene would feel a rush of pain in the back. cold.

"What the hell is this, do you see clearly?"

"how could I know?"

"Is it caused by a bomb?"

"have no idea……"

The drivers who were questioned at the scene were talking a lot and were confused about the situation.

Only the man driving the BMW. He swore to the traffic police that the black image at the beginning was a person.

After the traffic police heard this, he shook his head and suggested that he go to the hospital for a concussion check-up.

Time shifted to ten minutes ago, and "Chen Yang" and the components were fighting each other at the bottom of the river. Both bodies were covered in scars, almost equally top and bottom.

It only took five or six minutes for the two monsters to swim down the Huangpu River and forcefully fight their way from the suburbs to the city.

Fortunately, the battlefield between the two monsters was underwater. Although the water was turbulent, it had little impact on the water environment and did not attract the attention of the river cruise ships.

But he missed it for a while. "Chen Yang" was blasted out of the water from the bottom of the river by the member. It turned into an arc and fell into the Nanpu Bridge. Before it could stand up from the ground, it was blasted back into the water by the following member.


There was another fierce collision, this time more violent than the previous one, and "Chen Yang" broke out of the water. Almost at a speed close to the speed of sound, it crashed into a hotel building by the river in an instant.


On the dozens of floors high, the floor-to-ceiling glass shattered and exploded. "Chen Yang" crashed into the wall in a panic, causing the entire ground to shake.

"Brother, brother... what are you..."

The room was not deserted. A middle-aged man in pajamas, holding a red wine glass in his hand, looked at "Chen Yang" who had cracked the wall in astonishment, and his head couldn't be recovered for a while.

Ren was the boss of a large company. He had seen countless strange things all over the world. The scene that just happened also made him confused. He wondered if he was dazzled?

Rubbing his eyes, before the middle-aged man could take a closer look, "Chen Yang" had already sprinted and jumped out of the broken floor-to-ceiling glass.


Is this suicide?

The middle-aged man was horrified. He threw away the red wine glass and hurried to the broken floor-to-ceiling glass to take a look. The night wind was howling high in the sky. Below was the brightly lit river bank path. Who was there?

Little did he know that "Chen Yang" had already pressed against the glass of the building with the components and started fighting on the other side.

The sharp blades formed by the changes in cell structure, the two ran along the glass windows of the building while stabbing each other at extremely fast speeds, each stabbing at the most vicious and deadly place. For his own survival, even if the two were together before, he would show no mercy.

This is the most cruel thing about the right hand race.

By this time, Chen Yang's right hand had been fighting with all his strength to control Chen Yang's body. Not only did the blood sugar in his body decrease rapidly, lactic acid was also secreted in large quantities in his muscles, and his heart could not bear the burden of beating at a high speed. If this continues for two or three minutes, without using any components to kill it, the body of the host body will face collapse.


With heavy breathing, the strength began to fade. When they reached the roof of the building, "Chen Yang" did not attack again this time, but stood motionless.

Strangely, the component on the opposite side is also more than ten meters away from "Chen Yang" and is also in a quiet state.

But in the eyes of "Chen Yang", it's not that the component doesn't want to attack, it's just that the parasitic human body finally couldn't bear the reorganization damage of DNA, and the tissues and organs began to fail rapidly.

"Chen Yang" is a little better, at least because it stopped fighting, its collapse is gradually alleviated. The modified host body plays a huge role at this moment.

Now let's see who can hold on until the end.


The component whose flesh and skin began to fall off seemed to realize that something was wrong with it. Its primitive consciousness made it take survival as its first goal. It immediately gave up the urge to devour its own kind, jumped off the building, and disappeared without a trace. .

"Chen Yang" did not go forward to chase him, but stayed in place and waited for a few minutes. His body finally stopped collapsing and began to divide and repair nerves and cells.

Chen Yang, who regained control of his body, groaned and couldn't help but kneel to the ground, feeling weak as never before.

No wonder the right hand didn't pursue it. If he pursued the component in this state, both sides might end up together.

But just letting the components go like this made Chen Yang a little worried.

"Is it okay to give up like this? If it finds someone to recover from parasitism..."

"Do you think parasitism is casual? Every time you are parasitized, it is a weakening of your own state..."

"You mean that the component won't find other people to parasitize again?"

"No, the human body it is currently parasitic on is finished. The DNA chain has begun to break and cannot be repaired, so it will inevitably find other humans to parasitize. But as I said before, every parasitism is a reflection of its own state. It’s weakened, so I’ll encounter it next time…”

Before his right hand finished speaking, Chen Yang already understood.

Not only that, he also understood another point. No wonder the right hand did not take drastic measures to force him, but adopted a relatively mild cooperation method, because if he died, changing the parasite would inevitably weaken it itself.

This is probably also a kind of balance in the universe. Nothing is perfect in the world. If the parasitism of the right hand really has no sequelae, then it will be such a terrible creature in the universe.

Speaking of which, creatures like the right hand not only have vast knowledge, but also have super biological adaptability and combat capabilities. It is no wonder that they can travel across the universe through the Star Gate, visit more than a dozen racial civilizations, and steal other people's information. thing.

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