Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 270: Chase (4)

No matter what, this matter is very troublesome, no, it is dangerous. ..

His best choice now, in order to avoid such danger and trouble, is to drive Britney out and not have any contact with her.

This is the best way, but it is also the way Bernie cannot choose. After all, Britney was also his wife before, and he still had some old feelings for her. If he really wanted to drive her out like this, he couldn't be so cruel.

Just as Bernie was looking out, the woman took the blanket over and threw it coldly on the sofa. Without giving Britney a good look, she turned back and walked into the room.

Bernie re-inserted the gun into his waist, came to the living room and said slowly: "If you are hungry, there is still food in the refrigerator, take it yourself."

Britney forced a smile and lay on the sofa hugging the blanket. She was in awkward silence, not knowing what to say to Bernie. Fortunately, her embarrassment did not last long. After casually telling Britney what to pay attention to, Bernie walked into the room, leaving Britney alone in the living room.

Being alone, Britney's embarrassment gradually faded away, but the thoughts that followed rose up again.

According to Bernie's arrangement, could she really leave Los Angeles tomorrow? Go hide in an unknown place? Can't you call the police? Britney is very disappointed with the current Bernie. He is obviously an FBI agent, but he is not as brave and responsible as before. Can time really change people so much?

Too many complicated thoughts came to her mind one by one. She tossed and turned on the sofa and couldn't fall asleep. Britney stared at the ceiling in a daze. Regret and fear kept growing in her heart. If she had known that such a result would occur, she would not have paid attention to it. I won't stay in this cold and unheated place now.

Britney complained regretfully a few times, and sleep slowly came over her, just as she was half asleep. Suddenly, there was a faint sound of movement, which made her nervous and woke up from her sleep.

what sound?


Before Britney could scream, Bernie's big hand covered her mouth, signaling her to calm down.

"W-what are you doing?"

Britney lowered her voice and couldn't help but look around the living room where the lights were out.


Bernie didn't make a sound, but used lip reading to tell Britney roughly what he meant.


Britney's pupils dilated instantly, fear and anxiety enveloped her whole body, and she quickly got up from the sofa. Trembling, he hid behind Bernie.

The two of them didn't speak. Britney was too frightened to breathe, while Bernie was simply showing extreme calmness, quietly touching the pistol, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time. They calmed down and listened carefully to the movements in the whole house. They could immediately hear that someone had indeed opened the door outside and was carefully walking from the door to the living room.

three people!

Bernie pursed his lips. His eyes showed an extremely calm expression, and his ears could clearly hear the footsteps of the strange intruder without making a sound.

He felt a little regretful in his heart. Sure enough, he still underestimated the other party's reaction ability and methods. After encountering such a thing, after listening to Britney's account of the causes and consequences. It’s time to pack up and go immediately, rather than waiting until after a night’s sleep to think about leaving the next day.

But that’s all for now. It was also useless regret. As soon as the regret arose, Bernie quickly corrected his mentality and got ready to fight.

The three strangers walked into the living room at almost the same pace. Bernie and Britney hid behind the sofa. They were not discovered by the three people for a while, but it was foreseeable that as long as the three strangers came over, . You can immediately spot the two people hiding behind the sofa.

So Bernie didn't hesitate. Just as the first man paused, he leaned forward suddenly. He pulled the trigger at the source of the footsteps.


There was a flash of fire, and the person who came was immediately shot and fell to the ground.

After a while, Bernie shot one person. The other two people reacted quickly. They took their guns and pulled the triggers continuously along the flash of fire. The sound was endless, and the sofa exploded into a ball along with the cups on the table.

If Bernie hadn't rolled over to the other side, he would have been shot more than a dozen times, killing him instantly.

In a real life-threatening battle, if you miss the target immediately, you will lose the opportunity. Bernie rolled to the side to avoid a hail of bullets, rolled over, and without looking he fired a gun, hitting one of them in the forehead.

The other person was about to turn around and fire, but Bernie had already rushed over, stretched out his hand, twisted his arm and punched hard, hitting the bridge of the nose of the last person without missing a beat.


Even if Bernie's punch hits an ordinary part of the human body, it would be unbearable for anyone, let alone an extremely weak organ like the bridge of the nose. The bones of the bridge of the nose will be broken in one fell swoop, blood will flow wildly, and the person will be knocked upside down by the impact. fall.

Bernie didn't hold back after a successful blow. He knocked down the opponent while still moving forward. He kicked the opponent with his boot and poked the fallen person on the temple, killing him instantly.

From the moment Bernie fired the gun to the time the three people who broke in fell to the ground and died, it only lasted about ten seconds. The time was so fast that Britney didn't even react, and she was still trembling under the sofa.

"Get up, let's get out of here quickly."

Bernie stepped forward and pulled up the trembling Britney. A scream came from the woman who had just walked out of the room, obviously frightened by the blood and gunshots in the living room.

"Bernie, Bernie, what's going on?"

The woman's face turned pale with horror.


After taking a few breaths, Bernie suddenly took out a wad of dollar bills from his arms and stuffed them into the woman's hand.

"Okay, as before, you can go back wherever you need to go... I guess I won't pass for a while."

"Wait... what on earth is this..."

Before the woman could ask any more questions, she was interrupted by Bernie: "Shut up, come out with us, and then go back to your place."

The seriousness of Bernie frightened the woman. She kept her mouth shut and did not dare to ask any more questions. She followed Bernie and Britney out, carefully avoiding the corpse, and walked out of the room into the street.

The previous burst of gunfire, which the three men had with silencers, didn't carry very far, but Bernie's gun didn't have a silencer, so it could be heard far away when the gun was fired. Someone in the surrounding neighbors must have heard it, or even called the police.



Opening a dilapidated car parked on the side of the road, Bernie asked the two women to get in the car, while he got into the driver's seat, started the car, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

"Bernie, what should we do?" Britney saw the gunfight for the first time, feeling uneasy and her voice was trembling.

"Shut up."

Bernie remained calm, while driving the car with his eyes fixed on the front, he took out his mobile phone from his arms and started dialing the number.

"Hey, Knowles, I'm in a little trouble...that's what happened, someone broke into my house...I'll be at the headquarters in a minute."

After hanging up the phone, Bernie suddenly stepped on the brakes, turned back to the woman and said, "Remember what I said, don't contact me in the future, and don't go to that house again."


The woman was in a daze. She wanted to say something but then she shut her mouth. She got out of the car and left.

"What is the relationship between that woman... and you?"

Seeing the woman getting out of the car and leaving, Bernie restarted the car, but Britney still couldn't help but ask.

"It doesn't matter. It's just a money transaction. I give her money and she sometimes comes to stay with me for a few nights."

Bernie said casually.

"Just staying for a few nights? I don't think she treats you like a woman who just stays for a few nights."

It was clearly a moment of crisis, and even though Britney was nervous and frightened, she still felt unhappy about it.

Bernie was too lazy to refute, and concentrated on driving his car quickly towards the headquarters.

Nevada, deep in Great Basin Park.

In Area B on the second floor of the "Pyramid" underground laboratory, Chen Yang watched the surveillance video with a calm expression and remained silent.

The four people standing beside him were even less likely to speak.

Liu Helan rarely speaks much, so it’s not surprising that he often keeps his mouth closed and looks silent. Shen Lang has the most contact with Chen Yang, and he usually dares to joke with Chen Yang occasionally, but in formal occasions, he pays the most attention to the relationship between superiors and subordinates. The person has a serious face, and it is impossible to say more than a few words.

As for Wang Rui, he had deeply experienced Chen Yang's terrifying side, which made him always have the greatest fear of his boss. Chen Yang's face turned cold. He was standing far behind him, and he could faintly feel his two pairs of hands. The legs are shaking.

The last person is the loyal butler sent by Froese, black Em.

According to Fross's order, he was responsible for negotiating with Chen Yang and others to build an underground laboratory, and meeting most of Chen Yang's requirements. At the same time, he supervised the flow of funds in the laboratory. He obviously appeared as Fross's agent.

But now, even this black butler, who is 1.95 meters tall, remains silent.

"Mr. Em...I'm disappointed."

Chen Yang sat on the chair and turned around. His face was still as calm as before, but the words he spoke had a chilling feeling.

"I thought it was impossible for a company like yours to make such a stupid mistake, but I didn't expect that I overestimated your level."

"Sorry, Mr. Chen, it was our mistake this time."

When Em opened his mouth, he was the first to admit that it was their responsibility and mistakes.

"Mr. Frost is also shocked and has ordered to strengthen security and related measures to ensure that similar leaks will not occur again."

"Very good. I also believe that Mr. Flowers will handle these little things. It's just a little strange to me."

Chen Yang crossed his palms and said slowly: "Why haven't we caught that reporter until now?")

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