Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 273 Test Subject No. 1

It is precisely in view of this that the right hand has been using gentle methods to modify Chen Yang's body to avoid unpredictable consequences.

However, the progress will inevitably be slow. Even if Chen Yang has exceeded the limit of human lifespan, he is still not immortal. When you reach one hundred and fifty years, your body will be greatly weakened. When you reach one hundred and seventy years, your organs will become diseased. When you reach two hundred years, you will definitely not be able to hold on for too long.

To be able to live for two hundred years is extremely unbelievable for ordinary people, and they cannot even be imagined in their dreams. However, how could Chen Yang be willing to live for a mere two hundred years?

According to the words of the right hand, the two hundred years measured by the earth will be gone if you take a nap while drifting in the universe...

When he thought that in two hundred years, he would be so weak that he would be unable to walk and would have to be supported by others to move, Chen Yang would never give in and never want to try. It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. After truly experiencing the kind of body that surpasses the limits of the human body, Chen Yang can't bear even the normal aging of human beings, not to mention death.

He wants to live...

To keep living...

Chen Yang stared at the man on the table, his face expressionless, and the slight ups and downs of emotion that had just risen in his heart were wiped out and disappeared. The violent trembling continued to intensify. If it weren't for the man's legs and ankles, and even the wrists of both hands, they would be clasped by solid alloy iron wrists. Otherwise, Fei would be struggling to roll down amidst the violent tremors.

However, under the influence of the iron fist, no matter how violently the man trembled, he could not move his body any distance, and could only endure the "torture" of his right hand.

Chen Yang knows this kind of "torture" very well, and the pain is no less than the pain of a woman giving birth!

The tissue cells of Subject No. 1 were forcibly changed by the "strong dissociation acid" released by the right hand, causing damage to the nerve endings in the relevant tissues. Converts layers of noxious stimuli into nerve impulses in a certain coded form, and transmits them to nerve fibers along the fine-diameter myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. It passes through the dorsal root ganglion to the relevant neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord or the nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract.

Finally, it is transmitted through the contralateral ventrolateral cord to the higher-level pain center—the thalamus, other brain areas, and the cerebral cortex, causing the pain sensation and reaction of Subject No. 1. Chen Yang had endured hundreds of such "tortures". After waiting quietly for forty minutes, he saw dozens of tiny tentacles changing on his right hand, gradually extending from the mouth and ears of Subject No. 1 and returning to Chen Yang's hand for restoration.

"Sir Screw, how's it going?"

"It's no longer useful, it's brain dead..."

Well, one test subject was killed in forty minutes. If this progress is followed, ten test subjects really can't last long. It’s impossible to snatch away the share from the three doctors, right?

"Anything gained?"

Chen Yang didn't care about the death of the test subjects. As long as there were gains, it was worth it.

"For the transformation of the human brain, I have 454 plans. For the recombination test of human DNA, I have at least 14,500 predictions..."

Before his right hand finished speaking, Chen Yang understood that the road ahead was still very long.

"By the way, how is the development of Andres in our plan?"

The right hand suddenly asked.

"Well. Everything is going smoothly, at least until Froese doesn't get what he wants. He will meet most of our requirements... If there are no accidents, the FDA review process will be launched in mid-January next year. It is expected that All the work will be completed within two months at the fastest... This is already the fastest speed."...

"Human beings are very greedy, and the profits from super antibiotics are huge. How do you plan to deal with the covetous efforts of Johnson \u0026 Johnson, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, and countless other forces?"

"On this point, I don't think we can eat this cake alone. The Frost Consortium is very powerful, but it still cannot be compared with the crocodiles on Wall Street, let alone those old consortiums and heavy family businesses."

Chen Yang held his chin, his eyes calm.

"So for the approval of super antibiotics, we can get help from Frost, but we are far from being able to do it alone. In addition, Washington will not allow us to have such a monopoly on the production of super antibiotics. I'm afraid that even the core production technology will be lost." You cannot control it in your own hands.”

"Oh, I see what you mean."

Even though your right hand and Chen Yang are not close to each other, they can understand the meaning of each other's expressions after just talking about many things.

"You want to throw this cake out to feed the wolves?"

"It's not that exaggerated. It's just that when we were still weak, being tough was not the way to survive. Cooperation and sharing the cake together would often allow us to survive and develop better."

"Of course, the prerequisite for doing this is that we are not the target of others. After all, Froese is not someone who can be underestimated on Wall Street."

Chen Yang's eyes flashed with an unknown light: "Antibiotics are only the first step. When we develop and grow, I think a drug that can effectively alleviate cancer will be our second step of development... Biopharmaceuticals are in this aspect, In addition, the development of technological products is also good.”

“I plan to establish several additional subsidiaries of Andres in the near future. One will mainly develop and gradually promote new battery products. The other will develop electric vehicles and launch mid-to-high-end electric vehicles to enter the Asian, European and American markets. .I think with the new battery technology, the bottleneck in the development of electric vehicles no longer exists. Even if we only occupy one-tenth of the automobile market, according to the global automobile market in 2014, we will have sales of 120 million... …”

In the 21st century, the most terrifying thing in the world is knowledge and technology. As long as there is new knowledge and technology, making money and development will be an extremely easy thing, and Chen Yang and his right hand are most indispensable for this. .

With the technical reference of the Civilization Heart and the large-capacity scientific research data research and development comparison processing of the Cornerstone Core, if the scientific research development rate of the United States is 110%, then theirs is 1100%!

Chen Yang is confident that as long as he is given five years to develop, Andres Technology will definitely become a behemoth overlooking the world.

By then, the logo and name of Andres Technology will be visible everywhere on the streets.

"... I will decentralize and connect the remaining subsidiaries according to new materials, new electronic products, new ocean exploration and survey technologies, and medical equipment, striving to promote mutual technological cooperation and exert 200% of our strength."

Chen Yang was very organized, his tone was calm, and he gave a detailed explanation of recent developments, mistakes, and future goals in an orderly manner. Anyone with no problem with their IQ would be able to listen to these words. Finally, everyone will have a clear understanding of most of Chen Yang and his right hand's plans.

"Very good, you did a good job, no, it should be said that it exceeded my expectations. At least you are not an idiot now."

Chen Yang selectively ignored the praise from his right hand.

"But we have to be careful."


Chen Yang looked confused.

"Hosting body, you won't forget my kind on Mars, will you?"

With such a reminder from his right hand, Chen Yang immediately remembered it. Because there were so many things going on in the past few months, and there had been no danger, he almost completely forgot about it.

"No, of course not."

Chen Yang pondered: "Did something happen?"

"I don't know... After all, Mars is quite far away from your earth, not to mention NASA's Curiosity rover is already far away from there, so we won't get any clues at the moment."

"But I want to remind you that once my kind comes to the earth, if it approaches us at close range, even if I am sleeping, there is a high possibility that it will attract its attention... This distance is ten kilometers , an eighty percent chance.”

"so smart?"

Chen Yang frowned, this was by no means good news.

"It is very powerful, at least I am not willing to face it head-on, so you must pay attention to this matter, reduce your exposure, and hide your whereabouts as much as possible."

"Ok, I know."

Even without this threat, Chen Yang had no intention of exposing himself. He valued profits more, but he didn't pay much attention to fame. Compared to fame, he preferred to be the controller behind the scenes.

One is in the light and the other is in the dark. Walking in front of the stage will certainly be very beautiful, but the possibility of attracting hatred is also greatly increased. Countless covetous and hated people from all over the world will definitely launch endless investigations and actions against him.

In comparison, hiding in the dark can not only avoid investigations from the public, such as annoying media and reporters, but also provide opportunities to hide and take action, which is more in line with Chen Yang's behavior and "insidious" character.

"Then, host, don't waste this human's internal organs, hurry up and save his internal organs for dissection."

Chen Yang was stunned. Even though his psychological endurance was strong enough, he couldn't help but feel chilled by the indifference of his right hand. If he had no value at the beginning, he would be even more miserable than this Experimental Subject No. 1 after his death, right?

Chen Yang finally nodded slightly. No matter what, this person is dead anyway, and organs such as internal organs and corneas can also be preserved. Thanks to advanced preservation technology, these internal organs will not be damaged if they are preserved for a long time. .

Then it will be used for welfare treatment of employees in the future, such as if a new kidney is needed... then there will be a source of organs.

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