Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 281 The target is lost

The sudden explosion almost destroyed the entire villa. Fortunately, Shen Lang only sent his shadow before, and the rest of the people gathered around the villa, so they were not harmed. ?. .

But the shadow retreating rapidly...

There were several places all over his body that were hit by splinters of wood carried by the air waves, causing some bleeding, but they were only minor injuries and did not affect his fighting ability much.

"I go."

Before Shen Lang could give the order this time, Zenobia, the only woman in the team, walked out, took out the two pistols in her arms, and walked towards the burning villa.

Such a leisurely and calm posture, as if he was not here to fight, but just here for a walk, made Shen Lang, who was hesitant to speak, finally say nothing.

After approaching the villa, Zenobia quickly entered the villa, and soon appeared at the broken doorway, making a gesture to indicate that no one was inside.


Shen Lang waved his hand, and the heavily armed mercenaries behind him formed a tactical team and surrounded the villa in a fan shape, and then launched a search around the area.

Shen Lang and Yingying immediately stepped into the villa. Sure enough, after scanning the inside of the house that was burning with flames, they did not see the target figure.

According to the information previously reported by Shadow, not only did their target not diminish, but it also expanded to three people. This is by no means good news, especially when the target has disappeared inexplicably. "Are you hiding somewhere?"

After thinking for a moment, Shen Lang focused his gaze and searched the inside of the house.

The protruding zippers in the basement do nothing to hide the problem. Within a moment, Shen Lang confirmed that there was a basement below.

Is the target hiding below?

It seems so.

Shen Lang made a gesture with his eyes. Shadow nodded. He squatted down and grabbed the iron buckle, and pulled it out hard, but nothing happened.

I think it is locked from the inside and cannot be opened using this method.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a wooden board after all. After the mercenaries who returned outside without success came back, someone brought a crowbar. The board was pried open in a few strokes. The black steel plate underneath is exposed.

There is actually a steel plate underneath!

Obviously, the steel plate could not be easily pried open with a crowbar. Someone found a hammer from the trunk of the car and spent a lot of effort to break the lock inside the steel plate. This had already been delayed for more than five minutes.

"If there's no one inside..."

Shen Lang murmured. Then five minutes of delay is enough for the opponent to leave here, especially since this is the opponent's familiar home court.

No one dared to go down to the dark basement entrance. Fortunately, they quickly brought a few high-power flashlights and shined them down. As far as the eye could see, there were all kinds of weapons and equipment, just like an arsenal. . "Huh. No one?"

A mercenary exclaimed. At least under the light, he did not see anyone's shadow.


Shen Lang waved his hand, and several mercenaries and shadows walked down and started searching the basement.

"There's a hole here!"

When Bernie and others left, they did not cover up the cave, so as soon as they walked down, several people immediately discovered the deep cave entrance.

A mercenary held an assault rifle and cautiously approached the entrance of the cave. Just as he was about to check it carefully, he suddenly shook his body and was grabbed by the shoulder by a shadow behind him, and he was forcefully pulled back.

"There... pay attention..."


The mercenary was a little confused at first, but he followed the shadow's instructions and immediately saw a silver thread hidden between the arms boxes at the entrance of the cave. If someone approached without noticing, he would immediately The foot hooks off the silver thread.

Obviously, finding this unusual silver thread in this place will definitely not be a good thing if it is broken.

The mercenary turned pale, knowing that he was on the verge of death.

"What's wrong?"

Shen Lang also came down. Seeing that several people had bad expressions, he couldn't help but ask.

"We can't chase you there."

Shadow shook his head, pointed at the cave and said, "There should be many traps."

"Is it a booby trap?"

Eliminating booby traps in such a small place is not an easy task, and no one knows what kind of traps there will be in the cave waiting for people to enter. If you enter rashly, you may play into the target's hands.

"Can you chase me?"

Shen Lang pondered for a while and asked.

"It will take an undetermined amount of time."

Shadow didn't say it was impossible, only that it would take an uncertain time, which obviously needed to be determined based on the length of the cave and the number of traps.

"Tell someone to come over first and give it a try. Let Zenobia stay here. Shadow, you come with me."

Shen Lang quickly issued an order, and a team of people stayed here to eliminate traps and enter the cave to follow the traces. He, Shadow and two mercenaries searched from the outside.

Just because a tunnel cannot be too long underground, then the target will naturally go out from nearby and return to the surface. All they have to do is to find the traces of their exit.

Although this is unlikely.

First, there are too few people, and the eight directions cannot be searched completely. Second, it is not sure whether the target has other means and methods.

Searching along the woods behind the villa, Shadow carried the sword on his back and stepped on the fallen leaves and snow in the woods, making almost no sound. He did not use a flashlight or thermal imager, and stepped straight into the woods alone, and quickly disappeared. No trace.

Shen Lang asked the two mercenaries to choose another direction and told them to alert them if they found anything. He also chose a direction and walked forward.

In the dense woods on a winter night, there was silence. Except for the faint sound of stepping on the snow, Shen Lang did not hear any other movement. It seemed that in such a cold weather, even those small animals were not affected. There is no trace, I don’t know where it is hidden.

Soon, Shen Lang walked out of the woods and came to the lake.

This small lake was completely frozen in such weather. Shen Lang circled around the lake and found no clues, so he had no choice but to return along the original route.

Not long after he returned to the villa, the shadows and mercenaries from the other two directions also came out of the woods one after another. Just by looking at them, he knew that they must have gained nothing like him.

The target's cunning and difficulty exceeded Shen Lang's expectations.

"How's the situation down there?"

After extinguishing the burning flames in the villa, Shen Lang came to the basement entrance to inquire about the progress.

"Three booby traps have been eliminated."

Zenobia's tone was calm.

"Try to speed up."

Shen Lang lowered his head and looked at the time. Even though this place was located in a remote place, they could take precautions. They had better evacuate before dawn. Otherwise, if the target called the police at will, the police following behind would be enough to give them a headache.

After walking out of the villa, Shen Lang took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Yang's number.

"Dudu...how is the situation?"

Chen Yang's deep voice came from hundreds of kilometers away through the mobile phone.

"Boss, the target was not captured successfully."

Shen Lang was uneasy.

"Oh, was there any accident?"

After a moment of silence, Chen Yang's voice remained calm as always, and did not seem to be very angry. This made Shen Lang slightly relieved.

"Well, something unexpected happened."

Shen Lang knew that Chen Yang didn't like long speeches, so he quickly told the whole story in the most concise language.

"Is it……"

Chen Yang said: "If you don't find anyone, you should come back first."…

"Huh? But...boss, isn't this..."

Shen Lang was a little surprised when he went back when he couldn't find anyone.

"It won't help if you stay there... Of course I have other options. By the way, you come back, but Wang Rui tells them to stay at the border. If the target wants to flee to Mexico, that's the best thing."

"Well, okay, boss, I will tell Wang Rui and the others."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Lang thought about it for a while and couldn't figure out what method Chen Yang planned to use to find his target again.

However, the boss is his superior. As a subordinate, sometimes it is best to just follow orders and not speculate too much about the superior's thoughts.

Shaking his head to throw the speculation out of his mind, Shen Lang stayed outside for more than ten minutes before getting the notice from inside. Almost all the traps had been eliminated.

A team of five people had already chased him through the cave.

After almost half an hour of delay, Shen Lang no longer had much hope in catching up to his target.

Sure enough, the team chased into the cave and contacted via radio from one kilometer away dozens of minutes later. They found another exit but never found the target.

This cave is one kilometer long, which is indeed astonishing, but don't be too surprised. There are many places inside the cave that were not dug manually, but by using gaps in the mountain to achieve such an astonishing length.

Obviously, the target had already left far away when they eliminated the trap!

So this operation was destined to fail.

Shen Lang walked into the car with a sullen face. The two mercenaries behind him looked at each other. One picked up the oil barrel and poured water around the villa. The other picked up the lighter and threw it towards the villa from a distance. The flames exploded instantly. The fire that enveloped the entire villa and was extinguished not long ago started to burn again.


The cold wind blew by, and two SUVs carried everyone back along the original road.

However, one of the SUVs turned into a small town at a fork in the road, while Shen Lang and the others returned to Los Angeles. This is Shen Lang's idea. The third stranger living here will definitely come to the town to purchase daily necessities. Then the people in the town must have a certain understanding of that person. After investigating the other party's information, they will know Help find their traces.

What's more, it's possible that the other party will return to the town?

Although the possibility of this is very small, unless the opponent's brain is kicked by a donkey... more than once. )

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