Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 3 Purchase

Well, although the ten thousand yuan now legally belongs to him, Chen Yang knows in his heart that no matter how reluctant he is to part with it, the ten thousand yuan actually does not belong to him.

Turning around numbly, Chen Yang slowly walked towards the door of the bank. The bank security guard standing on the side looked at Chen Yang warily, as if he wanted to see something from Chen Yang's expressionless face, but He was disappointed. This guy seemed to be just an ordinary citizen. Although his expression and actions were a bit weird, he didn't do anything extraordinary.

So the security guard turned his head, left the gaze that was staring at Chen Yang, and focused his attention on the bank lobby again. At this moment, a "bang" sound from behind his head immediately made him look back.

Grab money!

An idea came to mind. He had been a bank security guard for almost five years. As a security guard, this was the first time he saw someone dare to steal money at the bank door. His expression changed, and he hurriedly took out his baton from his back and rushed to the door. The unlucky young man who was robbed seemed to be stunned. He actually stood still and allowed the man in black shirt who was robbing the money to run away.


Running into the young man's side, the security guard was about to shout "call the police" when the first of these three words came out of his mouth. His eyes blurred and the young man disappeared.

"So fast."

The security guard was shocked. The man in the black shirt who was obviously robbing the money had already ran more than 20 meters away. The young man who was robbed actually ran behind the man in an instant. Like an eagle catching a chicken, he grabbed the man's shoulder with his right hand. When his neck was thrown, the man rolled into a ball like a gourd and screamed repeatedly.

"Holy shit."

The security guard didn't know what to say. This dramatic scene made his brain feel like it was on fire. He rubbed his eyes and trotted over to the two of them with his baton in hand.

Seeing the young man picking up the wad of money that was robbed, the security guard opened his mouth and said, "You..."

The next moment, the security guard's body was extremely stiff, his hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't say anything. He watched the young man pick up the money, as if nothing had happened, and turned around and left without saying a word.

It took a long time until the screams of the man in black shirt on the ground woke up the security guard. His back was already wet.

What kind of look is that?

Not angry, not scared, not happy, not cold.

It is a kind of "nothing"...

There was nothing, eyes and pupils without a trace of emotion.

No, the security guard suddenly realized that it was not "nothing", but as indifferent as a human being trampling an ant to death. Would humans have any emotions if they trample an ant to death?

Suddenly, the security guard felt a sense of humiliating anger, but it was as if he had been stared at by a tiger, and he also had a sense of exhaustion as if he had escaped from death. He knew that he would never forget that look in his life, even if he was destined to tell it. It will be treated as an illusion by others.

On the other side, Chen Yang, who had turned a few streets, was enduring the punishment given to him by his right hand. Every time he took a step, the pain from his feet made him feel like he was walking on a fire. His whole body trembled, his teeth kept trembling, and cold sweat dripped down like he was desperate for his life.

This was a punishment for his carelessness. According to his right hand, the stimulation of this pain nerve was already at the lowest level.

Chen Yang knew that he was right. If his right hand hadn't controlled his body just now, he would never have been able to catch up with the man who was snatching the money, let alone get the money back. He had never even killed a chicken, so how could he survive? A strong robber.

It was a joy to have the money back, but Chen Yang felt that he would rather lose the ten thousand yuan than suffer this inhuman pain.

There is a limit to the ability of human beings to endure pain. Once this critical line is exceeded, humans themselves will fall into fainting to escape the pain. However, when unknown creatures can control the central nervous system and other organs, no matter how severe the pain, Chen Yang can only Able to endure it soberly.

Therefore, walking on the street under the scorching sun was like hell to Chen Yang.

Fortunately, this kind of punishment only lasted ten seconds, and he managed to survive it even after a few seconds. Chen Yang received the "extralegal mercy" from his right hand and was allowed to stand on the street and rest for one minute.


Breathing in the air, Chen Yang's hair was already soaked with sweat. His cheeks were also covered with traces of dried sweat. His eyes, which were bloodshot from enduring the pain, were staring at the ground.

"Next time, the punishment will be extended to twenty seconds..."

The sound was transmitted directly from the bones of his right hand to the inner cavity of his eardrum. Chen Yang's body trembled when he heard the words. He did not dare to refute a word and continued towards his destination.

His next destination is the second-hand flea market, which is a famous second-hand market on the Third Ring Road. It sells everything from furniture to electrical appliances.

But what's the purpose of coming here? He didn't know.

What is certain is that he came here to spend money. Chen Yang touched a wad of money in his pocket. There is no doubt about this.

Later, Chen Yang's guess was proved to be correct. Under the orders from his right hand one after another, his mouth opened wider and wider. Look, what did he buy. One 19-inch monitor, two 27-inch monitors, a computer case, other people's second-hand graphics cards and various electronic products.

Although they were all second-hand goods, they still cost more than three thousand yuan. What made Chen Yang even more puzzled was that the unknown creature parasitic on his right hand seemed to have a unique view on these electronic instruments. When Chen Yang saw it, The monitor and graphics card looked good, but after touching them with my right hand, I rejected them and chose something that didn't look good.

Chen Yang didn't dare to say it openly, but he sneered in his heart.

The right hand seemed to sense Chen Yang's emotions, and after giving him a sudden pain punishment, he said lightly: "Human beings, the better things are, the easier they are to use. Only the things that suit your needs are the best. What's more, with Your funds are divided according to your human standards. As a person below the average income level, what ability do you have to buy the best things?"

Oh, is it my fault?

I'm really sorry and sorry that my income level is not good.

With this thought vaguely flashing through his mind, Chen Yang hurriedly let his head become "empty". He didn't want to accept another punishment.

Afterwards, Chen Yang strolled to the hardware market and, under the direct instruction of his right hand, purchased an electric drill and an electric hammer capable of drilling hard materials such as concrete and stones, as well as a variety of messy cables, screwdrivers, nails, pipes, metal plates, etc. wait. It was like collecting rags. There were so many scattered things that Chen Yang's scalp went numb.

Finally, after spending more than 9,000 yuan, the shopping spree came to an end.

Chen Yang trembled. Looking at the piled-up debris, he had no choice but to call a van at the boss's suggestion and paid 150 yuan for the transportation fee before taking it to his home. In front of the small building.

The driver will not be kind enough to help you carry the goods. He took the money and patted his butt before driving away, leaving Chen Yang looking at the pile of goods in front of the door depressedly and sighing.

"Human, I'll give you ten minutes to move everything to the basement."


Chen Yang was not surprised by the ten-minute time limit, but he was surprised by the word basement. There is indeed a basement, just under the stairs on the first floor. There are usually some sundries there. Chen Yang has not been to the basement for a long time. .

"Only ten minutes..."

The right hand once again reiterates the time limit.

Chen Yang did not dare to neglect, and quickly found the key to the basement from a large bunch of keys. He ran to open the door to the basement, covered his nose to avoid smelling the stench in the air, and turned on the light button in the basement.

Thank God, the incandescent lamp that had not been used for a long time did not show any signs of trouble after pressing the button. It emitted dim light as before, exposing the basement of more than 100 square meters to Chen Yang's eyes. .

Wood, cement bags, unused furniture, various trash pockets, this is what a basement is really like.

Chen Yang immediately had an ominous premonition, and sure enough, the next moment——

"Human, clean this place up after moving your stuff."

Damn, how long does it take to clean such a big place?

Chen Yang finally had a trace of blood on his face and turned white again.

Chen Yang returned to the door dejectedly and began to move the goods.

"Uh, Mr. Chen..."

A soft and surprised voice came from the door.

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