Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 45 Disappearance

"It's so unlucky, it's so fucking unlucky, it's so damn unlucky, why am I so unlucky today and I lost again..."

Brother Liu cursed and walked out of the chess and card room. He touched his shriveled pocket and sighed in his heart. There was no money in his pocket again. What should he do?

After walking out of one alley and detouring into another, Brother Liu almost tripped over the loose shoelaces.

"Why is your sister so unlucky? Is she infected by someone?"

Brother Liu sighed repeatedly and bent down to tie his shoelaces.


The sudden loud noise startled Brother Liu. He quickly looked up and saw a figure disappearing quickly out of the alley.

This, this, there was no one in front of me just now!

why why……

Brother Liu looked at the sunshine that had not yet disappeared. He was silent for a while and almost collapsed: "Damn it, why did I hit a ghost again?"

Don't worry about Brother Liu's complaints. Chen Yang bounced down from upstairs and ran out of the alley, regaining control of his body. After all, his right hand couldn't control his body for a long time. In order to deal with the emergencies that might happen later, he had to hand over his body first. Take control of your body.

"Find a taxi."

The right hand ordered.

After hearing this, Chen Yang walked onto the street, looked left and right, and luckily saw a Mercedes-Benz taxi approaching, and quickly hailed it.

However, there happened to be a woman who also took a fancy to this taxi and ran towards the stopped taxi.


The car door opened and closed. Chen Yang moved and got into the car ahead of the woman.

"Master, drive!"

"Okay, friend, where to go?"

The taxi driver was a man in his forties who seemed very talkative.

"After exiting this street, turn right..."

Chen Yang pricked his ears, as if listening to something.

"Uh, friend, what do you mean?"

Asked about the destination, the passenger told me to drive right on this street.

The driver expressed a little uneasiness and incomprehension.

Chen Yang didn't waste any time. He took out three red bills and waved them, "Listen to me and I'll give you three hundred more afterward."

The driver was in awe, with a strong sense of mission in his heart. As if he would be sorry for the passion in his heart if he didn't obey the order, he immediately used his twenty years of driving skills and stepped on the accelerator to speed off.

"turn left turn Right……"

"Turn left and take that road..."

Although the passenger seemed to be teasing someone, the driver looked serious and unambiguous. For the sake of a great man, he can be sure that he did his best!

"Okay, stop here!"


The car stopped, Chen Yang threw down the 600 yuan and immediately got out of the car.

The driver looked at the meter, and the number 79 yuan on it was particularly eye-catching.

Great man, I am so lucky today. I can buy a new dress for my wife.

People were coming and going on the sidewalk of the street, but Chen Yang felt a little nervous. After all, what he was about to face was something that even his right hand had to treat seriously.

"keep going!"

The right hand is still directing.

As he walked among the crowd, Chen Yang looked serious, and the muscles in his body were fully tense.

"Wait a moment!"

As soon as his footsteps stopped, Chen Yang moved his eyes to the bus plate next to him, pretended to look at it with interest, and said in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

"Strange, it seems to be moving..."

Even Chen Yang could feel the emotional fluctuations in his right hand.

"I'm a little unsure of the direction it's going."

"how come?"

Chen Yang was surprised. This extraterrestrial creature with great supernatural powers would sometimes be unsure of things? Although this matter is essentially aimed at itself.

"turn right."

turn right?

Chen Yang looked over and turned to the right. It was a street decorated with antiques, and the end was almost invisible among the countless heads in the darkness.

Without hesitation, Chen Yang immediately stood up and walked forward, stepping into the street.

Since this street is characterized by imitation of ancient architecture, it is naturally intended to attract tourists. When you walk into this street, you will be surrounded by tourists carrying backpacks or carrying SLRs. They are interested in looking at the buildings of various ethnic groups. Style, or “inn” or snack bar to stay.

There are many temporary vendors on the street, selling some souvenirs and other miscellaneous items. Many tourists gather together to select them curiously.

Although he has lived in this city for more than ten years, to be honest, this is Chen Yang's first time here and he is not familiar with the road conditions. Fortunately, he is not here for fun.

"Wow, that's amazing..."

A group of girls surrounded a young man, surrounded by a determined crowd of onlookers, who made exclamations from time to time. It was obvious that the man's pencil sketch had been quite recognized.

"Wait a moment!"

His right hand suddenly made a sound.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Yang suddenly stopped and almost bumped into the tourists behind him, which immediately aroused a burst of complaints.

"I can't feel it anymore, it's gone."


Chen Yang's expression changed, and his voice suddenly rose, startling the people next to him.

"It disappeared while moving at high speed... No, it's not so much that it disappeared, it's more that I can't feel its existence because it's too far away."

"Then, what should we do?"

Chen Yang walked aside to avoid the crowd and asked in a low voice.

"There is no other way but to wait for the next opportunity."

"Sir, I would like to ask, how far do you perceive the rest of your components?"

Chen Yang was a little curious about this question.

"Distance? Well, it's hard to say. I can perceive the other components because the other components gave birth to primitive consciousness, and their mental brain waves resonated with me. However, this perceived distance must be based on the mental fluctuations of the components at that time. "

"According to your human understanding, when it is dormant, it is difficult for me to feel it even if it is close to me. But when it is extremely violent, I can sense its existence and approximate location ten kilometers away."

"So that's what happened."

Chen Yang was relieved by the explanation on his right hand, "Commander Screw, should we continue to search around now?"

"Not much hope..."

The right hand was silent for a while: "It should not be nearby anymore."

"Oh, then we're going back?"

"Whatever you want, I'm going to sleep for a while."

My right hand has been working all day today, and something like this happened again. I'm really tired now.

Seeing his right hand falling asleep, Chen Yang sighed, touched his belly, and wondered if he needed to have a meal here?

It's just that there are many people here, and his terrifying appetite will definitely attract the attention of the people around him. He doesn't want to be watched and discussed as a monkey.

Let's go home. I bought five kilograms of beef at noon and put it in the refrigerator. I will cook beef when I go back in the evening.

Thinking about the braised beef, Chen Yang unconsciously secreted a lot of saliva from his mouth.

"Brother, brother? Why are you here?"

Just when Chen Yang was about to turn around and leave, an exclamation sounded behind him. The voice was so familiar that Xia Yuerou's figure immediately appeared in Chen Yang's mind.

Looking back, it turned out to be the voice of the girl Xia Yuerou, together with Zhang Xiaole and Ren Xuanxuan who were smiling next to them.

These three female ghosts, uh, no, why are these three little ghosts here?

Since she saw Chen Yang's perversion last time, Xia Yuerou feels much better about this brother, although she doesn't admit it.

So as soon as she finished calling her brother, her face turned red and she couldn't help but raise her voice: "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here?"

After Chen Yang waited for the three girls to approach, he pointed at the bluestone slab underground and said, "Did you drive this road?"

Then he pointed to the green tree next to him: "Or did you plant this tree?"

"Since this street doesn't belong to you, why can't I be here?"

Chen Yang spread his hands.


Xia Yuerou was so angry that her teeth chattered. This cousin, whom she didn't like to see before, had become not only strange and strange since the last time they met, but also always had a serious look on his face, deliberately irritating her.

Forget it, there was nothing she could do about this cousin.

"Okay, okay, Xiaorou, you can't be so rude to your brother."

Zhang Xiaole hugged Xia Yuerou's arm and said with a smile: "Brother, have you eaten? Do you want to eat together?"

"Eating? If you know how to eat, then why don't you take care of your own wallet?"

As soon as the word "wallet" was uttered, Chen Yang suddenly took action.

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