Extreme Dao: My Cultivation Technique Can Reach Full Level With One Click

069. Jinguang Town Fox Demon, Liu Yin'er'S Hidden Illness!

"Give me death!!!"

The fox-headed demon bared its ferocious fangs, turned into a black wind and approached, its claws were like phantoms, and its attacks fell on Wei Fan like a violent storm.

But it was blocked by a layer of hazy golden light, and the monster power attached to the sharp claws was gradually wiped out, and the power was reduced by half, completely unable to break through Wei Fan's defense at the moment.

"Hold on! Are you tickling me?"

Wei Fan let out a loud cry and opened his eyes.

I saw two golden lights shooting out of his pupils, and with his own titan-like body, Wei Fan opened his eyes like a Legendary angry Vajra at this moment, bringing a sense of horror and oppression like ghosts and gods turning away and demons trembling.

"Bring it to you!"

In the next second, Wei Fan grabbed it with his big hand, and firmly clamped the fox-headed Dan Yao's shoulder like an eagle's claw.

"???" The fox-headed Dan Yao immediately felt the threat of Death, and the hair on his body stood on end, desperately mobilizing the demon power in his body, trying to turn into a black wind and escape.

But still one step slower!

The fox-headed Dan Yao intuited that the center of his brows felt like being stabbed by needles, and when he looked back, a golden fist in his pupils grew rapidly.

"No!" The fox-headed demon's dead souls uttered an extremely shrill scream.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The air around the fist was evacuated instantly, squeezing out bursts of sonic booms.

The sorcery that the fox-headed demon had not yet fully condensed was instantly blasted away, and the forehead was hit hard.


With a click, the skull shattered, and the fox-headed Dan Yao's head sank like dough. In an instant, the seven orifices burst, and blood splashed.

"I'll teach you what it means to use force!!" Wei Fan grinned, his arms turned into afterimages, and he punched to the flesh.

The fox-headed red demon was beaten to the point where it had no power to resist, and the sorcery on its body was often shaken away by the huge force before it took shape. The huge fox body could only keep retreating, plowing a huge gully ten meters long on the ground.


The head of the fox-headed demon was almost crushed, and his appearance was miserable and terrifying.

But even so, the fox-headed Dan Yao still did not die.

A gray-black Monster core flew out of its chest and hit Wei Fan's head.

Um? Feeling a slight threat, Wei Fan didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, so he took a step back.

The whole body's Blood Qi, bone strength, and internal energy are condensed in the right arm, and he punches out.


The punches collided and burst into a blazing light.

Wei Fan felt his body tremble, and a cold demonic force poured into his body.

The monster core seemed to be drained of energy, becoming dull and dull, with cracks appearing on the surface, and then shattered with a click.

Boom... Boom!

The huge body of the fox-headed Dan Yao crashed to the ground, completely severing its vitality.

Wei Fan frowned slightly, after the cold demon power entered his body, it rampaged through his body.

"Are you OK?"

Liu Yin'er saw the fox-headed demon sacrifice the Monster core in her body, and rushed over, worried, "It's not a trivial matter for Monster Qi to enter the body, I will use Youlan True Qi to help you get it out!"

"That monster power has already been digested by me!" Wei Fan laughed.

His body is full of flaming yang energy, so he is naturally the nemesis of this cold demon power.

The twelve cyclone nodes are also like ovens, containing terrifying heat.

The Dantian cyclone is more like a black hole vortex, which pulls in and shatters the approaching cold demonic power.

Therefore, after entering into Wei Fan's body, the cold demon power left by the fox-headed demon was quickly melted and wiped out, as if he had entered The Underworld checkpoint.

Wei Fan thought about it for a while, that cold demonic force didn't rampage, it seemed... more like running wildly in his body?

"Digested?" Liu Yin'er looked at Wei Fan in disbelief.

Then put a hand on his arm, calmly concentrated, and immediately felt an incomparably domineering and scorching sun.

"What a strong Blood Qi, um, there is no trace of demon power, it has dissipated!" Liu Yin'er nodded, and then looked at Wei Fan with a complex look in his eyes.

"Your Youlan True Qi is so cold!" Wei Fan complained.

Just now Liu Yin'er separated a ray of blue True Qi, and when it entered his body, he felt an icy chill, stronger than the power of the black Fox Demon.

"It's nothing, this is my True Qi attribute!" Liu Yin'er turned her head away and whispered.

In fact, this chill is a hidden disease left by Liu Yin'er's improper cultivation.

When she was practicing at the beginning, she rashly integrated the extreme cold and ice demon into True Qi, but failed, leaving behind sequelae.

On special days every month, the hidden chill in Liu Yin'er's body would burst out concentratedly.

Even with her will, the pain was unbearable, very unbearable.

This hidden disease is difficult to treat, Liu Yin'er searched for many prescriptions, but still no effect.

And now, she sees a glimmer of hope in Wei Fan.

The flaming yang qi produced by "Nine Flames and Lieyang Art" may really be able to cure her hidden illness.

Thinking of this, a picture of the treatment process automatically appeared in Liu Yin'er's mind, and she couldn't help but blush.

"No, no! There should be other ways!" Liu Yin'er shook her head, dispelling her strange thoughts.

"Why are you blushing?" Wei Fan said abruptly.

"Ah...you...I...I'm a little bored tonight, I'll go back first!"

Liu Yin'er quickly covered her face, fled away at high speed, accelerated with Youlan True Qi on the way, and disappeared in a flash.

"?" Wei Fan had a question mark on his face, a little puzzled.

Afterwards, Wei Fan summoned Xiaoying through the palm ghost seal.

The corpse of this Dan Yao is a great tonic for it.

It is worth mentioning that Wei Fan also gained 50 energy for killing this demon.

Subtracting what was just consumed, Wei Fan still has 72 points of energy.

As for the remaining four gray foxes, they were also dealt with jointly by the Marrow Condensation Realm Practitioners of Mangniu Village.

All the captured women and children were rescued.

They just passed out in a coma, and their lives were safe.

Apart from the death of two night watchmen, Mangniu Village had no other losses.

"Thank you for taking action to solve Fox Demon, we in Mangniu Village are very grateful!"

The three Marrow Condensation Practitioners walked towards Wei Fan, saluted heavily, their eyes filled with respect and admiration.

Although Wei Fan is very young, Martial Dao has made a journey, and those who are masters are teachers.

Wei Fan's performance on Martial Dao has reached Realm, which is beyond their reach.

Moreover, if Wei Fan hadn't made a move tonight, the three of them might have died in Fox Demon's stomach.



[Dear ancestors, please ask for free flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets orz. 】

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