Extreme Martial Arts Modifier

Chapter 1,756 Research Bottlenecks

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Once the communication device is disconnected, He Zhou will naturally no longer be able to communicate with people outside the transparent container.

So his anger can only be vented in transparent containers.

He Zhou wanted to explode, but he had no choice.

After all, he is not a clone, not a contactee of the evil god, and does not have the power of a clone.

For him, there is no solution to the current situation, he can only endure it honestly.

outside of transparent containers.

The captain called out to a staff member and ordered: "Place more guards here and watch this guy carefully."


The staff immediately took orders.

As long as there are enough guards, even if He Zhou rushes out of the transparent container, he will have enough time to deal with it.

The staff left, and the captain looked at the supervisor and said: "Hurry up and rescue as soon as possible. Give me a conclusion as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir."

The supervisor also took orders honestly.

Seeing that there was nothing else to say, the captain quickened his pace and led the people away from here.

The next step is for the supervisor.

The supervisor looked at He Zhou in the transparent container, then at Lao Mai, Jenny and others present, with a smile on his face.

He couldn't wait to study He Zhou and see what was so powerful about He Zhou, the evil god contactor.

"Jenny, go and insert the tube so he doesn't die. We'll start researching it now."

The supervisor ordered to Jenny.


Jenny stepped forward to check the tube.

The tube is now placed on the ground, and as long as it is inserted into the interface of the transparent container, the energy supply can be connected.

In this way, Hezhou in the container can obtain the supplied nutrients in a timely manner without eating or drinking.


The tube was successfully inserted into the interface of the transparent container.

Immediately afterwards, the machine started and the sound of mechanical transmission sounded.

He Zhou in the container looked down and continued to vent his anger.

The supervisor, Lao Mai and others ignored him and continued to operate on the control panel.

The next moment, the entire research system was successfully launched.

"Vital signs are normal, backup energy is normal..."

A series of mechanical beeps sounded.

"I want to see how these evil god contacts come into contact with the evil god."

The supervisor pressed the start button and looked at He Zhou in the transparent container.

At this time, He Zhou felt an electric current pass through his body.

He instantly discovered that his consciousness was being pulled by an invisible force and that he was constantly falling into some kind of abyss.

At the same time, the consciousness of the replica in the consciousness space was also pulled by this powerful force, and fell into the abyss with He Zhou.

The two of them entered a special kind of super dream space together.

This is a Mewtwo space created for two people.

Its computing power is provided by supercomputers installed on the space carrier, and the energy of these supercomputers comes from the nuclear fusion engines of the space carrier.

So it can be said that this super dream space can be continued forever.

In the Mewtwo space.

After He Zhou and the clone entered it, they each settled on an island.

The island is surrounded by endless blue ocean, and the two people stand opposite each other, looking at each other.

In the eyes of He Zhou and the clones, the people on the island opposite looked exactly like him, with no difference at all.

But they each know that they have independent consciousness.

At this time, the most unhappy person is probably He Zhou's clone.

Because in this super dream space, his strength was forced to be on the same level as He Zhou.

He couldn't use the means he obtained from the evil god at all.

"One day, I will kill you!"

The clone stood on his own island, pointed at He Zhou's nose and cursed.

He Zhou spread his hands and said nothing.

He now doesn't know what the people outside are planning to do to him. He feels like a piece of fish at the mercy of others.

Of course, the clone's feeling at this time was not much better than that of He Zhou.

Because he is now in the same situation as He Zhou.

"If it weren't for you, those insects, and those clowns, I would have dealt with them a long time ago, and this would never have happened!"

The clone said angrily.

He had clearly taken control of the situation at that time, taking down the entire space carrier and seizing control.

As a result, He Zhou took his body back by force, which brought the matter to this point.

The clone didn't know that He Zhou was able to regain control of his body because of Lin Yu's action, and thought it was He Zhou who did it himself.

The clone slowly circled around the island, looking at He Zhou with a glare that could kill someone.

He Zhou shook his head and turned away, squatting down and ignoring the clone.

At this time, the sky suddenly changed.

I saw a huge crack being forcibly torn open in the center of the sky, and an eye poked out of the crack.

Seeing this scene, He Zhou was so frightened that he sat down on the ground.

He was certain that this was definitely the most terrifying sight he had ever seen in his life.

After all, everything here is too real.

This special Super Dream space is different from the ordinary Super Dream space. Thanks to the terrifying computing power, everything can be simulated to be very real, making it impossible for people to feel that anything is illusion.

Similarly, it is precisely because it is too real that seeing some kind of terrifying scene in such a super dream space will give people a strong shock.

At this moment, He Zhou was so shocked by this scene that he sat down on the ground in fright.

On the other hand, the replica's situation is far better.

The clone still stood motionless, just looking up at the sky lightly.

It seemed that he was already used to this kind of scene.

At the same time, in the central research room.

The supervisor and Jenny were looking at the picture on the light screen.

What is shown is the scene faced by He Zhou and the clone.

One of the two people in the picture is sitting on the ground, and the other is looking up at the sky slightly.

"Director, the clone is indifferent to such a scene."

"I saw."

The supervisor nodded.

The clone is indifferent to such a picture, so the next thing to do is to switch to another picture and see the situation.

"Switch it up."

The supervisor ordered.


The supervisor pressed a button.

The scene was immediately switched, and the giant eye in the sky slowly disappeared, turning into a bloody head.

The head poked down from the crack in the sky and looked at He Zhou and the clones on the two islands.

He Zhou was feeling a little better at this moment, but he was instantly frightened by this scene again.

At this moment, he was very confused. Is the so-called research just about using these scary things to scare people?

On another island, the clone's expression changed.

It was originally a dismissive expression, but now it became a bit serious.

It seemed that this scene stimulated him.

In the central research room.

"Director, it worked."

Jenny smiled.

The supervisor nodded, very satisfied with the result.

In fact, their purpose was not to use these horrific scenes to stimulate He Zhou and the clones, but to conduct research on evil god contact.

The horrific scenes displayed are the result of their many studies.

If someone reacts violently when seeing such a terrifying scene, then they can be sure that they are not in contact with the evil god.

But He Zhou's clone is obviously not like this.

When he saw these scenes, his expression was very calm.

"Keep switching and see if he changes next."

The supervisor ordered.

Jenny quickly operated on the control panel.

The scene in the sky changes rapidly.

The bloody head disappeared and turned into a giant mouth with countless teeth.

On the island, He Zhou, who had just stood up, was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground again when he saw this horrific scene.

The replica, on the other hand, remained indifferent.

The clone was still looking at the sky calmly, feeling nothing about such a scene.

Seems to have fully adapted.

In the central research room.

The supervisor frowned slightly.

In the scene just now, the clone also had some emotional reactions, and its expression became solemn.

But this time, the clone didn't react at all to this scene.

It seems that he has adapted to everything.

This is not normal.

Because normally, the subjects participating in the research will become more and more uncomfortable, and the scenes that will appear later will become increasingly difficult to accept.

He Zhou's clone is completely different from them.

"Change again."

The supervisor ordered in a solemn tone.

Jenny immediately operated on the control panel.

The sky on the island changed immediately.

The giant mouth full of teeth slowly retracted and turned into a face filled with countless eyes.

He Zhou looked at those eyes and felt strong discomfort in his body.

He felt like he was going to vomit, but he couldn't.

It's such an uncomfortable feeling of wanting to vomit but not having to.

"What are you doing?"

He Zhou felt that this was not research at all, but a way to torture him.

Put him to torture.

After all, the scenes that appear in the sky will have an extremely strong mental impact on people.

He Zhou felt that if he continued like this, he would definitely go crazy.

But at this time, on the island on the other side, the clone was still treating it indifferently.

It can even be said that the replica is calmer now than before.

It seemed that the horrific scenes in the sky could not shake his heart at all. In his opinion, all this was just nonsense.

The clone shook his head disdainfully, then looked back.

In the central research room.

The expressions of the supervisor and Jenny became serious.

Mainly because the replica's performance completely exceeded their expectations.

They originally thought that the clones would definitely behave in a difficult manner, after all, they had been increasing their intensity.

But in fact, the replica has not changed at all.

He even behaved more and more calmly.

This situation has never happened before.

what is going on?

Both the supervisor and Jenny asked this question in their minds.

And a moment later, a smile suddenly appeared on the supervisor's face.

Jenny on the side saw it and asked aloud: "Supervisor, what's wrong?"

"That's a good thing!" the supervisor replied with a smile on his face.


Jenny still didn't understand.

The supervisor glanced at him and said, "This is an unprecedented phenomenon. We may have discovered a new continent."

Hearing this, Jenny was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses.

Yes, this is a research result that has never appeared before, indicating that they have found something new in this research.

Such research data will definitely help them find more truth.

Perhaps we will soon be able to figure out what the evil god is, and how those who come into contact with the evil god come into contact with the evil god.

"Hurry up, next step."

the supervisor urged.

Jenny nodded and operated the control panel again.

The sky in the Mewtwo space immediately changed. The face with eyes retracted and turned into a giant hand with countless arms.

He Zhou held his head, not daring to look directly at such a scene, but the clone remained calm as usual.

It was as if the changes happening in the sky were nothing at all.

In the central research room.

The supervisor said excitedly: "Go on, keep switching!"

Jenny nodded happily.

Research continues.

As the research continued, the replicas in the Super Dream space became more and more calm, not shaken by the images in the sky at all.

But He Zhou couldn't stand it anymore.

He was really on the verge of madness.

After all, it's all so horrifying.

"Supervisor, He Zhou will go crazy if this continues."

Jenny reminded.

Naturally, the supervisor also saw the changes in He Zhou.

But he hesitated to stop, mainly because he wanted to see what changes would happen to the clones if the research continued.

After all it helps them find the truth.

But as Jenny said, if he doesn't stop, He Zhou will definitely go crazy.

And once He Zhou goes crazy, it's hard to say what will happen next. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.com

It is possible that this study will be scrapped directly.

After all, the owner of He Zhou's body is still He Zhou himself, not the clone.

"Stop first."

The supervisor stopped with some displeasure.

Jenny immediately operated on the control panel to pull the consciousness of He Zhou and the clone back from the super dream space.

In the transparent container, after He Zhou's consciousness returned to his body, he immediately looked listless.

It was obvious that the research just now had a great impact on him.

It was too big for him to adapt to.

The supervisor held his chin in one hand and looked at the transparent container in the research room.

Research must continue, but the biggest obstacle to research now is He Zhouben.

As long as He Zhou can't adapt to the scenes just now, then they will never find the truth.

After all, they didn't dare to continue to increase the strength of the clone.

"Hezhou is the bottleneck of research."

The supervisor said to Jenny on the side.

Jenny nodded in agreement.

Yes, the biggest obstacle now is He Zhou.

If you can't handle He Zhou, then you can't handle He Zhou's clone.

It is difficult for their research to continue to advance.

After a moment of silence, Jenny said: "Director, if there is a way to prevent He Zhou from entering the Super Dream space and only allow He Zhou's clone to enter the Super Dream space, then the research can proceed normally."

"Of course I know." The supervisor nodded, "But the problem is, there is no such method at all."

Jenny had a good idea, the director admitted.

But it's a pity that this can only be thought about, because there is no way to do it.

There is simply no way to allow He Zhou's copy to enter the Super Dream Space without allowing He Zhou to enter the Super Dream Space.

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