Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1003: God's Situation

The spies of the Iron Guard kept gathering information into the unreasonable underworld, and the analysis department sorted and summarized them according to the logic and the actual situation of the Conferred God Plane, and finally made the changes in the situation and the predictions of many conclusions little by little. gradually straightened out.

Rong Ziju is very busy now, busy splicing the conclusions drawn by the intelligence analysis department, and finally forming a complete and detailed report and submitting it to Yan Jun's table. At the same time, it is also necessary to decide whether the "targets" fed back by various spies are suitable for "contact" and "development".

Weak Western and strong business, this strategy cannot be changed, it needs intensive promotion, and the war on the Conferred God plane is very urgent from the very beginning, so the plan of the Iron Guard needs to be adjusted, and the initial stage must be completed before major changes occur. arrangement.

"Report! In charge of the adults, the iron horse sent back the news that Zhang Guifang has won again and again, and the plan has begun to pay off!"

Zhang Guifang, also a disciple of the Intercepting Sect, was the former commander-in-chief of Qinglongguan, commanding all the frontier troops under his command, and his combat power was terrifying and powerful. Moreover, Zhang Guifang himself has a high level of cultivation, and has a sharp approach. This time, Wen Zhong singled him out, and King Shou named him the new general of Zhenguo.

In seven battles and seven victories, he beheaded five generals of the Nanbo Hou Kingdom in a row, and the Xiqi general Huang Feihu, who came to support him with a plan, was defeated and almost captured him alive. After that, there was no opponent all the way to the south. In just three months, the army of Nanbo Houguo faced the last checkpoint of Chaoge. With his sword, Nanbohouguo had been driven to a desperate situation.

Rong Ziju looked at the situation report in his hand, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. The previous record about Zhang Guifang was not enough for him. The main thing is to report the detailed analysis later, which focuses on listing the detailed data of the combat effectiveness of Zhang Guifang's 50,000 army before and after, and draws a conclusion. These are the reasons why Rong Ziju feels relieved.

The 50,000 soldiers led by Zhang Guifang this time are not his former frontier troops, but the so-called "central army" around Chaoge. Although the overall quality is not bad, as a soldier defending Chaoge, his actual combat ability is very lacking. , the wartime mentality is also unstable. Compared with the soldiers of the Nanbo Hou Kingdom, even if they are strong, they are only limited.

According to the intelligence, even General Zhang Guifang himself has repeatedly worried about the specific combat capabilities of the 50,000 "Chinese Army". But at the start of the war, he showed a tough style and an iron-blooded mentality that was no less than that of the frontier army in a hundred battles, which was a great surprise to Zhang Guifang.

Is it because the "Central Army" of this dynasty song becomes more and more brave in war? Or have they all been underestimated by the world before? neither. It was because of a martial arts technique called "The Nine Levels of Disdainful Body Refinement" that was contributed by one of Zhang Guifang's subordinates, and most of the soldiers of the 50,000 army were practicing this martial arts, and they were able to practice it. A very strange inner air.

The characteristic of this kind of inner qi is that it can be quickly tempered in the battle, and it does not require a long fusion period to directly enter the dantian and be mobilized at will. And it is also mixed with the strong murderous aura in the battle formation, so that practitioners can adapt to the **** killing in a very short period of time, and cultivate a murderous and **** bravery.

This set of "Disdainful Nine-Tiered Body Refinement", which was despised by cultivators, showed great potential in the "Central Army" dominated by ordinary people. Zhang Guifang, who was informed of the incident, was also prepared to give a heavy reward to the superintendent who devoted his martial arts, but was told that the loyal and loyal superintendent had died in the battle.

It's a pity that someone died, but fortunately, this very interesting martial arts stayed. Zhang Guifang also carefully studied this non-martial arts, and was very happy and disappointed. His eyes were very vicious, and he could see that this was an extremely violent martial art. In a short period of time, the strength of ordinary people could be improved to a level close to that of a low-level monk, and there was a great possibility of advancing in the direction of a monk. But unfortunately, he didn't understand the basic construction of this martial arts, so he couldn't perfect it by himself.

Maybe Master Wen can do it?

It was also Zhang Guifang who, with this kind of thought, passed on this martial arts to the army led by Wen Zhong to the west, and strongly recommended it to Wen Zhong. These are the news that Iron Guard spies have gathered into the underworld. And the news surface, Wen Zhong is also carrying out this kind of martial arts in full swing after receiving the news of Zhang Guifang.

Compared with Zhang Guifang's passing the level, Wen Zhong, the main force in the expedition to the west, and Chonghou Hu, the main force in the expedition to the east, had a very difficult time.

Let's talk about Chonghou Hu first, the only remaining uncle of the Shang Dynasty, after he took refuge in King Shou, he was very powerful and his momentum was like a rainbow. But in the face of Dongbo Houguo's resistance, Chonghouhu hardly did much. There were more than a dozen battles, big and small, but the speed of advance was not satisfactory, and a total of 8,000 talents were lost to win the two fortresses. Expecting results in the east is probably not expected.

As the main force, Wen Zhong's situation was completely unexpected. The powerful interception army and the various interception and teaching masters who came to help were not able to push down Xiqi's defense line in one go, and even the loss of troops would be quite serious.

The morale of the lieutenant generals is getting more and more low, and often when the war is going well, a high-level monk who teaches or teaches is killed, and he cuts the army without any grace. , Even the monks who intercepted the teaching were taken care of and killed a lot.

There are also helpers to intercept the teaching, but most of them are monks from the real fairyland or the realm of the golden fairy. How can they stop the monks like Chanjiao who come to fight with the master-level magic weapon? There were those who had their cultivation base cut off, and some who were directly beheaded. The situation was **** and chaotic.

Wen Zhong's side is not without progress. The monks of the Chanjiao Renjiao should not be shameless, but their overall strength is indeed not as good as that of the Interceptors. Although they fought with the benefits of magic weapons, the monks of the Chanjiao and the Renjiao were also killed. few. But looking at the battle situation in the west, it completely escaped Wen Zhong's expectations when he sent troops.

Shen Gongbao is the busiest person in the Western Expedition Army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wen Zhong is a cheap junior brother who sincerely admires and relies on himself. I thought that this person's cultivation base was not high, and even with the name of the master, it was not easy to invite any strong classmates, but the actual situation is that the army can still maintain a forward momentum in this chaotic battle situation. At least four Chengdu is the credit of Shen Gongbao.

Sitting on the tent of the central army, Wen Zhong was discussing the next action with a few fellow students who came to help and several generals in the army, but there was a sound of registration outside the tent.

"Zhengxi Military Supervisor Shen Gongbao requested to be credited!"

"My junior brother is back?!"

Wen Zhong was overjoyed, because Shen Gongbao left this time and said that he was going to ask to meet the senior who thought he was hidden in the world. I don't know if he invited him when he came back this time.

"Junior brother, don't be polite and quickly enter the account!"

I saw Shen Gongbao walking in with a smile, followed by a young man in green robe.

"Senior brother, this senior is the senior Kong Xuan of Shangyang Mountain that I often mention to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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