Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1008: Rocky Beach (4)

On the line of life and death, Jiang Ziya's heart is as solid as a rock, Wen Zhong's steel whip wielded the ultimate move, and his whole body was locked by Qi machine, unable to move at all. But his eyes were indifferent, and there was a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he felt that this level of attack was simply ridiculous.


Wen Zhong's ultimate move, however, shot into a pile of sand like a feathered arrow, no matter how powerful or powerful, it dissipated quickly, and in the end, Jiang Ziya's clothes could not even lift half a point.


Wen Zhong's heart tensed. He could be said to be 90% of the force just now and was intercepted so easily? And so far, he has not found out who is secretly rescuing Jiang Ziya.

What is Wen Zhong's cultivation base? That is a character who can barely wrestle with the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun Mountain. In the early stage of golden immortals, looking at the whole three religions, he can be regarded as a master. He had never made a shot in the previous battle to the west, and the outcome was a bystander, always waiting for an opportunity. But he didn't want this opportunity to come, but Jiang Ziya still couldn't kill him.

Not only that, but what made Wen Zhong a little wary was the mysterious man who took his move just now. At the very least, the opponent's cultivation base is definitely much higher than him, and at the very least, he is also a master of the twelve gold immortals of Kunlun Mountains.

who is it? Could it be that the Twelve Golden Immortals really sit directly in Jiang Ziya's army?

As his thoughts turned, the battlefield had all been killed together.

The black armor is the army of Chaoge, and the yellow is the army of Xiqi. A total of 70,000 people on both sides were killed together, and the smell of blood instantly filled all directions.

The absolute disadvantage in basic combat power made Xiqi killed very badly when facing the interceptor who still had an advantage in numbers. If it weren't for the large numbers of people in the sky and the military formations, the cultivators of the two sects would have been completely killed and collapsed.

Less than 500 steps away, Wen Zhong stared at Jiang Ziya on the opposite side, his spiritual thoughts scattered. While knowing the surrounding war, he searched for the mysterious figure who had rescued Jiang Ziya before. He instinctively felt that the mysterious The character should be Jiang Ziya's current trump card.

If you want to find Kong Xuan, ask him if he has discovered the mysterious man in Jiang Ziya's army. But Kong Xuan also hid it, and Wen Zhong never found Kong Xuan from the moment the war started. At present, he can only rely on himself to control the war.

"The order, please general Zhao Gongming to do his best!"


Who is Zhao Gongming?

Perhaps even the casual monks wouldn't know the name. This person lives in seclusion in Luofu Cave, Emei, and concentrates on cultivation. Although not well-known, he is an absolutely top-notch character among high-level monks, and his strength is far above Wen Zhong! Not only that, Zhao Gongming has a strong background, and his master is Tongtian, Senior Brother Wen Zhong. And his sister-in-law has three, the three fairies of the famous Sanxiandao, Yunxiao, Bixiao and Qiongxiao.

As soon as Wen Zhong's words fell, the flag was uttered, and he saw a member of twenty-four blue-gray Baoguang Divine Beads lingering all over his body, a golden steel whip in his hand, and a cultivator covered in purple ornate Taoist robes riding a huge black tiger soaring into the air. It is Zhao Gongming of Luofu Cave!


With Zhao Gongming's long laughter in the air, he actually suppressed 80% of the vitality in the surrounding battlefields! Regardless of friend or foe, the ability to mobilize mana has been greatly reduced.

It might seem like a double-edged sword, but in this way, the single-handedly superior Jiejun and Jiejiao disciples took advantage. And with this laughter and the suppression of the vitality of heaven and earth, the twenty-four beads lingering around Zhao Gongming also sent out ripples like ripples at the same time, spreading out in all directions, at an astonishingly fast speed, and swept across the entire battlefield in an instant. .

Unstoppable, all the cultivators in the Xiqi Army instantly felt as if a big mountain was pressing down on their shoulders. Not only did the mana in their bodies begin to struggle, but even the control of their bodies began to tremble and uncertain.

"Not good! This is the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearl, which has the power to suppress! The person here is Zhao Gongming from Luofu Mountain!"

Jiang Ziya's cultivation base was not very good. He was so pressed at this time that he almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood. In his horror, he immediately thought of a strong interceptor that he had known about: Zhao Gongming.

I don't know well. After shouting, Jiang Ziya ignited a spell. He needed to play his trump card as soon as possible, otherwise the battle would be completely ruined and irreversible.

The talisman was the signal, linking with Jiang Ziya's brothers. And the one who can be made a senior brother by him is the famous Twelve Golden Immortals!

After the talisman paper burned, within ten breaths, the sky above Xiqi was filled with auspicious clouds, and the golden light was shining. Immediately, twelve figures stepped on the auspicious clouds and fell, and suddenly the twelve golden immortals of Kunlun Mountain arrived!

Not to mention Wen Zhong, who had been stunned by the Qizhi of the Twelve Golden Immortals, and the 10,000 grass-mud horses running wild, and even Jiang Ziya was terrified. His original intention was to invite one or two senior brothers, but he didn't want them all to come? Why is this? Could it be that the senior brothers have already determined that they will not be able to get on the list of gods, so they have no scruples anymore?

Guangchengzi, Chi Jing, Jade Ding, Taiyi, Huanglong, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian, Cihang Daoist, Lingbao Grand Master, Fear Liusun, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Moral Master. These twelve are the facade figures advertised by Chan Jiao, collectively referred to as the Twelve Golden Immortals.

"Jiang Ziya welcomes you brothers!" Jiang Ziya didn't dare to stand on the chariot, so he got down and bowed.

"You don't need to be more polite. We are here to help you." Guang Chengzi, who was headed by him, smiled and supported Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya's heart is naturally determined, but he is also puzzled, so he asks: "Is there any other reason for the brothers to come?"

Without waiting for Guangchengzi to reply, the real Huanglong next to him pointed at Zhao Gongming, who was suspended in mid-air in the distance, and said to Jiang Ziya: "Junior brother, this Zhao Gongming is not a small character. Don't worry, we are here for nothing but to help you take down Zhao Gongming."

After Huang Long said, Jiang Ziya was horrified. He knew that Zhao Gongming was very powerful, but he didn't expect that he was already so powerful that it would take twelve brothers to come together to take him down? !

"Okay, let's talk about it later. It's important to do business first. Everyone, who will go to find out about this Zhao Gongming first?"

"Let's go~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Huang Long said, he jumped up and killed Zhao Gongming in midair.

Zhao Gongming, who had seen the Twelve Golden Immortals early in the morning, didn't panic at all, but just laughed, and when he saw the real Huanglong attacked, he laughed even more: "The mere Huanglong people dare to come and catch a certain family? Look at my divine pearl. !"

clap clap clap...

I saw the twenty-four Dinghai Shenzhen needles, like a raging storm, only two encounters would severely injure the menacing Huanglong Zhenren, and one bead stuck on Huanglong Zhenren's Parkway, instantly suppressing it, falling to the ground like a corpse. generally.

"How brave!"

In a rage, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren, Cihang Daoist, Lingbao Grand Master, and the four also rose into the air, wanting to work together to defeat Zhao Gongming and rescue Huanglong Zhenren.

Zhao Gongming still laughed, waving the steel whip in his hand, pointing at the four Lingbao, and said contemptuously: "Damn the twelve golden immortals, today I will see a certain family suppress you one by one, hang them on the gate of my camp, let the world The cultivator, look at what it means to be a vain person!"

(End of this chapter)

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