Extreme Yama System

Chapter 1010: Rocky Beach (6)

Wu Guang's speed is extremely fast, but his power is restrained. It was not until he was less than five feet in front of him that Zhao Gongming discovered the danger.

"He Fang rat!" During the shouting, Zhao Gongming swung the steel whip in his hand, trying to stop this ruthless method that was black and exuded a very yin aura.

"Huh? Not good!"

The black light was instantly divided into seven parts, extremely small, not only ignoring the pressure of the twenty-four Dinghai Divine Beads around him, but also ignoring the rules of the Heavenly Dao and intervening, and the flowing clouds quickly passed through the five-foot distance. He stabbed at him with a sea of ​​seven atmospheres around him!

The crisis came in an instant, and Zhao Gongming was indeed the figure who defeated the Twelve Golden Immortals head-on, and his reaction and response were impeccable. It was actually a small movement within a fraction of an inch, and it was pulled under the ground. At the same time, the twenty-four Sea-Ding Divine Pearls merged into seven, trying to stop these seven tiny black lights.

However, it seems that everything is too taken for granted. Zhao Gongming soon discovered that his methods were meaningless in the face of these black lights, and had no effect on resistance. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately condensed the mana in his body, and deployed his defenses outside all the Qihai Dantian, ready to resist. Because he knew he couldn't escape.

"Puff puff..." The sound of seven consecutive cold mans entering the body was not large, but it attracted the attention of the surrounding battlefield.

I saw Zhao Gongming rushing out of the ground, floating in the air, motionless, his whole body was confused, and his face was black. Wow, a mouthful of black blood spewed out all the way.

"You, you dare, dare to kill me?! Pfft!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Gongming lost his breath, and even his soul shattered when the voice fell, and he died on the spot!

Whether it was Wen Zhong who was about to fight and kill the Quartet, Jiang Ziya who had his last hope in his heart, or even the tens of thousands of soldiers on the field, they all witnessed the scene of Zhao Gongming's death. My heart is so complicated, I almost rubbed my eyes in disbelief.

Just now, he killed the Quartet, and now he is dead. Is this change too inhumane?

Who can kill Zhao Gongming, who can defeat the twelve golden immortals by himself? ! Xiqi's last killer move?

Did you finally start killing people? There was bloodshed before the three religions, but they were all low-level monks. None of the middle and high-level monks died. They were all seriously injured or captured, waiting to be sent to the list of gods. Of course, you can be on the list even if you die, but your face will be torn apart. Just like Zhao Gongming didn't kill the Twelve Golden Immortals but was seriously injured, a truth.

Now that Zhao Gongming is dead, his background is a direct disciple of Tongtian! Who is so bold?

Jiang Ziya was slightly horrified and then hurriedly shouted: "Please help me to defeat the soldiers of the dynasty!"

Daxian? !

After seeing Jiang Ziya shouting, a figure appeared out of nowhere in the sky, and no one knew how this person came. His appearance is ordinary, and his robes are also rough and simple. The only thing that is special is that he is holding a gold and red gourd in one hand, and a one-foot square gossip on his back.

"Jiang Daoyou don't have to worry, Chaoge acts against the sky, and the crime cannot be punished. I have no calculation in my cultivation, so naturally I have to comply with the will of God. Zhao Gongming acts against the sky, and death is not a pity. Now whoever dares to continue to act against the sky, it will be equally obliterated."

The tone was flat, but domineering. Killing Zhao Gongming in one blow was obviously what this Taoist did. Even while appeasing Jiang Ziya, he warned the army of Chaoge below, which means: If you dare not surrender, I will slap you all to death!

Jiang Ziya didn't have time to think about the impact of Zhao Gongming's death. What he needs to face now is the outcome of this decisive battle.

The former army was crippled at the very beginning, and even Yang Jian of the left army was injured and had to retreat to the back to take medicine. The condition of the rest of the soldiers can be imagined. The right army was slightly better, but in the all-out decisive battle, it was struggling to survive, suffering huge losses, and even Li Jing's son Jin Zha almost had his head cut off.

But all this is over. The battle situation was twists and turns. Before the Twelve Golden Immortals were captured, they thought they were finished. I didn't expect a mysterious man to come, and he actually killed the strongman Zhao Gongming with one move. Who can stop now?

"Organize the army, press it back!" Jiang Ziya's voice fell, and the drums of war roared behind him. There were less than 15,000 people left in the Xiqi army, but the momentum was revived, and the sound of killing was loud. On the other hand, the arrogant and arrogant military officers and soldiers just now were full of panic and didn't know how to deal with them.

However, it seems that this scene did not end because of Zhao Gongming's death and the appearance of a mysterious figure. A new incident occurred again, and it was more exciting than the previous one.

Like the mysterious man who killed Zhao Gongming, a figure appeared out of thin air, but it was on the side of Chaoge's army. In the colorful brilliance of his body, there is a cold face.

"Senior Kong, I..." Hearing the salute, Kong Xuan felt righteous in his heart. He just thought that Kong Xuan would not come out. After all, the strongman who killed Zhao Gongming was really incredible. But before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Kong Xuan who appeared in midair.

"Master Wen doesn't need to say much, just command the battle formation. Just leave this to me." Kong Xuan didn't look at Wen Zhong while he spoke, his eyes fixed on the front. He is not as ignorant as Wen Zhong and other cultivators, he knows who the person who killed Zhao Gongming is in front of him.

"Daoist friend Lu Ya, I didn't expect that this melee would also attract fellow Daoists." Kong Xuan said coldly.

"Fellow Daoist Kong, aren't you here too?" Hearing Kong Xuan's words, the Taoist priest who beheaded Zhao Gongming on the opposite side smiled slightly and replied ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Who is Lu Ya again? Why has such a powerful character never even heard of Wen Zhong and other cultivators who have been practicing for a long time? And why does Kong Xuan know? And they obviously know each other.

Lu Ya, the real ancient monk in this world. No one can tell how long it has existed. Anyway, it is definitely more ancient than Wen Zhong, the twelve golden immortals and so on. It has also become famous once, but it is a very long time ago. Later, Lu Ya began to cultivate without asking about world affairs. Moreover, this person has never accepted an apprentice, so he has no chance to make a name for himself. After a long time, it became less known.

But being little known doesn't mean you're weak. Looking at Zhao Gongming, who had lost the temperature on the ground, he knew that this pressure was not simple.

Kong Xuan is a quasi-sacred monk, and he has been practicing for a long time. He knows Lu Ya and has some understanding. For example, the black light that Lu Ya killed Zhao Gongming in one move just now was actually a magic weapon of Lu Ya, called the Nail Head Seven Arrows Book. In addition to this thing, the gourd in Lu Ya's hand is even more remarkable, called "Flying Sword of Immortal Slaying". Rao is a quasi-sage like Kong Xuan who would not dare to face Lu Ya who was holding these two magic weapons.

"I'm here to help Taishi Wen's attack on Xiqi. Fellow Daoist Lu Ya must also be here for Xiqi Jiang Ziya?"


Kong Xuan shook his head slightly, and with a flick of his hand, a group of five-colored brilliance gathered, and then said solemnly: "Then there is nothing to say. It can only be done once."

Lu Ya nodded and said with a smile: "Hahaha, yes, I can only do it once before talking about it. Then let me experience the five-color divine light of fellow Daoists!"


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